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Beta Skedar Level
Beta Head
Beta music
Cassandra's Necklace
Chicago graffiti
Classic 007 guns in Combat Simulator?
Double Agent?
Hidden Ammo Boxes in Sewer
Hidden Animals In The Air Base
Hidden pillar in Skedar Ruins
Locked skedar door
Pond Punk Bar
Secret 007 markings
Two obvious red buttons
Villa observatory

Beta Skedar Level
All you need to do is choose a level and it will take you to the skedar multi level. You are with a hoard of aliens killing dataDyne guards. If you play it on Co-Op or Counter-Op player 2 is Jo(rather than a enemy guard or Velvet).There is no way to complete this mision.

Gonna pop a cap in yo a..

Gameshark code:
8009DFE9 0032

-Submitted by

Beta Head
Insert the following Gameshark code (if you have a GS) and you can see a chrome-face-mapped human. All you have to do is go to Daniel Carrington's office and he'll have a weird head.

Get away from me!
Gameshark code:
8007CF92 0001
8007CF93 00BD

-Submitted by

Beta music
Thanks to Gameshark hackers, the first few beta tunes have been unleashed. One of them sounds like a cheap rip-off of the Super Mario Brothers theme. I can't think of anywhere in Perfect Dark where this could fit in. The second tune sounds like it could very well be an alternative death music in Combat Simulator. In contrast to the death music when you die in multiplayer, this short tune is has a lot more 'techno' to it. The only possibility in ever hearing these tunes legitametly might only be when we get push button codes (there's usually a noise or small tune that plays when you activate a button code).

-PD Beta 1 MP3
-PD Beta 2 MP3
-PD Beta 3 MP3

Cassandra's Necklace


In the Skedar Assault Ship on Perfect Agent, Cassandra leaves her keycode necklace after she dies. By picking it up and reading the necklace information on the Pause screen, a secret username and password is revealed:

Username: CDV780322B
Password: 18M0ZYM8ND185

The password actually has a double meaning, if you treat the 8 as an A, the 0 as an o, the 1 as an I, and the 5 as an S. By doing this, the words 'I am Ozymandias' are revealed. 'Ozymandias' was actually the title of a very well known poem. Here it is:

I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: `Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear -
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.'

I actually read this poem this year in my senior year of high school. The poem is basically about a kingdom that has been destroyed and the king, Ozymandias, lies in its dust. His kingdom was destroyed to pieces, yet his legacy still remains. Ozymandias's kingdom and legacy will live on forever, even though his kingdom is now in ruins. What does this poem have to do with Perfect Dark? I've tried to find a 'colossal wreck' in the solo missions, and the closest I've found is in the Skedar 'Ruins.' But again there is nothing new, of course!

UPDATE: A reader has sent in his interpretation of Cassandra's necklace.

The necklace and poem are a reference to dataDyne. She knew she would be captured and the company would be ruined. dataDyne represents her empire and her legacy is all the things caused by her alliance with the Skedar.

-John F. Smith

Chicago graffiti
Other markings can be found on the walls of the Chicago solo mission. They are almost all in Japanese and seem to be consistent throughout the level. Some people have tried to decipher these symbols. Again, this leads to no plausible solution. Moreover, you can see 'Release the beast' and 'Unleash the beast' graffiti scattered about the walls. Obviously, the 'beast' is referring to the Skedar alien race. But how do we 'release the beast?' Somehow, there will be some way to activate the Skedar for multiplayer.

Classic guns in Combat Simulator?
Have you ever wanted to see what it would be like using the classic 007 guns in Perfect Dark's Combat Simulator? Well, look at the pictures below to get a glimpse for future battles! You can obviously see the GoldenEye guns being used in the Fortress level. You should also notice the two DD44 Dostovei pistols! In 007 you could not double up your guns, but it seems different in PD's case.

Assault Rife Deutsche Klobb

These images were found at the official Perfect Dark web site. It seems odd that Nintendo would showcase pictures of classic guns in combat simulator when Rare clearly stated that there are no button codes for Perfect Dark. I believe Rare is lying about there being no button codes. Soon, this should be resolved once and for all.

Double Agent?
Double Agent in Infiltration? If you play Area 51 Infiltration keep playing to the end. When you get to the door to finish the your objective don't go in it. You should see a man running left. If you look at the gun it is a Magnum. If you use the Farsight you should see him with the Magnum next to Jonathan. You can kill him and if you put yur crosshair on him he is red.

-Submitted by

Hidden Ammo Boxes In Sewer
Thanks to a fan, we recieved a heads-up that there are two ammo boxes hidden in the Sewer while playing multiplayer that you cannot reach. The location hasn't been given, so for the fun of it, go look for 'em! But why are these here anyway? I think Rare has just fooled us again.

-Submitted by Chris

Hidden Animals In The Air Base
While in the Air Base, go to the area with the NSA agent (Usually says,"You shouldn't have come here girl!") and then go to the big window. Look closely at the rocks at the right side of the window. If you look at it the right way, you should see a baboon, cat, sabertooth tiger, and a demon.The demon is pretty hard to make out, and many people have not been able to find it. If you're good at "I Spy" books, you should be able to figure the demon out.

Hidden pillar in Skedar Ruins
One of your main objectives in the Skedar Ruins level is to place target amplifiers onto three pillars. These are relatively easy to find. Simply use your R-Tracker to find the locations of the pillars. But what you might not know is that there is a hidden pillar near the end of the level. To find it, go to the Inner Sanctum. Once you're inside, turn to your left. Equip a Farsight or X-Ray Scanner and look through the wall. What you will see is a triangular-shaped pillar that doesn't look like the pillars that you have been placing target amplifiers on. It is not yet known why there is a secret pillar tucked between the walls of the Inner Sanctum, and I'm sure we'll never find out.

Locked skedar door
Start up the Attack Ship solo mission on Perfect Agent. Near where you open the hangar doors for Elvis is a mysterious locked door. By using the Farsight, you can see a Skedar warrior behind the door. The only way to get on the other side of the door is to get a Skedar to open it for you. A small corridor awaits you if you get the door opened. However, there is another locked door with nothing behind it!

Why in the world would Rare put an empty corridor with nothing in it at all?

Pond Punk Bar
There is a highly-detailed club in the Chicago streets mission. To get to it, go down the door that is next to the limo. Disarm the guard at the bottom, and hopefully he will open the locked door in front of you. The club is massive, with a bathroom (with toilets!), a huge lounge, and an area for the ticket man. You might wonder why Rare included a detailed club that serves no purpose whatsoever. I wonder this myself. Why waste precious memory by including an enormous club that only houses cheese and a Falcon 2? Rare sure could have used the extra space for more multiplayer arenas or characters.

This leads me to believe that the club did have a purpose at one time. For example, the meeting that takes place in the G5 Building might have taken place in the club. But that asks another question. How would you use your CamSpy to spy on the meeting? The only small chance would be to somehow break through the barbwire that blocks off the ticket room, and then launch the CamSpy through there. This doesn't make sense one bit. That wouldn't even be stealthy at all.

The club is so detailed that I still don't understand why Rare just didn't remove the section from the level. Why add extra textures, lighting effects, and objects to the memory when you can just delete it for good?

Secret 007 markings
If you look close enough, you can find secret '007' markings in a few of the multiplayer arenas. The Skedar Ruins and Skedar combat simulator arenas each have mysterious GoldenEye 007 markings that are so obvious, you can literally run past them and see it clearly. These '007' markings may have a double meaning. My initial answer for their appearance is that Rare is giving us hints of 'GoldenEye 007' things to come. In other words, Rare is hiding multiplayer arenas and Bond guns for multiplayer from us.

The other idea I have is that they are there simply to tease us. How many times has Rare put something in any of their games just to give us something to talk about? Too many to count, that's for sure! I certainly hope that these markings might reveal something with substance. Why Rareware they risk getting sued just to tease us with these Bond markings? There has got to be a reason for these mysterious 007 markings.

There are also 'PD' scriptures on the walls and textures of the stairs in the Villa arena. This logo is plastered over many spots in the level, clearly in sight. To complement this, there are dozens of 007 montages on the Skedar arena.

One of the possible resolutions for these weird markings is that Rare is just adding some of their finesse to the multiplayer arenas. The markings definitely don't contribute to the overall feel and outcome of the game, so why even add them at all? Very Mysterious!

Two obvious red buttons
There are two blatant buttons in Perfect Dark that seem to serve no purpose at all. One of them, the bigger one, is found in the underground area in the Infiltration level of Area 51. Just to the right from where you set explosives is a mysterious red button. You can't press or activate the button in any way. Once you think about it, you might be say that the button triggers the explosion, much like the computer terminals in Air Force One. For this to be plausible, the button would have to blow up to trigger the explosion. This simply isn't the case. After the explosion takes place, the red button is still there. Why would the programmers place this button without making it do anything at all?

The other red button is in Pelagic II. To find it, make your way down the main hallway. You will eventually come to a small red button enclosed in a yellow and black patterned encasement. Again, you cannot interact with the button at all. I have no clue what these buttons are doing in these specific levels.

Villa observatory
Right after you snipe the two guards below, you come in contact with a massive observatory in Carrington's villa. When you go inside, you will notice that it has a telescope. The only problem is that the roof of the observatory is blocked off. Why would Daniel Carrington have a huge observatory with the top on?

Many people have figured out that it is possible to shoot a grenade from the Devastator up and out the observatory's roof. This might have been an early objective before Rare decided that it didn't fit in with the rest of the level. Wouldn't it be cool to blast the rooftop snipers with Devastators!?

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