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Simulant Types
Personality Simulants
Predicting Simulant Behavior

Simulant Explanation:
Simulants are computer-controlled opponents that human players can fight against or with in the Combat Simulator.

Simulant Types:

The MeatSims have the lowest intelligence of all the simulants. Their accuracy is almost never on target, giving you the ultimate advantage. If you are a beginner, I recommend practicing against eight of these guys. You must note, however, that the MeatSims are harmful when they use explosive weapons. If you’re playing against a team of 8 MeatSims and they all have explosives, you better believe you’re on their deathlist.

The accuracy and intelligence of an EasySim is above a MeatSim, yet they still don’t hit their mark often. When they come in pairs or triplets, they are ruthless. Don’t let them grab a DY357-LX! Even though EasySims seem ‘easy,’ they are deadly with this gun.

NormalSims are at about the skill level of a ‘decent’ human opponent. This means that they are agile opponents and hit their target just the way a human player does. They are very precise with just about every weapon, especially explosives.

HardSims are equal in skill level to an advanced human player. They attack with more aggression, and their response to your commands is done with swift.

PerfectSims are extremely intelligent with every gun and item. They’ll pick you off before you can even blink. They always go for the most powerful/deadliest weapon. Even if the most powerful weapon is the hardest to find, they will still go retrieve it.

Without a doubt the hardest simulant in the game. In fact, the DarkSim is not even human--it’s a robotic replica of a futuristic machine that ‘cheats.’ The DarkSim runs faster, shoots faster, and climbs faster than either a Perfectsim or a human opponent can. Their target accuracy is around the 99 percentile. Unless you quickly dodge their shots by maneuvering around a corner, every one of their shots will hit you. Like the PerfectSim, the DarkSim will always run to the best gun in the arena.

Pesonality Simulants:

The CowardSim is a pathetic and frightened simulant. It is afraid of combat, but if it has to, it will shoot someone when they don’t have a weapon.

The PeaceSim will parade around the level and try to pick up all of the guns, since it loathes weapon combat.

This simulant will go after anyone, even if it doesn’t have a weapon. If they’re unarmed, they’ll come after you. If they have the weakest gun and they know you have a K7 Avenger, they’ll still come after you. It’s this kind of attitude that makes the KazeSim a worthy team member.

The PreySim picks off the weakest players in the match. It will also hunt down a player who has just spawned.

Like a cowering turtle, the TurtleSim will hide in the corners of the arena. It is also equipped with a shield.

With its strong sense of justice, the JudgeSim goes after the player who is in first place. It allows other players to get a chance for the lead (but it will then kill them!).

The FistSim doesn’t take kindly to guns, so it prefers to use its fists to kill you. It will punch and try to disarm opponents even if they are carrying a weapon.

Once the FuedSim picks a target, that played had better watch out because it will continually hunt it down the entire match!

The only type of weapon this sim picks up are rockets, obviously. RocketSims are a nice addition to your team, seeing as how they will automatically go pick up Rocket Launchers.

This simulant runs almost twice as fast as the other opponents can (even with fast movement enabled).

The ShieldSim is automatically shielded at the beginning of its life. This gives him an unfair advantage.

You’d better watch out if you killed this guy because he will attack you!

Predicting Simulant Behavior

Have you ever been in a match where you didn’t know what the other simulants were up to? You needn’t worry anymore, because this page will allow you to pinpoint exactly what your foes are doing in the game, and what you can do to overtake them.

1. Rare programmed the simulants to run to the most powerful weapon right after they spawn. For example, if you put a Dragon, Laptop gun, Falcon 2, Magsec 4, Remote Mines, and a K7 Avenger in the game, they will definitely choose the K7 as their weapon. The only way to stop this is to guard the spot where the most powerful weapon spawns. Or, you could place a Dragon or Laptop turret at this spot, preventing them any access to that particular area where the gun is.

2. The simulants get stuck in certain sections of the Villa and Complex arenas. In the Villa, the sims will get caught up in the post next to the dark hallway on the lower level. Likewise, in the Complex, the simulants will get stuck in the corner below where you can climb up to the new portion of the level. Use this to your advantage.

3. The simulants are very easy to knock off when they are close to wide-open black voids in some levels. The biggest void is in the Ravine level. There is a massive gap with which you can shoot the simulants into. Just be careful not to get shot off yourself!

4. If you selected a shield as a weapon, the simulants will also scramble to get one of these. There are two ways to stop this. The first way is to set up an ambush point where the shield spawns. Be sure to throw a Laptop turret or throw a Dragon nearby. Remember to throw many turrets in order to guarantee a fresh supply of ammo in the gun. The other way is to simply deselect the weapon from the list!

5. Whenever you play against the Perfect or Dark simulants, this tip will definitely help you. Instead of making a mad dash to hunt them, stay back and wait for them to attack. When they are close by (and you’re inside a room with a door), stand by the door, and when they open it, fire away at their head. This will almost always guarantee you a kill.

6. For some weird reason, the simulants think they can shoot through bullet-proof glass. In the Felicity, watch them as they try to blast you from the other side of the bullet-proof glass. They think they are actually hitting you, but you can just sit their as you tell your friendly simulant to ‘attack’ it. Or, if you’re cunning, you’ll run into the next room and empty your ammo into them for a very easy kill.

7. Only the higher-level simulants know how to throw proximity mines and set Laptop turrets. So, for example, if you see a proximity mine on the ground and you’re playing against meat sims, you can rest assured that it wasn’t thrown. Go ahead and pick it up. You’re definitely safe from any explosive harm.

8. Luring sims around corners can be a very useful tactic, especially against Perfect and Dark simulants. Whenever you’re being chased, run around a corner and turn around. Then very quickly aim at the position where you think their head will be. Once they round the corner, simply blast your weapon!

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