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In combat simulator, you have a 30 challenges that up to four players can play in. As each challenge grows in number, the difficulty increases. So here is a page with information and strategies on how beat the challenges.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Challenge 1

Description: A challenge against basic simulants using standard weaponry.
Weapons: Falcon 2, CMP150, Sniper Rifle, DY357 Magnum, Dragon, Disabled
Simulants: 1 ShockSim (MeatSim)
Limits: 5 minutes (4 team score)
Arena: Skedar

This is a simple challenge. Your objective is to kill the MeatSim with standard weapons. The simulant will probably never hit you, so feel free to get to know your surroundings. Remember to go for head-shots, because this and every other challenge is recorded.

Challenge 2

Description: A challenge against basic simulants that includes the use of Rocket Launchers.
Weapons: Combat Knife, Falcon 2, Cyclone, Dragon, Rocket Launcher, Disabled
Simulants: 1 ShockSim (Meat)
Limits: 5 minutes (6 team score)
Arena: Area 52

Challenge 2 is very similar to the first challenge. I reccomend you use the Dragon and run up to the ShockSim and try to shoot him in the head. If you want your stats to look good, don't use the Cyclone because it wastes a lot of ammo. Also, watch yourself! You might suicide yourself with that Rocket Launcher!

Challenge 3

Description: A challenge against basic simulants that includes Assault Rifles and Timed Mines.
Weapons: MagSec 4, CMP150, Timed Mine, Dragon, AR34, Disabled
Simulants: 2 TechSims (Meat)
Limits: 5 minutes (8 team score)
Arena: Pipes

There are more MeatSims now so make sure you know where they are. The level is harder so don't let yourself fall off the edge. I recommend that you use the AR34. Before setting off the button for your Timed Mines, make sure you're not standing on one!

Challenge 4

Description: Take control of the hill against a team of standard simulants. Shield technology is available, as well as the K7 Avenger.
Weapons: MagSec 4, CMP150, Dragon, K7 Avenger, Shield, Disabled
Simulants: 1 CISim (Easy)
Limits: 10 minutes (4 team score)
Arena: Skedar

This challenge is now King Of The Hill. Simply head towards the hill on the radar and when you see the green patch, stand on it for 20 seconds. If the simulant is already on the hill, kill them with any of your guns...the K7 Avenger is recommended. Because the simulants aren't very smart, the probability of them being on the hill is very low. When you're on the hill, kill anyone you see. After you have completed your time on the hill, locate the next hill on the radar and immendiately go to it.

Challenge 5

Description: Combat a team of standard simulants using the specialized FarSight weapon in the Complex.
Weapons: Cyclone, Grenade, AR34, Farsight XR-20, Shield, Disabled
Simulants: 1 CassSim (Easy)
Limits: 10 minutes (10 team score)
Arena: Complex

If you're a 007 fan, the Complex will be an easy level for you to defend yourself in. The easist way to beat this challenge is to find a Farsight and find yourself a good hiding place. A good hiding place is the room by the stairs by the bathroom. (When you come down from the stairs by the bathroom, go directly straight) Once you have your Farsight equipped, snipe out the pathetic sim.

Challenge 6

Description: Hold the briefcase for as long as possible against a large team of basic simulants.
Weapons: CMP150, DY357 Magnum, Shotgun, K7 Avenger, Shield, Disabled
Simulants: 4 WorkSims (Easy)
Limits: 10 minutes (6 team score)
Arena: Area 52

The first thing you want to do is grab a K7 Avenger and find the briefcase. A good technique is to find a small room and hide in there. When simulants come in, simply shoot them.

Challenge 7

Description: Take control of the hill against a team of advanced Simulants in the Warehouse. All weapons kill with only one hit.
Weapons: Falcon 2 (Silencer), MagSec 4, Cyclone, Grenade, Shield, Disabled
Simulants: 1 JoSim (Easy)
Limits: 10 minutes (5 team score)
Arena: Warehouse

This is the only challenge with the Warehouse arena. Shields are very useful because one of the options is "One-Hit Kills" and you could easily get hit from behind while guarding the hill. As usual, go to the hill and defend yourself with either the Falcon 2 or MagSec. The Cyclone wastes ammo and the other weapons are useless.

Challenge 8

Description: Capture the enemy's case while defending your own. Killing the case carrier means the case returns to the base.
Weapons: MagSec 4, K7 Avenger, Shotgun, SuperDragon, Shield, Disabled
Simulants: 1 SnipeSim (Easy)
Limits: 10 minutes (9 team score)
Arena: Skedar

The scenario in Challenge 6 is Capture the Case. The easist way to beat this challenge is to get hold of a SuperDragon...for it can be a grenade launcher or an automatic. Run to the sim's base and capture their case, usuing the radar. Run back to your own base with the sim's case. If you spot the Snipesim on your way, kill him. Do the same thing a number of times.

Challenge 9

Description: A one-hit scenario against expert simulants. Weapons include the FarSight and Laptop Gun.
Weapons: Falcon 2, DY357 Magnum, Timed Mine, Laptop Gun, Farsight XR-20, Disabled
Simulants: 1 TrentSim (Normal)
Limits: 10 minutes (10 team score)
Arena: Ravine

You're now dealing with a NormalSim; a simulant that hunts you down and actually competes in the scenarios. My advice is to watch you're back. If you're a camper (a player that stays in the same spot the hole game and shoots people when they come in the room), grab the Farsight and snipe out the normal sim. I'd recommend that you throw a labtop in a well-traveled area and always know where the sim is.

Challenge 10

Description: Fight against a team of simulants to hack the terminal using the Data Uplink.
Weapons: CMP150, Cyclone, Remote Mine, AR34, Shield, Disabled
Simulants: 1 GuardSim (Easy)
Limits: 10 minutes (3 team score)
Arena: Temple

This is the first Hacker Central scenario. Grab some good weapons like the AR34 and Cyclone (although it wastes ammo and it'll look bad on your stats) and head towards the computer once you've found the Data Uplink (both of them are located on the map). Wait for the simulant (EasySim) to come to you and kill him. Once he's dead, start downloading! Do that continuosly.

Challenge 11

Description: King of the Hill against expert simulants. Weapons include the Shotgun and Tranquilizer.
Weapons: MagSec 4, Tranquilizer, Shotgun, K7 Avenger, Shield, Disabled
Simulants: 1 BlondeSim (Normal)
Limits: 10 minutes (10 team score)
Arena: Complex

This challenge is much harder than the beginning ones. My advice is to grab a K7 Avenger and head towards the hill. If you see the NormalSim, don't stop shooting at him because he has a good shot. This level will be easy to navigate through if you're familier with the Complex...which everyone should be.

Challenge 12

Description: Slow-motion combat in the Skedar Arena.
Weapons: Falcon 2 (Scope), Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, SuperDragon, Shield, Disabled
Simulants: 1 JoSim (Hard)
Limits: 10 minutes (3 team score)
Arena: Skedar

Challenge 12 is a big step from the previous challenges. You're now handling with a HardSim, who will always go for the SuperDragon and has very good aim. Get a SuperDragon and blast him with either funtion. Sneaking up from him is difficult to do, so charge him.

Challenge 13

Description: One-hit kills in the G5 Building with Tranquilizers.
Weapons: Falcon 2 (Silencer), Tranquilizer, Laptop Gun, Grenade, Reaper, Disabled
Simulants: 1 CIASim (normal)
Limits: 10 minutes (10 team score)
Arena: Skedar

This challenge is a one-hit kill scenario. Watch your back, even though it's not a HardSim. The best thing you can do to prevent getting killed is putting your Labtop Gun in a high-traffic area or hallway. If you camp and put a Labtop Gun in one area and have the Falcon 2 (Silencer) on, you'll have a high chance of winning.

Challenge 14

Description: Capture the case in Area 52 with cloaking.
Weapons: Cyclone, SuperDragon, K7 Avenger, FarSight XR-20, Cloaking Device, Disabled
Simulants: 1 GuardSim (normal) & 1 TroopSim (Easy)
Limits: 10 minutes (10 team score)
Arena: Area 52

Challenge 14 is harder than the Capture the Case scenarios you've played before. It's 2 Vs 1 now. Your best bet is to put on a K7 Avenger (or SuperDragon) and head towards your opponent's base. If you see the sims, don't run past them. Kill them and continue your journey to their base. You should use the cloaking device when getting the the case. Don't camp and snipe out the sims with your Farsight! This isn't combat...

Challenge 15

Description: Hold the Briefcase in the Grid with Devastators.
Weapons: MagSec 4, Dragon, Shotgun, Devastator, Shield, Disabled
Simulants: 1 LabSim (Normal) & 1 LabSim (Meat)
Limits: 10 minutes (10 team score)
Arena: Grid

Challenge 15, I would rate, is medium difficultly. The LabSim will usually go for the most powerful weapon, the Devastator. Even the MeatSim can have have a Devestator. I advise you to hide in a good area that you can cover the entrances and just before the sims enter, launch a grenade (from your Devastator) at the door so they die before they come in. That technique is for if you are the victim. If any of the sims are, hunt them down!

Challenge 16

Description: Standard combat. Weapons include Proximity Mines. There is no radar in this Challenge.
Weapons: Falcon 2, K7 Avenger, SuperDragon, Proximity Mine, Shield, Disabled
Simulants: 1 BioSim (Perfect)
Limits: 10 minutes (10 team score)
Arena: Felicity

Woah! This simulant is far beyond the agressive simulants you've played previously. First off, you want to camp in the area with the Proximity Mines (or the bathroom area) and equip the SuperDragon on its secondary function. When the BioSim comes near, he should be blown up by your Proximity Mines or your grenade blasts from your SuperDragon. My advice is to watch your back!

Challenge 17

Description: A King of the Hill game. Weapons include Fly-By-Wire Missiles.
Weapons: DY357 Magnum, AR34, Reaper, Slayer, Shield, Disabled
Simulants: 1 DanSim (Perfect)
Limits: 10 minutes (10 team score)
Arena: Temple

Another tough challenge...but this time, you're playing King Of The Hill with a PerfectSim. You'll need a shield in this game. Unless you're a master with the Slayer, it can cause a mean disaster. Either the AR34 or Slayer will help you progress in this game.

Challenge 18

Description: A King of the Hill game against a team of expert Simulants.
Weapons: Falcon 2, Phoenix, Tranquilizer, Laptop Gun, Shield, Cloaking Device
Simulants: 1 ElvisSim (Perfect), 1 MaianSim (Meat)
Limits: 10 minutes (10 team score)
Arena: Villa

This is a very hard challenge. The simulants are really swift, especially the PerfectSim. The best way to beat this challenge is to quickly find the hill and throw a labtop on the wall near you. If you have two Phoenixes, great! Put them on Explosive Shells and blast the simulants when they come. Trust me, you'll need a shield!

Challenge 19

Description: Fast movement combat against expert Simulants. Weapons include the Rocket Launcher and the FarSight.
Weapons: CMP150, Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Farsight XR-20, Shield, Combat Boost
Simulants: 1 CassSim (Hard), 1 TrentSim (easy)
Limits: 10 minutes (10 team score)
Arena: G5 Building

Not as hard as the previous one but pretty dang hard. The level is simple and you should know your way around. Your best bet is to grab a shield and if you're skilled, use a CMP150. The shotgun takes a long time to reload and you won't have much luck trying to snipe out people with a Farsight. Combat boosts are a waste of time...

Challenge 20

Description: One-hit kill combat with a twist - protect the weaker Simulants on your team. Weapons include pistols and Shields.
Weapons: Mauler, Falcon 2, MagSec 4, DY357 Magnum, Shield, Disabled
Simulants: 1 PilotSim (Hard), 1 AirSim (Normal)
Limits: 10 minutes (10 team score)
Arena: Sewers

This challenge is extremely hard! You need to protect your teammate (AirSim) in a one-hit kill game. Use your MagSec 4 and tell your friend to follow you. Don't let him go near the PilotSim or you're dead meat. So make sure you know where your teammate is and kill the HardSim smartly. You can predict where he is by using your radar.

Challenge 21

Description: Hack into the terminal using the Data Uplink. The Cloaking Device is available.
Weapons: Mauler, Reaper, Shotgun, Callisto NTG, Cloaking Device, Disabled
Simulants: 1 JoSim (Hard)
Limits: 10 minutes (10 team score)
Arena: Grid

Challenge 21 is difficult, so listen up. The best weapons for this challenge are the Callisto NTGs and the Maulers. Get two Maulers and charge them up. Make sure you get the Data Uplink before the HardSim does and go the computer, using the radar to guide you there. Wait until the HardSim comes to you and kill him. Once he's dead, start uploading on the computer. You should be able to download once before he comes back again. If the sim gets the Data Uplink before you, go to his area, hide somewhere, and snipe him out. Good luck!

Challenge 22

Description: A Hold the Briefcase game with one-hit kills. Weapons include the Crossbow and the Sniper Rifle.
Weapons: Falcon 2, Sniper Rifle, Crossbow, K7 Avenger, Shield, Disabled
Simulants: 1 PresSim (Perfect)
Limits: 10 minutes (10 team score)
Arena: Base

Here's another hard challenge. Any weapon will do because it's a one-hit kill scenario, but the K7Avenger will be your best bet. Find a place where you can hide and cover all of the entrances once you have the Briefcase. The best place is where the K7Avenger is located with lots of ammo. Don't worry about a shield here, if you're safe in someplace with the Briefcase, you'll win easily.

Challenge 23

Description: Combat in slow motion. Weapons include the RC-P120.
Weapons: MagSec 4, Grenade, Laptop Gun, RC-P120, Shield, Combat Boost
Simulants: 1 CloneSim (Hard) & StripeSim (Hard)
Limits: 10 minutes (2 team score)
Arena: Complex

Challenge 23 isn't that hard in my point of view. What you want to do is throw a Labtop Gun in a well-visited area and keep a RC-P120 handy. I you have a lot of ammo, cloak yourself using the RC-P120's secondary function. This challenge shouldn't give you much trouble.

Challenge 24

Description: Capture the Case game against a team of expert Simulants. Weapons include the Gold DY357 Magnum and the Tranquilizer.
Weapons: CMP150, Tranquilizer, Devastator, Super Dragon, DY357 LX, Disabled
Simulants: 2 GuardSims (Easy), 1 AirSim (Easy), & 1 TroopSim (Easy)
Limits: 10 minutes (9 team score)
Arena: Fortress

This is a tough one. The first thing you want to do is get the SuperDragon and CMP150 from your base. Make sure you fill up the ammo, just in case. Now ride the lift to the top part of the level and find your way to the enemy's base. Drop down from above and capture the case. Quickly go back to your base and if you see any enemies, be sure to shoot them! If you do this 2 or 3 times you should be able to win.

Challenge 25

Description: A standard combat game with N-Bombs and Cloaking Devices. The simulant team is composed of experts.
Weapons: Mauler, N-Bomb, K7 Avenger, FarSight XR-20, Cloaking Device, Disabled
Simulants: 1 ShockSim (Perfect), 1 ShockSim (Hard)< br> Limits: 3 minutes (10 team score)
Arena: Ravine

The best strategy in Challenge 35 is to grab a Farsight and go in a room with very little doors. Throw N-Bombs (in Proximity Detonation form) in the entrance to the doors and walk far enough away so that you won't get hurt when they explode. Now that the N-Bombs are securely places as "watch-dogs," you can use the Farsight's secondary function to snipe out the sims. If you hear the N-Bombs explode, that means a sim has arrived and you'll need to change guns (K7 Avenger will work the best) and kill him if he is not already dead.


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