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007 Levels In PD?
Entropic Decay / Zero-Tau
Hidden Terminals in Air Force One
Hidden Terminal in Skedar Ruins Is PD haunted?
'Janus' in solo missions
Jonathan your ally in The Duel?
Mysterious Locked Doors
The Cheese
Tiny ammo boxes in dataDyne: Defection
Windmill a drone gun?

007 Levels In PD?
After Rare announced that the username and password you recieve after achieving Perfect 1, it was soon learned that you do not get any new GoldenEye 007 levels. It's a very dissappointing statement because playing in the jail cells or out in the snow would be great on Perfect Dark.

Entropico Decay / Zero-Tau?
After rumors and discussions, RareWare finally announced that the username "Entropico Decay" and the password "Zero-Tay" does not unlock any new levels or features in Perfect Dark! They aren't accepted in the restricted areas of or, where you are required to enter a username and password but are merely "a joke." RareWare would never announce something like that to get players to actually get Perfect 1 (and of course innocently think they where going to get something out of it) but it was probably an error that the game included before it's arrival to our N64.

Before we learned this, we were very excited, but to learn that the information above does squat, we were very disappointed. :(

What was once dubbed a revolutionary multiplayer idea is now just lost in the past. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm talking about the Face-Mapping feature that Rare showed way back in 1999. The idea was ingenious--you plug in the N64 Transfer Pak into the back of your controller (as this picture shows), attach a Game Boy Camera and take a picture of your face (or of your arse, if you’re a git). The next step was to adjust the color and brightness of your face using Perfect Dark’s ‘Perfect Head’ feature.

Say cheese, rat!

Sometime in late 1999, Rare posted a statement on their web site, stating that they removed the Perfect Head feature from the PD software. Gamers were outraged! This one of the coolest features in Perfect Dark, yet it was stripped from the game due to uneasy feelings of the consequences of such a feature.

This was one of the most controversial gaming subjects that Rare and Nintendo debated on for quite some time. On one hand, more people would purchase Game Boy Cameras and Transfer Paks to use this awesome feature. On the other hand, parents and government officials would have probably not allowed the game to go on sale if they found out about this. And considering the recent school shootings in 1999, I’m sure Nintendo was relieved when Rare removed the Perfect Head mode from Perfect Dark.

Choosing the head...

The exclusion of Face-Mapping is a major solved mystery because of the fact that there might be a chance that we can somehow access it in the near future. This is just a thought, though, and not to be taken too dramatically.

As we look back at what could have been the coolest feature in any videogame, we should be thankful to Rare for creating this unique and awe-inspiring idea. The Face-Mapping idea was one-of-a-kind. I’m sure other game developers can’t wait to put this into one of their games.

Hidden terminals in Air Force One
For this one, use either the ‘All Guns’ or ‘Farsight’ cheat. Now, proceed to the long hallway where you throw a timed mine in. Equip your Farsight and look up and at an angle. You will see many hidden computer terminals all lined up in a row. These hidden terminals are just another programmer’s shortcut. One of your objectives, which is to detach the UFO, requires you to chuck a timed mine in this umbilical cord. The easiest solution for the programmer was to use the computer terminals as detonators for the big blast.

Hidden terminal in Skedar Ruins
Right beneath the entrance to the inner sanctum, where you must give up your Devastator, you can also find another hidden computer terminal. Use your Farsight and look directly below where you sacrifice your Devastator. Yes, there is a terminal down there, but what is it there for?

The computer is just another shortcut for the lazy programmers. It simply collects your gun. No big deal.

Is PD haunted?
The sneaky programmers at Rare probably used this trick as a shortcut to respawn enemies in the solo missions. There are invisible guards (not cloaked), entirely invulnerable to attacks, and you can't even seen them by using the X-Ray scanner or Farsight. To find a ghost, go to the Carrington Institute in solo missions. Equip a rocket launcher or similar weapon. Right where you start turn around and blast a rocket against the wall. A guard will go flying upwards. Take a look at his face as well. Notice anything weird about it? His face and torso look all out of proportion.

Rare is using these ‘ghost’s’ as spawing positions for guards that have just died.

'Janus' in solo missions
There appears to be a 'Janus' in Perfect Dark's solo missions. This 'Janus' is pronounced 'Yanus,' and turns against his own squad and kills them. They can be found in either the Carrington Villa, Pelagic II, dataDyne Central: Defection, or G5 Building. To see a Janus, either bring large amounts of guards into a room or set off an alarm, but don't kill anyone.

You probably are already wondering why you hear screams in the distance, even though you didn't kill anyone. These Januses spawn at various locations, killing guards to keep the framerate at a consistent pace.

Jonathan your ally in The Duel?
In The Duel, you can never get hit by Jonathan’s gun. Go ahead--try it. Stand a few feet away from him and let him shoot at you. It won’t hit you! If you target him, you will see that his outline is colored blue. The easiest solution to this mystery is that Rare screwed up. Yes, that’s right. Rare forgot to make Jonathan an enemy, instead of a friend in this level. But don’t get too close or Jonathan will punch you to death!

Mysterious locked doors
You should very well know that the metallic door in the Carrigton Institute will never open up, unless you use the moonjump gameshark code. Using this code, you can go right behind this door, leading you to yet another metallic door. By moonjumping through this door, you will fall to your death. It doesn’t lead to anything, just a black void of death.

The Grid also has a locked elevator door on the lower level. Again, by using the moonjump code, you can go right past it, but only death awaits you. The solution to this mystery is really simple. You must remember that the Grid was modeled after the lobby in The Matrix. In that scene in the movie, there were two doors on opposite sides of each other. To make the Grid look more like the lobby area in The Matrix, Rare decided to add two doors on the lower level, leaving only one open for play.

The Cheese
Ah, the mysterious cheese. Everyone knows about the cheddar cheese on each solo mission. But why are they there? This must be one of Rare’s sick jokes. They have stated that one of the artists placed cheese in each level simply because he was finished with all of his work. Another statement from Rare was that it was too boring to even tell us why they even put cheese in the game in the first place. It’s weird seeing these slices of cheese on every level, but it does give us something more to do when we complete the game.

Tiny ammo boxes in dataDyne: Defection
There are many tiny ammo boxes scattered across the first solo mission. You can find them under the stairs, on desks, etc. Even if you collect all of them, you still get nothing. They are there simply to provide you with more ammunition.

Windmill a drone gun?
The windmill that you have to activate as one of your objectives acts a drone gun in the Carrington Villa solo mission. To see for yourself, take out a K7 Avenger and set it to ‘Threat Detector.’ Aim directly at the windmill and you will see the words ‘Drone gun.’

Why is the windmill a drone gun, anyway? Well, this was a shortcut that Rare used to speed up development. Drone guns rotate when they shoot, right? A windmill does exactly the same thing when it rotates its blades. Rare probably decided that it would be easier to model the windmill after a drone gun, but making it look like rotating blades instead of a revolving barrel.

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