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Air Base

Double DY357-LX:
Take out the NSA agent by the lift that goes to the Air Force One hangar.

Proximity Mines:
Near the starting position, go into the cave where the stuardess comes from. Keep going until you reach the end-the proximity mines are on a snowy ledge.

Air Force One

Double Cyclone:
Punch out the two security guards in the room right ahead of you at the starting point. They each drop a key card, which you can use to open two locked doors in the same room.

Attack Ship

Double Mauler:
Kill the Skedar in the center of the bridge room.

Area 51

Double Falcon 2 Silencers:
From the starting position, go straight up the hallway and then take your first right. Kill the two guards in front of you. Look left and you'll see an explosive object tucked under the big stack of crates. Blow it up to reveal a second Silencer.

In the beginning area with the wide elevator lift (in the room with all the crates), get up to the second floor via the lift. Immediately turn right and kill the lone guard by the locked door. If you're loud enough and the guard screams, another guard from behind the door will open it and say, "Get the hell out of here!" Kill him if you please. Anyway, go up the stairs to your left and make your way to the elevator on the second level. Once the elevator stops, continue going straight until you get to the window overlooking Area 51. In the center of the room, by the windows, turn around and you'll find a Phoenix sitting on a block.

Area 51: Escape

Remote Mines:
If you get Elvis to safety in less than 36 seconds, you will be able to get remote mines. Go to the containment center that Jonathan unlocks for you and run down the ramp. Open the door and right in front of you will be Remote Mines.

Double Falcon 2 Scope:
This gun is located behind you in the lab by the starting position.

Area 51: Infiltration

Double Magsec 4's:
There is a guard holding two Magsec's who comes out of the locked door near the Hoverbike. This guard usually comes out when he hears you fire close to the door.

Carrington Institute Defense

You need to save just one hostage in the Information Center to get the Devastator.

Carrington Villa

There are three crates near the Helipad ('H') area once you reach the bottom of the starting point. Blow up the first crate you come in contact with and you'll find a Devastator. It was rumored that the Devastator was going to be used in the observatory in the beginning of the level. Well, the top of the observatory is apparently blocked off.

Double CMP150:
Defeat the first sniper in less than 38 seconds.

Sniper Rifle (Perfect Agent only):
There is a Sniper Rifle in Daniel Carrington's bathroom by a fallen guard.


The BombSpy is located in a dumpster where the explosive barrels are at (close to where you use your remote mine on a wall). To get it, move the dumpster right next to these barrels. Then simply shoot them to blow up the dumpster. A suitcase containing the BombSpy will come out for you.

Double Falcon 2 Scope:
The Double Scope is located in the Pond Punk Bar.

Crash Site

Proximity Mines:
These are by Elvis at his UFO.

Double DY357-LX:
Disarm Trent Easton while he runs away in the tunnel by the President.

DataDyne: Defection

Double Falcon 2 Silencers:
To double-up your Falcon 2's, kill the shocktrooper in the room next to where the executive is on the phone. Make sure to shoot at him as fast as you can, since he is a tad tougher than the regular guards.

Laptop gun (Perfect Agent only):
Instead of holding a gun to the executive's head, let him run away while he says: "Help! Help!" He will run to a previously locked door on the same floor as his meeting room. A Laptop gun awaits you in this room.

DataDyne: Extraction:

DY357 Magnum:
Kill the first five guards without being seen.

To get this gun requires a few steps. First, you must quickly run to the foyer elevator (avoid fighting the guards). When the elevator opens at the first stop, immediately run right and around the corner. There will be a walking guard right around this corner. Kill him and take his office key card. This will allow you access to Cassandra's office, where a grenade is. Go to Cassandra's office. Chuck the grenade against the corner and you will create a massive hole in the wall. There's a Dragon inside!

DataDyne: Investigation

Double CMP150:
Make your way to the weapons cache without being seen to get two CMP150's.

Proximity Mine:
If you're willing to get hurt a bit; you'll find a hidden proximity mine behind the radioactive isotopes. Simply run around and behind the isotopes to find the proxy.

Deep Sea

Proximity Mines:
Kill the guard who is on the left of the massive cavern near the starting position.

G5 Building

Disarm a cloaked guard in the very first room to get the crossbow.

N-Bomb (Special and Perfect Agent only):
If you blew up the top fire escape in the Chicago level, an N-Bomb will appear near the exit upstairs in the G5 Building.

Maian SOS

Double DY357-LX:
Enter the containment center on the left side. There will be a guard carrying two Magnum-LX's who won't take no for an answer. Pump him full of Dragon ammunition and take his guns.

Mr. Blonde's Revenge

Double CMP150:
Defeat the female bodyguard's near the laboratory elevator to double up your CMP150.

Pelagic II

Double Falcon 2 Silencer:
To get two Silencers, you must not set any alarms. Now then, kill the guard that is four doors from the start.

Skedar Ruins

To get the Phoenix, simply destroy all the hidden pillars instead of only three. A Phoenix will appear on a ledge near the canyon with two Skedars below.


Creating Perfection


Crystal Cube
Perfect Dark 2
Perfect Dark Saga
Q's Laboratory
Become One


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