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These tips were written in the summer of 2001, so they aren't real helpful, for I was a young lad then...

Always remember to strafe when running away from an enemy.

Duck down low and shoot at the enemies feet if you can't afford to get hit.

If you are about to go in to a room, look through the window to see where the enemy is standing first, so you can get a good hit off of him.

Use powerful guns for harder enemies.

Don't shoot for fun when you are trying to sneak up to someone, because they'll hear and run after you.

Find cheese in every level so you can brag to your friends.

You can't run over people on the hover bike, so have a gun handy.

Velvet is cool too, so try playing with her.

Watch out for cameras, they're everywhere.

Outside of the air base: make sure you don't shoot by the guy who's standing in front of the alarm or he will hear and blast the alarm off for you.

Throw bombs in rooms with a lot of people when no one's looking. Everyone will blow up and you're home free!

Make sure you don't kill Cassandra in the first level.

In the plane: don't go into the presidents room and come out the other end with a gun on. The guard will see you.

Make sure you get the girls clothes before you go into the air base.

In Multiplayer: Make sure your real life player isn't looking on the screen, throw a labtop near-by and run. You'll hear the player getting hit and you're not even hitting him!

Shoot (throw) explosives at doors before someone arrives by your side so you get a free kill.

Walk on the walls in the Pipes to fool your enemy. (For more info, go to Glitches)

Don't worry if you go into the girls bathroom in Chicago, no one's in there. (Same for you girls, the boy's bathroom is empty.)

Guards aren't as dumb as you think, they throw bombs.

Make sure you don't play three or four player in the warehouse, it freezes. (Same with playing eight simulates.)

Follow the little robot thing in the second level. It is very helpful.

Now I know some of you like to be the bad guys and shoot the hostages but try not to. You'll never beat the game that way.

If you surrounded by eight (or a high amount) of simulates, don't put on a shotgun (or something else that reloads slow) and start blasting, put a K7 Avenger or a CMP150 on.

Guns that don't hurt the enemy as bad, still have their purposes.

Put on all 5 quiet guns, plus something loud (turn the music off) and have a scary match. (You can also put a scary song on or something.)

Don't just stick with one character when playing Combat Simulater, change him once in a while.

When on a team, look exactly the same and go towards an enemy. He/she won't know who's who and get confused.

Don't use tall dudes when battling it out. They are too easy to get hit and give the enemy almost free kills and free medals.

Magenta is a scary color, so use it a lot.

Teamwork! Yes! Guard you friend (real life player) if he doesn't have a gun. Don't steal a gun in a room when you have a million and he doesn't have any. It's just not nice!

Try to put team colors on often, so you don't shoot an enemy on accident.

Don't yell or scream when you die, your neighbors might call the police.

Fool an enemy by blending in with a wall so he doesn't know where you are. Of course, only do that to kids who can't understand the radar.

Hide behind pillars (everyone do that) and come out to shoot. You may get shot or shoot someone.

If you are playing two players in the Warehouse, go into the room with those millions of climb-able box things. Have one person run on the ground and shoot the other who's running on the boxes.

Use cheats to find new stuff in levels...after you've beaten a majority of the game.

If you first used Perfect Darkness (the cheat) and didn't know what it was, you find yourself in the dark all alone...with no one to help you...except the power button on the 64.

Use small characters if you want to get more kills.

Don't use a big head (like the alien ones) when everyone has tiny head. That will give them easier head shots.

Character don't have special qualites, it depends on how well you control them.

It's mean to go after a person (real life player) that is younger and not as experienced, but if it gives you kills, go ahead!

Try to make up a plan with your team members so the enemy or enemies don't have a chance at winning.

Small characters are a cheat, because it makes the enemy have to look down to shoot.

When you and a real life player are not attacking someone and the room is quiet, shoot to scare the player.

Make sure you remember where your dragons are set because they will still explode if you go by them. You can use the K7Avenger's secondary function.

Throw your labtop in a main room so you get lots of kills.

Lure you enemy into a room where you teamate is hiding so you can get an easy kill.

If you are playing a real life player who is really good and you have a lot of meat sims on your team, don't tell them to attack your enemy because thats a way of getting lots of free kills.

Just because you lose doesn't mean you can't win again.

If there are two people battling (one with a gun and one without a gun) shoot the simulate with the gun before you kill the unarmed one.

If this took you hours to read, don't ever read one of these things again.


Creating Perfection


Crystal Cube
Perfect Dark 2
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