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The Matrix

Scenario: Combat
Options: Slow motion: smart
Arena: Grid
Weapons: AR34, K7 Avenger, Laptop, Rocket Launcher, RC-P120, Farsight XR-20
Limits: ur choice
Simulants: 1DarkSim
Teams: No

Description: Put your dark sim as avenge simulant then play.

-Submitted by Leb

King of the Mountain

Scenario: combat, or hold the brefcase.
Options: you pick
Arena: complex
Weapons: put a devastater in the 5th weapon slot, and nothing for the others
Limits: you pick
Simulants: optional
Teams: No

Description: The devastater will only be in the uper level of the complex. The only way to get to it is by climbing up the grate in the large room.Since its near impossible to dethrone anyone up there, you might want to put in some other weapons.

Mian Revenge!!

Scenario: combat
Options: you pick
Arena: any (preferably base)
Weapons: 2xphenox,2xcallisto,farsight-XR20,tranquilizers.
Limits: you pick
Simulants: 8
Teams: Yes

Description: This is a good one to play with youre buddys. Have any friends you got on your team and be any one of the Mian charicters. Be aginst a team of 8 sims(any difficulty) who are all the Biotechnician character. Here your chance to get back at those mean biotechnicians that chopped up your buddies in area 51.


Scenario: Combat
Options: whatever you like
Arena: facility
Weapons: tranquilizer,crossbow,combat knives,N-bombs (in any order)
Limits: you pick
Simulants: you pick
Teams: No

Description: You're going to be so out of it in this game, you wont be able to do much,But it's lots of fun sending your buddies of to La-La land!


Scenario: combat
Options: one hit kills
Arena: ravine
Weapons: only sniper rifles
Limits: 20 min
Simulants: optional
Teams: No

Description: Since the ravine is an exelant snipering level, and I'm a hopless sniper, this should be lots of fun for other snipers. This setting is most fun when played with humans, because alot of strategy comes into play.

-Submitted by Andrew DeGroot


Scenario: Combat
Options: fast movement
Arena: Villa
Weapons: 1 phoneix, 2 laptop guns, 1 k7 avenger and 3 dragons
Limits: No limits
Simulants: 8 PerfectSims
Teams: No

Description: There are no teams and you are faced against PerfectSims. This setting is actually rather easy, i was leading by 10 kills through the whole time that i played it before i quit.

-Submitted by John mcCue


Scenario: Combat/Hacker Central
Options: Any you want (fast movement recommended)
Arena: Grid, G5, Ravine, Ruins
Weapons: AR34, Mauler, Phoenix, Callisto, Shield, Weapon of your choice
Limits: 20-30 Minutes, 100 team Kills
Simulants: 2 your team, setting your choice, 4 Maian, Skill setting 1 above yours
Teams: Yes

Description: Sims on your team should have the same body as your character. The Maians should have 1 (or 2) more team members than your team (i.e. 5 your team, 6 Maian team).

-Submitted by Mike Schueppert


Scenario: Combat
Options: any
Arena: Villa
Weapons: All Combat Knives
Limits: No limits
Simulants: MeatSim,EasySim,Dark TurtleSim, Perfect RocketSim, FeudSim, Dark SpeedSim, KazeSim, and a DarkSim
Teams: No

Description: This setup is really fun and I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

-Submitted by John McCue


Scenario: Combat
Options: none
Arena: Warehouse
Weapons: K7,AR34,Cyclone,Sniper,Sheild, Falcon
Limits: none
Simulants: 8
Teams: Yes

Description: Make 8 sims:#1&2 are on your team make them Johnathan and Velvet.#'s3,4,5,6,7,and 8 are all Mr.Blonds on a team. the difficulty of the sims doesn't matter. Have Fun!!!

-Submitted by Private

C.I Revenge

Scenario: Combat
Options: normal
Arena: Facilty
Weapons: 1.Falcon Silenced 2.Falcon 3.laptop 4.Ar. 5.CMP 6.proxy
Limits: all up for maximum gameplay
Simulants: 2xdark 2xperfect 2xhard
Teams: Yes

Description: Red Team-Mr.Bond,this is M. In An Effort To Strike Back For Yesterdays Attacks On Them.You(Dark,Black suite,trent head),Mr.Trvelian(Hard,Black Suite,Grayish/black Haire),And Dr.Doak(Normal,White lab coate,face with scar) Are To Protect The Base At All Cost. They Have Just Breached The Faculty. Good Luck. Bond, Come back alive. Blue Team-Agent Dark,The Time Is Now! We Will Have Vengance! You(Dark,Joanna Combat,Joanna Head)Agent Velvet(Perfect,jonna combat,Velvet Head) And Jonathen( Normal,G5 Swat,Jonathen Head) Are To Take Over The Faculty.Good Luck,Carrington Out.

-Submitted by Red Agent


Scenario: Combat
Options: Fast Movement, One Hit Kills
Arena: Temple
Weapons: All Nothing
Limits: None
Simulants: 8 MeatSims
Teams: Yes

Description: You vs the 8 meat sims. Then find a spot and then kick there buts the Jackie Chan way.

-Submitted by James Faulkner

eXtreme 5

Scenario: Combat
Options: Fast Movement
Arena: Felicity
Weapons: FarSight XR-20
Limits: 400 (Kills?)
Simulants: DarkSim
Teams: Yes

-Submitted by Bryan Mijangos

Night Wars

Scenario: Combat
Options: Display Team
Arena: Complex
Weapons: AR34, FarSight XR-20, X-Ray Scanner, Laser, Shotgun, Laptop Gun
Limits: Score: Unlimited
Simulants: 3 EasySims
Teams: Yes

Description: 2-4 human players (Red) vs. sims (Blue). It's best to get into the room that overlooks the main room and occupy that base. Once you die and lose your night vision goggles, it will be up to your teammates to help find you and escort you back to the base. It is also a good idea to have a 'light man' who simply lights up the room with the secondary function of the laser, so that everyone else can see.

NOTE: Use the cheat 'Perfect Darkness'

Sniper Team

Scenario: Hold the Briefcase
Options: One Hit kills, Fast Movement, Highlight Briefcase, Show on Radar
Arena: Area 52
Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Shield, Combat Knife, Sniper Rifle, Grenade, Nothing
Limits: Team Score: 50
Simulants: 7 EasySims with 'dataDyne Sniper' bodies and any head, 1 HardSim with 'dataDyne Sniper' body and head
Teams: Yes

Description: You and other human players (Red) vs. all other sims (Pink). Get a sniper rifle and snipe from the towers to fend off the arena. Watch out for the leader of the snipers, the HardSim


Scenario: Combat
Options: Fast Movement, Slow motion (Smart)
Arena: Felicity
Weapons: Falcon2, MagSec4, Falcon2 (scope), DY357 Magnum, Nothing, Falcon2 (scope)
Limits: Score: 20
Simulants: None
Teams: No

Description: Named after the man himself, take part in some classic John Woo shooting.

-Submitted by Lewis

Mr. Cocoa!

Scenario: King Of The Hill
Options: Normal
Arena: Grid
Weapons: Knives, Shotgun, Knives, Shotgun, Knives, Shotgun
Limits: Any
SimulantsTwo normal sims on your team, three on the other team
Teams: Your Team: dressed in all Mr. Blonde costumes (colors if you choose) Other Team: dressed in biotechniacian suits (Mr. Blonde heads)

Description: Mr. Cocoa? That's just a name! This settings's tight! Please try it!

-Submitted by Aaron

Run Away!!

Scenario: Combat
Options: Fast Movement, Radar
Arena: Grid
Weapons: All Explosives
Limits: Doesn't Matter
SimulantsWhatever (more than meat or easy though)
Teams: None

Description: If you don't got a rocket lancher, you better run and find your hiny one kid! These bonbs are bouncin' off walls, breaking glass, and practically killin' ye.

-Submitted by Baron The Enchanted Ghost

I can't see! Your such a blur!

Scenario: Combat
Options: No Radar, Fast Movement
Arena: Any
Weapons: Hey! No cheating! Use your hands (nothing)!
Limits: 12 points
SimulantsI don't care, pic your own
Teams: Just make em' scary!

Description: Punch their lights out! These lads can't attack well if all they see is a blurr!

-Submitted by Su Yu


Scenario: Combat
Options: One Hit Kills
Arena: Warehouse
Weapons: 2 Falcon2(+), 2 Sniper Rifle, 2 Cloaking Device (in that order)
Limits: 10 Kills
Simulants: 4 venge sims, hard difficulty
Teams: No

Description:This is one of my favorite settings. It works best if the venge sims are on hard difficulty, but it is fine if they are not.

-Submitted by Yoda

Pop my Cap

Scenario: Pop a Cap
Options: One hit kills and fast movement
Arena: Felicity
Weapons: Combat Knife, phoenix, proxymity mine, magnum DY357-LX, shotgun and macsec 4
Limits: No limit for all
Simulants: 8 peace sims- difficulty:dark
Teams: Yes

Description: All the sims against you in one team. They won't attack you until you find a gun, if you can. In this game you need to be a quick shooter because they will disarm you at light speed. For more fun, make the simultants with the Maian Soldier's body. Put them big heads and make them small. It'll be more difficult to hit them because you are taller.

-Submitted by Martin


Scenario: King of the Hill
Options: Fast Movement(optional)
Arena: G5 Building
Weapons: The heavy automatics(AR34, K7 etc)
Limits: Optional
Simulants: 8
Teams: Yes

Description: Put 2 simluants on one team, 2 more on another team, 2 on another tema, 2 on another team. Make them atleast Normalsims. Now the point of this setting is to grab a gun and run inte the hill area, it's best to be two humans on the same team. Sims will be everywhere, It's difficult even with Normalsims!!! It's unreal because ist sims everwhere!!!!

-Submitted by Dr. Drum


Scenario: Combat
Options: One Hit Kills, Slow Motion
Arena: Grid
Weapons: Falcon 2, Magsec 4, Shotgun, AR34, CMP150, Combat Knives
Limits: 50 points, unlimited time
Simulants: Six HardSims
Teams: No

Description: I'm sure everyone has played something like this, but this has been widely liked by my friends. Free for all, one hit kills. With the slow motion, u can hit people in the air and stuff. And of course, in the Matrix level Grid. "You mean, i can dodge bullets?" Well, not exactly, but almost. Have Fun!

-Submitted by Nick Schlagheck

Boom Baby!

Scenario: Combat
Options: Normal
Arena: Any(Sewer if you want chaos)
Weapons: 1:Timed Mine 2:Proxy Mine 3:Remote Mine 4:Grenade 5:N-Bomb 6:K7 Avenger 7:Nothing
Limits: Any
Simulants: Any(best with rocketsims), any difficulty(the higher, the more chaotic)
Teams: No

Description: Its complete chaos, baby! Everybody against everybody. No teams. You ain't gonna survive.

-Submitted by Jimmy

Zombie Survival

Scenario: Combat
Options: You pick
Arena: You pick
Weapons: You pick
Limits: 30-30
Simulants: 8
Teams: Yes

Description: Set up a team of dark sims or perfect sims all against you but also make this sims only fight with your hands you can find that setting in the difficulty section. After that...well your fnished its kinds freaky playing because they are so fast chasing you and you try to kill them.Well anyways have fun!

-Submitted by Joe

Slaughter House

Scenario: Combat
Options: One-hit kills, whatever else you want
Arena: Area 52 works best, but you can pretty much do it in any arena that has an easily guardible room
Weapons: Doesn't matter, but rapid fire work best
Limits: I prefer none, but you can have any that you want
Simulants: Meat PeaceSims, as many as you want
Teams: Yes

Description: If you have a lot of sims, you might want to make sure they have different colored teams, that way you know who you shoot. You can do this w/ a buddy, or alone. If your alone, don't have teams (or if you want to, that's OK too). Find a room that you and you buddies should meet in. Once they get there, take out a weapon and guard the room. When looking for guns, don't have a gun out unless you like blurry vision. Since one-hit kills are on, if you punch a sim once they will die, but when they disarm you, you don't die. Cool huh?

-Submitted by

Alien vs Predator

Scenario: Combat
Options: Fast Movement
Arena: Felicity
Weapons: 2x SuperDragon 2x Crossbow 2x Cloaking Device
Limits: Any
Simulants: 1 Perfect FistSim
Teams: No

Description: Marine: Guy in pilot suit. He is only allowed to use the SuperDragon. Predator: Mr Blonde or dataDyne sniper. Only allowed Crossbow or Cloaking Device. Alien: Perfect Fistsim (yikes!) NSA bodyguard.

NOTE: The sim can be removed if he proves a bit hard to handle. If the predator is finding things too easy then turn on one hit kills. If the marine is finding it too easy substitute the SuperDragon with a Dragon or an AR34. Stealth vs superior firepower. Enjoy.

-Submitted by Rory Cresswell

Star Wars!

Scenario: Combat
Options: "optional"
Arena: Ravine
Weapons: Lasers for all six slots
Limits: Unlimited on everything
Simulants: As many as you want
Teams: Yes

Description: Well basically this scenario only looks cool if you stand in one of the big areas in order to be able to see the lasers fly all over! If you have, for example, one NormalSim one your team and 7 MeatSims on the other team this scenario looks awesome - you can maybe even try to make the enemies Stormtroopers and yourself a rebel? It's also a good way to get many kills if you have many enemyies and barricade yourself in an area with crates.

Cheaters Always Win

Scenario: Combat
Options: Fast Movement
Arena: Temple
Weapons: Doesn't Matter
Limits: Unlimited on everything
Simulants: 7 DarkSims, 1 MeatSim
Teams: Yes

Description: Well basically this is a version of the "Distance Accumulation" to become Perfect: 1, but now you will get one more game won! It's very unlikely that the MeatSim will beat your team of 7 DarkSims, so simply set some DarkSims to either attack the poor enemy or put them to guard all the entrances to your central point. Simple...

-Submitted by Dr. Dumb

Shmikity Shmack

Scenario: Hacker Central
Options: None
Arena: Felicity
Weapons: Laptop, Dragon, Callisto NTG
Limits: Any
Simulants: All
Teams: Yes

Description: This scenario is involves the use of two female Fistsims as primary downloaders and bodyguards. The fun of the scenario is in attempting to download and defend yourself while listening to your female sims pummel and continually disarm the enemy. My friend and I often find ourselves laughing hysterically. amajor benefit is that you run no risk of friendly fire from your sims as they are not armed. The Callisto of course can be used for shooting through the doors when the enemy is gathered on the other side and your Laptop sentry has run dry. I guarantee you'll love the girls fighting your battles.

-Submitted by M. Thompson


Scenario: Combat
Options: None
Arena: Grid
Weapons: Remote Mines Only
Limits: No Limit
Simulants: 8 DarkSims
Teams: Yes

Description: Everyone will die at least once!

-Submitted by


Scenario: Combat
Options:Doesn't matter
Arena: Ruins
Weapons: Phoenix, Mauler, Reaper, Slayer, CallistoNTG, None
Limits: 2 Mins.
Simulants: 5 NormalSims
Teams: Yes

Description: You need three players to play this setting. One player is in a maian soldier body along with his 3 companions. The other two players are in a Mr. Blonde bodies and their 2 companions.The two Mr. Blonde players are Skedar kings that have 1000 handicap. The player that is a maian has 100. The two players can only use slayers, while the other player only uses the phoenix and callisto. The main point of the game is to kill the skedar leaders before the maian fleet bombs the ruins(when the time runs out).On the start of the game The player that is the maian soldier commands the other maians to follow him. Have fun.

-Submitted by 'L.A'

What Is What?

Scenario: The Classic Combat
Options: Fast Movement (optional)
Arena: doesn't really matter!
Weapons: All Dragons
Limits: 30 Mins.
Simulants: 8 DarkSims
Teams: Yes

Description: It's you against the darksims! Have fun checking your guide every 2 seconds for the gun locations! Note:Throw your gun EXACTLY on the gun. They actually won't know what hit them!...until they're dead.

-Submitted by Jonathan Wong

Hide and Go Seek

Scenario: Combat
Options: Any
Arena: Complex or Temple
Weapons: Any
Limits: Any
Simulants: None
Teams: Yes

Description: Make two teams. Have 2-3 people on the Red team and 1 player on the blue team. The Red team closes thier eyes or leaves the room while the person on the Blue team finds a hiding spot. The Blue person should crouch down and look at the floor while holding L+R, down to hide his/her screen. The Blue player calls in the Red team while still hiding his/her screen. Now the Red team must search for the Blue team. When the Blue member dies, one of the Red members takes thier places and the Blue member takes the Red persons place. Repeat the process after each kill.

-Submitted by Dark_1216

Keep House

Scenario: Combat
Arena: Area 52
Weapons: Laptop Gun, Dragon, Laptop Gun, Shield, SuperDragon, Shield
Limits: Team Score: 30
Simulants: 8 Sims
Teams: Yes

Description: I have been playing this scenario since I've had the game. The most unique aspect is the ability to use ALL of the sims and quickly advance their skill levelas you develop better combat strategies. I play with no more than two sims on my team. this is recomended if you want the best balance of the challange even if you play with a partner. As of now I fight half sims on Perfect and half on Dark but you can start them depending on your own skill level. The main idea is to make base in the area with the squared trench and keep all interloping sims out and especially keep them from crossing the bridge to get to the superdragon which they want badly. weapons: 1.Laptop 2.Dragon 3.Laptop 4.Shield 5.SuperDragon 6.Shield This weapon setting gives you the one SuperDragon at home. For added challenge make at least one enemy sim a peace on Dark.

-Submitted by Austin

Shotguns a Plenty

Scenario: Combat
Options: One Hit Kills, Fast Movement, No Kills Score
Arena: Grid, Felicity, or Complex
Weapons: All Shotguns
Limits: Team Score: 30
Simulants: 6 Kaze EasySims
Teams: Yes

Description: For this setting to be at its full potential, have two human opponents on separate teams. Before you start the match, make sure to set up three teams. One team is Red, one is yellow, and one is cyan. Put 2 Kaze EasySims on the Red team, 2 Kaze EasySims on the Yellow team with 1 human, and the Cyan team with 2 Kaze EasySims with the other human. Make sure to put on 'Highlight Teams' and make each team have its own unique body so it's easy to recognize them from the other teams.

Since there's only Shotguns in the match with One Hit Kills, the team that grabs the Shotguns and sticks together will win this game. You might think the EasySims are weak, but oh no, they are quite menacing when they're grouped together. Just stay with your team in a high-traffic area and get each other's back.

-Submitted by TinyNarfy

Remember GoldenEye

Scenario: Combat
Options: None
Arena: Any
Weapons: Proximity Mines, Shotgun, AR34, Laptop Gun, SuperDragon, Rocket Launcher
Limits: Time: 20 Minutes
Simulants: None
Teams: No Description: Play with other human players, sims are optional. TRY to use primary funtions only. Teams are optional also.

-Submitted by Andrew Rames

The Mole

Scenario: Combat
Options: No Radar
Arena: Temple, Complex or Area 52
Weapons: Any
Limits: Time:No limits. Team score:10
Simulants: None
Teams: Yes

Description: You need 4 people to play this one. On a piece of paper write Mole, Norma,l Normal and Solo. Put them in a hat or something. Each player picks out a piece of paper If you pick up one of the normals or the mole (don't tell anyone if your the mole) then you are on the normal team. If you pick out Solo then you a against the other 3. The first team to reach the limit wins. But the mole has to kill his team mates (try and do it when no ones watching or "accidently"). The mole wins by getting 5 kills of his/her teammates.

Protect the President

Scenario: Combat
Options: No Radar (optional)
Arena: Skedar, Area 52, Car Park, Felicity or Base
Weapons: CMP150, Cyclone, Sniper Rifle,Laptop Gun, Shield, Cloaking device( in that order)
Limits: Time: 20 or 60 mins Score: No Limit Team Score: No limit
Simulants: Optional
Teams: Yes

Description: Choose characters as the president, Two bodygaurds and one Assasin (Mr. Blonde would probably be best ). The two body gaurds have to protect the president until the time runs out. The President is only allowed to use his fists and The shield and cloaking device. The 2 Bodygaurds can use anything but the Sniper rifle and Cloaking device. The Assasin can use anything but the Cyclone and Laptop gun. The Assasin wins by killing the president once. Put player handicaps as: Assasin:20 Bodygaurds 100 and the President 1000. If the Assasin is finding it to hard give him/her 2 sims of their choice( don't choose ones to good though ).

Skedar vs. Maian

Scenario: Pop A Cap
Options: Kills Score: No
Arena: Area 52, Car park or Felicity
Weapons: Mauler, Callisto, K7 Avenger, AR34, DY357-LX, Farsight
Limits: Time: 60 mins Score: No limits Team score: No limits
Simulants: 2 Elvis bodies with any head. Four Mr. Blondes With any head. Have one Elvis Hard and the other a hard coward. The Mr. Blondes should be: A hard Shield, A hard kaze, A perfect speed and a dark turtle.
Teams: Yes

Description: It's you and the two Elvis dudes Vs the Mr. Blondes. If you have some other people to play they go on your team and you give the Blonde team another hard sim (probably a Judge or prey). If your playing with 3 or 4 players you should put on fast movement. The more people you have the better. Try and give the Blonde teams best player an Elvis Head. If its to hard or easy put the sims difficulty up or down.

Death In The Dark

Scenario: Combat
Options: No Radar (optional)
Arena: Felicity
Weapons: X-Ray scanner, Farsight, Callisto NTG, Laptop Gun, CMP150, Laser (in that order)
Limits: Ti20 mins score: No limits Team score: No limits
Simulants: Easy Shield, Easy Judge, Normal Speed, Hard Turtle
Teams: Yes

Description: Put on Perfect Darkness in the cheat options. You can play this just with sims or with friends (the more players the better). If its two easy put the difficulty up on the sims ( don't add more ). You get Night vision the first time, but once you die once you'll have to use the laser to see. The X-Ray scanner with a Callisto can be good if you don't have a Farsight( put the Callisto on high-impact to shoot through doors.

-Submitted by D.J. Cat


Scenario: Combat
Options: One Hit kills, Fast Movement, No Radar
Arena: Area 52
Weapons: Phoenix, SuperDragon, Devastator, Rocket Launcher, Grenades, Proximity Mines
Limits: Score: 100
Simulants: 8 Dark Rocket Sims
Teams: Yes
Description: You and 1 sim vs. all other sims

Combat X

Scenario: Combat
Options: One Hit kills, Fast Movement
Arena: Area 52
Weapons: Combat Knives, MagSec 4, CMP150, Dragon, Grenades, Laptop Gun
Limits: Score: 100
Simulants: 2 NormalSims and 6 EasySims
Teams: Yes

NormSim1 head 31 body 34
Norm Sim2 head 17 body 37
Easy Sim1 head 8 body 27
Easy Sim2 head 14 body 23
Easy Sim3 head 20 body 24
Easy Sim4 head 51 body 22
Easy Sim5 head 16 body 32
Easy Sim6 head 45 body 41

-Submitted by James Wise

Alien Alert

Scenario: Capture the Case or Combat
Options: Kills Score: Off   Radar: Off   AutoAim: Off(if you are good)
Arena: Any, Ruins or Felicity preferred
Weapons: Phoenix, Callisto NTG, RC-P120, Farsight XR-20, Cloaking, Shield
Limits: Score: 15 points | Team Score: 39 points
Simulants: All the Simulants are given a Maian body with a recognizable head. Pick the Sims randomly but give them features so you can notice them when playing, for example give SpeedSim the Maian Body with Trainers and Give DarkSim the Maian body with a Black Helmet! Choose 8 Maian Simulants, One of them has to be a DarkSim... He'll keep you on your feet and act as the Maian leader
Teams: Yes

Description: It's now up to you and three buddies to beat the Maian pests. They have the advantage of their own weapons but they don't use the Farsight XR-20 to its best advantage allowing you to use it to full potential, but then again the oncoming hoard of 8 small Maian Simulants can still overwhelm you and the Cloaking and the RC-P120 will give the little pests defence against your Farsight.

You can use the Cloaking also to your advantage and sneak into their base for an easy case snatch.

If there are doors in the level such as the Faciliy then a tactic with the Farsight is to aim just outside the door using the Manual Function. The Sims wont be able able to get in if you stand in the right position at the other side of the door, they aren't smart enough to shoot through them! The Callisto NTG can also fire through the doors when switched to High Impact Shells (the Seconadary Function)

The Shield will help you survive against the Farsight XR-20 by giving you an extra life but is more of an advantage to them since they always seem to go find one!.

If the little aliens over hoard you then you are guaranteed to lose. A tactic to remember to reduce the amount of good weapons they have is to shoot a weapon from it's original respawn area, Any AI less than NormalSim won't be able to find it. Successfully doing this to all sixteen weapons around the arena can be extremely difficult and don't forget about DarkSim lurking about as this trick wont work on him!

The basic strategy to win the game is to get a player in a secret far away location with full Farsight ammo and close to a Cloak respawn area. This player can help pick out random Maian soldiers (Sneaky) making it easier for the other three players. If there are doors in the level the second player sets his Farsight XR-20 aim just outside the door that leads to your base with the third player guarding him. If there are no doors in the level then it is up to Player 2 and 3 to defend the base with either two Phoenix's or a Callisto NTG (Very hard, you must be good). The fourth player equips himself with loads of Cloaking before going out to collect the Maian case.

When choosing your random character Simulants for this game, the way I did it was to close my eyes and hold the Analogue stick down for ten seconds on the "Choose Sims" screen and whatever Simulant it landed on then I picked it except if I doubled a Sim I already had.

NOTE: If you have the small characters cheat, try it with the Alien Alert settings set on fast mode! You die so many times it is just ridiculous!

-Submitted by Mark Maunder


Creating Perfection


Crystal Cube
Perfect Dark 2
Perfect Dark Saga
Q's Laboratory
Become One


Free SubDomains