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DataDyne Defection
Datadyne Investigation
DataDyne Extraction
Carrington Villa
Chicago Stealth
G5 Building - Reconnaissance
Area 51 Infiltration
Area 51 Rescue
Area 51 Escape
Air Base Espionage
Air Force One - Anti-Terrorism
Crash Site - Confrontation
Pelagic II - Exploration
Deep Sea- Nullify Threat
Carrington Institute - Defense
Attack Ship - Covert Assault
Skedar Ruins - Battle Shrine

Special Assignments:

Mr. Blonde's Revenge
Maian SOS
The Duel

DataDyne Defection

1: gain entrance to laboratory

Background - A DataDyne scientist calling himself Dr. Caroll has contacted the Carrington Institute requesting that we rescue him from the dataDyne headquarters tonight. He claims that he has complained to dataDyne about the moral implocations of his current project, but rather than dismiss him, them will mentally restructure him until he finds the nature of the project acceptable again.

You start off the roof of the DataDyne building, on the helipad. First kill the gaurd at the bottom of the ramps and then enter the two doors. Walk until you find a datadyne gaurd. Kill him. Make sure you pick up his CMP150. Enter the door in this big room and go down the stairs. Go down all the steps until you get to another door. Kill the gaurd walking in front of Cassandra's office. Also kill the gaurd tinkering with the switch. A gaurd might come in from the second metal door. Kill him. Go down the ramp until you reach the bottom. Enter here. There is going to be alot of gaurds here so get your CMP150 out and blast away. Enter the elevator to your left and go down. (The elevator might go up a few times so wait until it goes to the bottom.) Once at the very bottom floor, turn around and down the steps. (By now, the music will have changed and Shock Troppers have come after you.) Then go left in the first room you see. You should get a reading from Carrington. Enter the door and kill the gaurds inside. Enter the silver hidden door (that looks like a wall) and enter the blue door. Congratulations! You've completed the first level!

DataDyne Investigation

1: Holograph Radio Active Isotop
2: Locate Dr. Caroll

Background - A DataDyne scientist calling himself Dr. Caroll has contacted the Carrington Institute requesting that we rescue him from the dataDyne headquarters tonight. He claims that he has complained to dataDyne about the moral implocations of his current project, but rather than dismiss him, them will mentally restructure him until he finds the nature of the project acceptable again.

In the beginning of the mission, you should start seeing a hoverbot (the little yellow thing) that hovers over the floor. Follow it until it goes to a hidden door. Ignore it and enter the door straight ahead, killing the green gaurd ahead. This room contains a large bullet proof glass wall. Kill the two gaurds here. Enter the next big room and kill all the gaurds. Enter the door to your right! Then enter yet another door and there will be two gaurds so kill them. Then open the next door but don't go in. Equip your Cam Spy and guide it to the green thing as well as photographing it (objective one complete). Now exit into the big room and get the shield from on top of one of the boxes. Now go through the door straight across and kill the gaurd there. Enter this room with your CMP150 and run as fast as you can all the way across the hallway. Then turn around and kill every single gaurd. Enter the right door at the end and kill the two gaurds in there. Then your at the most annoying part of the level. Don't try going into the security lazers or you will harm yourself. You will see a white cleaning bug coming through the lazers soon. Wait for about 30 seconds until the bug comes back. Once it returns, follow it. When the bug turns off the lasers, quickly run through and wait until the process continues. Afterwards, go into the next room and kill the lone guard. Then enter the really big room. Kill all the gaurds and go through the door (if you want a shield turn left when you enter and destroy the glass). Now kill the two gaurds holding dragons and pick the up, as they will be useful later on. First equip the Data Uplink and use it on the computer and wait. The door should open when the Data Uplink is done. WARNING: Sometimes gaurds come from behind while your up linking, so be awair. Now go through the door. Keep going until you reach a big room. Ignore the gaurds and enter the door that says "Restricted". Now run straight because machine guns are firing at you. After that, you've beaten the mission! Good job!

DataDyne Extraction

1: Get to the foyer elevator
2: Kill cassandra's bodygaurds
3: Rendezvous at helipad

Background - The alarm has been given, and there are dataDyne shock troops ready for you throughout the building. Exit via the foyer elevator is impossible due to the number of ground troops present. The transport will collect you and Dr. Caroll from the helipad.

The first part of this mission is pitch dark so you will have to wear your Night Vision Goggles. First kill the gaurd that can't see you (a good headshot) as well as the guard that can see you. Make sure Dr. Caroll doesn't get harmed or you'll fail the mission. Kill the next two gaurds and go around the corner and kill the other gaurd. Now there is going to be two gaurds here get your CMP150 out and kill them. Kill the next lone gaurd and you will come to the last 2 gaurds hiding behind fallen desks. Enter the elevator (objective one complete!). Once in the elevator, take off your Night Vision Goggles, for it will become lighter and you'll have no use of them. You will see two doors at the top. One is locked and the other has a shield in it. Now turn around. Kill the guards until you reach Cassandra's bodygaurds (the lady guards that have powerful shotguns). Kill the first few and equip the shotgun you picked up from them. Use it on the other bodygaurds. Now go up the elevator and you will be on the next floor. Go straight and turn and you should see two Datadyne gaurds hiding behind the blue desks. Before you go to the next floor kill the body gaurds that are through the hidden door. Remember, make sure you have killed every body guard! Go up the stairs and you'll hear a conversation. Kill the black gaurd and grab the rocket launcher, if desired. Go into the orange room (which consists of stairs) on the right. Then go up the stairs. Now you're in a pitch dark room again so equip your Night Vision Goggles. (When you enter, turn right, and straight towards a wall. If you can find it, turn on the hidden light switch.) Now shoot everybody with your CMP150. You can also use rocket launcher on them, but don't die. (objective 2 complete!) Now head up the ramps to the helipad and you'll see a little scene. Objective 3 complete!

Carrington Villa

1: Rescue the negotiator
2: Reactivate wind generator
3: Rescue Carrington

Background - Daniel Carrington is being held hostage at his private villa. A message from Cassandra De Vries has laid out the terms: Daniel's life for the return of the AI known as Dr. Caroll. What she doesn't know is that the AI was at the villa when they struck. Our hope is that Daniel concealed it safely before they found him.

In the beginning, you start off trying to save the negotiator. Go towards the ledge that overlooks the Villa and look at the docks with your Sniper Rifle. Kill the two gaurds, using the zoom in view of your Sniper Rifle. If you take too long they will kill the negotiator and you'll fail the mission, so do it skillfully. Once your done, enter the cave killing the first gaurd and pick up the CMP150. Equip it. Now head through the caves (killing gaurds on the way) and you should reach a gaurd up on the ledge so kill him. If you like, go to the helipad which is neer the sniper (the sniper is in purple) to get a shield. Also destroy the crates to get a devastator. Now go where the sniper was and enter the main part and turn left and enter another cave, killing the gaurds. Now you should see a giant house and some gaurds. Get your devastator out and blast away, avoiding killing yourself. Now enter the house and kill the two gaurds in there. Now go through the door and kill the other gaurds. Then go down the stairs in the previous room. There should be a door near the left so enter it. Get the shield in the washroom. Now kill all four gaurds: two in the main room and two by the two computers. Now turn around and enter the other big room with a kitchen and kill two more gaurds. Then go down the stairs by the kitchen. (The stairs are well hidden. Search the walls to find it) Kill the two gaurds down here. Enter the second set of doors. Now go to the basement and kill the gaurds here. Now enter the other doors. Follow the long pipe until you get to the generator and kill the 3 gaurds. Then turn on the 2 switch's. Now follow the pipe going the other way and kill the gaurds. Then turn on the switch and objective 2 is complete. Now go into the door you haven't been in and kill the gaurds to the right. Go to the right and follow it. Kill the two gaurds gaurding the locked door. Now go the other way and enter the door to the wine celler. Kill all the gaurds hiding behind the wine holders. (Secret: If you shoot all of the wine bottles, Carrington will say something) There's a total of 6 gaurds here so kill them all and the last one will give you a key card. Open the door and you have rescued Carrington! Objective 3 complete and mission complete!

Chicago Stealth

1: Collect drop point equipment
2: Create vehicular diversion
3: Enter G5 Building

Background - The G5 Corporation is believed to be a front for dataDyne. Care is needed due to the civilian presence on the streets. Expect intense resistance outside and inside the building - our recon team reported that the buildup of troops started hours ago.

Chicago Stealth is a short level. First off, kill the blue gaurd. DO NOT shoot the guy in brown. Now enter the main area (where the yellow taxi is) and kill the gaurd here. Kill the gaurd by the fence. Enter the fence part to get to the sewers. Now kill all of the gaurds here and go to the drain passage and crawl (R C down down). Then pick up the equipment. (Objective 1 complete) Get out of the area but don't go into the open. Run back to the yellow taxi. Use your reprogrammer on it. Once you're done, wait a few seconds until it hovers. Then follow it and before going into the opening, wait for the taxi to crash into it. (Objective 2 complete) Now enter the building. Objective 3 complete...congrats!

G5 Building - Reconnaissance

1: Photograph meeting conspiraters
2: Steal Dr. Caroll's backup from safe
3: Exit G5 building

First you will start in a room with invisible G5 gaurds. As they flash (or appear), shoot at them. Pick up they're CMP150's. Then collect the key card from the second gaurd. With the key card, open the steel door. Now kill the gaurd by the switch. The next room is the same as the other one except it has four guards. To make them appear, stand by the blue locked door. Then do the same as the first room and kill all of the gaurds. The last one gives you a key card. Before entering the locked door, snipe the gaurd through the glass. Then go up the stairs. Before going into the next room, equip and reload your CMP150 (if it wasn't already equipped) and go through the door. Go to (and protect) the alarm button and stay there, killing the gaurds as they approach. If the alarm goes of you'll fail, so pay close attention. Now go up the stairs and crawl through the pipes until Jonanna says something like "time to use the Cam Spy." Equip your Cam Spy and guide it under the pipes. Once finished, you should see a little scene. Objective one complete. Fall down the second area where there is gaurds. NOTE: if you set off the alarm after objective one, you won't fail. Kill the gaurds and go upstairs. Enter the safe room gaurded by 3 gaurds. Use the Door Decoder on the switch. The alarm will be set off. The first guard will come in. Kill him and grab his magnum so you can use it on everyone else. Then once a minute is up, the safe will open. Grab the disk and blow up the head thingy for no reason and then leave the building out the door. (the blown up one) Wa Hoo!

Area 51 Infiltration

1: Shut down air intercept radar
2: Gain access to hanger lift
3: Contact with CI spy

Background - A craft carrying institute advisors has been shot down in Nevada. Debris from the crash and the bodies of the advisors have been taken to Area 51. A spy inside the base has managed to get footage to the institute of a possible survivor. This mission is to rescue that survivor.

In the opening cinema, wait for the guy to walk past Area 51 a bit. You start out in front of 2 gaurds. Kill them and pick up they're Magsecs, as well as equipping them. Even though it's inaccurate, kill the other gaurd from the cinema. Then kill the next gaurd around the corner. Take out the machine gun. Then walk straight and destroy the other machine gun. Now walk to the watch tower (straffing of course) and climb it and destroy the two gaurds. (You could also shoot from a far, but the results aren't as well) Don't press the switch yet! Walk to the fence and through a grenade to your left to set of a chain reaction. Then walk on the left side and duck through the hole. Pick up the shield and then fall down the hole by the gaurd. Then plant your explosives on the computer. Run up the ladder. Sometimes guys with dragons come so kill them and equip their dragons. Run to the gaurd by the hover car and kill him, picking up the key card. Then use it on the hanger lifts button. The hanger lift should come up. Kill the two gaurds in here. This part is dangerous and the guys have grenades so kill them fast. Then go up the ramp. Keep going until your reach an elevator. Go down. Then go down the ramp and turn around and enter the door. Success!

Area 51 Rescue

1: Find and use lab disguise
2: Gain entry to autopsy lab
3: Rescue crash survivor

Background - A craft carrying Institute advisors has been shot down in Nevada. Debris from the crash and the bodies of the advisors have been taken to Area 51. A spy inside the base has managed to get footage to the Institute of a possible survivor. This mission is to rescue that survivor.

First off, you don't need that box Jonathan was telling you about. Before going up the elevator, why not explore? You can destroy a secret metal crate to get double falcons. Kill all of the enemies for their dragons. One gaurd gives you a shield. Now go up the elevator. There's almost always going to be a gaurd on the top. Go through the door at the top. Go into the other elevator. Now go up. Once up, go all the way around. Then throw your dragon, by using secondary function. Shoot the dragon that you just threw and it blows up the wall(better than bringing the box here.) Now grab the disguise and wear it. Now go through the first door to your right(unarmed). Now talk to the gaurd and he will open the door for you. Knock him out and take out your dragon. Go up the ramp and kill the gaurd in the room. Now exit the way you came. Then go to the next door to your right, shooting gaurds. Then kill the gaurd in the big room. In the corner, pick up the keycard and go into the glass room (where the alien is. Congratulations, you've rescued Elvis!

Area 51 Escape

1: Rendezvous with CI spy
2: Locate secret hanger
3: Escape area 51

Background - A craft carrying institute advisors has been shot down in Nevada. Debris from the crash and the bodies of the advisors have been taken to Area 51. A spy inside the base has managed to get footage to the institute of a possible survivor. This mission is to rescue that survivor.

Area 51 Escape starts off in a gassed-filled room. First, Get elvis (the alien to the containment lab) and hurry! Now enter the brown door, killing biotechnicians, and enter the next brown door. Move Elvis out of here. Take out your tranquillizer and equip it with Lethal Injection. Now enter the room with a window to the right. Kill the biotechnicians with Lethal Injection. Now enter the next room and kill the gaurds. Make sure you pick up their Super Dragons, as well as equipping them. Use your Super Dragons to kill the gaurds across the long bridge. Now enter the room with Jonathan. Go behind him and press the switch before going the way you came. Go the other way and kill the gaurd. Enter the door and get a shield. Now go back to the bridge and cross it. Now kill all four gaurds with the Super Dragons's secondary function. Now Jonathan should go to the wall and put explosives there. Cover him by shooting all the gaurds that come. Once he says "Look out Jo!" get out of the way because it will explode. After it explodes, enter the hanger. Now turn around off the ramp and enter the door and watch the cinema. But we are not done yet! We still have to get out! Go to the UFO and let Jonathan open the hanger doors. Protect Jonathan and Elvis. If you open the hanger doors, you will have to go on the hover bike and escape your self. Just go back to the beginning where Jonathan was and you should find a couple of doors. Kill the gaurds and enter the final door. You have escaped Area 51!

Air Base Espionage

1: Gain entrance to base
2: Turn off monitoring systems
3: Enter Air Force One

Background - Trent Easton has flown to meet the President at the air base in Alaska preparing for the President's foreign visit. From the evidence gathered in Chicago, we assume that this is the start of his move against the President, and as such, it must be prevented.

In the beginning, you start outside equipped with a crossbow. Sedate the gaurd you see. Now go to the big cave and sedate the guards. Now sedate the stuardess. You should see a blue pack fall from her. Grab it and equip it. Now once you sedate all the gaurds, use unarmed. If you enter the base without desquise or are unarmed then you fail. Now enter the base. Talk to the lady and she will open the door. Enter it. Switch to disarm, and disarm the gaurd above the escalator. Go down the escalator. Now disarm the gaurd at the bottom. Now enter the hallway. Keep walking utill you get to a guy that says "You shouldn't have come here girl!" Knock him out and get his magnum. Now disarm the other gaurd, and take your dragon out but don't shoot anybody. Go up the stairs and around the corner. Now turn of the monitoring system. The gaurd will kill the other gaurd and say "I'm taking over!" Kill him. Now go down the stairs. Throw the dragon as a proxy mine (it's secondary function) in the hall. Stay back and when gaurds come it explodes. Get your K7 Avenger out and kill all the black striped gaurds. Wait for about a minute to kill all the gaurds. Now kill the lazy gaurd by the elevator. You get a shield. Now enter the elevator. Take it a long way down. Now kill all the gaurds and destroy the terminal. There are two ways to beat this level.1)you can destroy the terminal overloading the lazers. Now the lazers will flicker giving you away to go under the plane. Wait for the first few lazers too disapear then run. Next is a tricky part. Two lazers are flickering really fast and if you get trapped, you're dead. Or close too it. Now kill the gaurds from here and turn around. Enter the final disapearing lazer. Now head for the ladder. Congraduations you completed route one! 2)Now the easier way, but you will have to kill more gaurds. Kill them with your K7 avenger. Keep killing them and enter the elevator. Go up, turn around and kill the gaurds. Now enter the Air Force One flyer. Route 2 complete!

Air Force One - Anti-Terrorism

1: Locate president
2: Get president to escape capsule
3: Detach UFO with mine

Background - Trent Easton's plan to abduct the President is in motion. The Carrington Institute response hinges on removing the President from Air Force One before Trent can do the same.

If you took the ladder way (the first way) on the last level, then you'll end up in the basement. Turn around and kill the gaurd. Grab the keycard and use it on the switch to lower the hoverbike. Then enter all of these doors until you finally get to the stairs. Grab the shield in the kitchen and turn around and enter the door. Do not use any weapons! Just stay unarmed. Sometimes if you want, you can knock them out but after you kill a lot you'll fail. Once you get to a room with stairs leading to the next floor, go up it. Carrington will say "The presidents room is on this level." Turn around to the slanted door. Enter it and take a gun out but don't shoot.(If you shoot in the president's room, you fail.) Wait for him to finish talking then get out your Cyclone and kill all the black gaurds once you're out of the room. Also, if the white gaurds die, pick up they're Cyclone and keycards. Now go all the way back where the stairs leading down to the basement are. (On the way, you will fight two Mr. Blondes. Kill them with your Cyclones or K7 Avenger. Now kill the gaurds down in the basement area. Go straight and open the door to let the president in the escape pod. Go up the stairs to the previous area. Go straight until you see a long tube to your right. Throw a mine in it. Run out and your done. Whoo hoo!

Crash Site - Confrontation

1: Activate distress beacon
2: Kill President's clone
3: Locate and rescue president

Background - Following Elvis's last-ditch maneuver, the three craft involved have crashed close together in the Alaskan wilderness. The whereabouts of the President are uncertain, and a cloud of ECM jamming is preventing rescuers from finding the site of the crash.

First go to the crevice to your right and kill the "too hard to spot gaurds." Grab their K7 Avengers because they're the best weapons to use in this level. Activate the escape pods distress beacon. Then turn around and go to the piece of the wing of the plain. Go until you see a crack. Kill Mr. Blonde's clone and kill the two gaurds. Pick up their K7 Avengers for ammo. Now equip you Sniper Rifle. Shoot the gaurds that are very far away, using the zoom in view of your Sniper Rifle. Now jump down into the small crevice and keep going until you get to a cave. Equip you K7 Avenger and put your Night Vision on. Go inside the cave and kill all of the gaurds. Then kill the President's clone. Kill the gaurds and pick up the shield. Then kill the gaurds that came behind you. Go to the rightmost part of the cave and you should see some G5 Robots. Use your remote mines on them. Then shoot Trent Easton (the guy in the red with black hair). You can also disarm him for his gun, but you might get hurt in the process. Now go up the small cliff and go through the cave to the big area. Kill the 2 gaurds here and take the President to Elvis behind the large rock. You've now beaten the Crash Site...good job!

Pelagic II - Exploration

1: Disable primary power source
2: Deactivate GPS and auto pilot
3: Rendezvous and escape with Elvis

Background - The conspirators have thrown caution to the winds and have committed an act of piracy, taking over the Pelagic II and commencing hurried diving operations in the Pacific Ocean. Both dataDyne and its strange allies are involved in what appears to be a joint operation.

First open the door and shoot the gaurd in the head. Then walk until you see a switch. Turn around and shoot the gaurd in the head. Go to the next door. Before going in, shoot the gaurd through the glass in the head. A gaurd will go by him and say something (usually funny). Shoot him in the head. Now kill the 2 gaurds in the hallway. Then enter the door to your left. Kill the gaurd in the room and destroy the security camera. Then use X-Ray Glasses and switch all the green switches. Then go down stairs and turn off the switch in the telescope. Now enter the door you came through. Then enter the next room and go up the stairs. Keep going straight until you reach more stairs. Go up those stairs. Kill the gaurds. Then go up the final set of stairs. Talk to the guys in blue and wait. He will turn it off. Then a guy will pull out a gun. Shoot him! Then tell the other gaurd to turn it off. Go out the way you came. Stop at the room where there's stairs going both ways. Go into the doors and kill the gaurds. Now go behind the boxes and enter the door. Now this is just a series of rooms that you have too kill gaurds through the glass. You can use N-Bombs, but they're a bit dangerous, so stick with your guns. Once you get to a room with 2 doors, go to the one on the left and you will have completed Pelagic II!

Deep Sea - Nullify Threat

1: Reactivate teleportals
2: Disable cetan mega weapon
3: Escape from cetan ship

First off, go through the first door and then go through the next door. Ignore the invisable gaurds...Elvis will take care of them. Now enter the door on the top of the stairs. Enter the 2 doors. Ignore the gaurds in the next room utill you find the red gaurds. Kill them with your shotgun. Then enter the tunnel. Kill the gaurds in there and follow the maze (its not too hard). Now go into the room with Mr. Blonde and 2 other gaurds in it. Kill them and let Elvis activate the teleportals. While elvis is doing this, go through the maze the way you came and enter the teleportal. Now Elvis gives you the Farsight but it's useless. Kill the skedar babies in the next room and then enter the door on the other side. Go down the long hallway. Once at the end, wait for Elvis. After he arrives, enter the room to your right and let Elvis deactivate the megaweapon. Then enter the unlocked door and go down the hall and enter the teleportal. Go in and watch the cinema. Then escape cetan ship before time runs out to beat the level. Just go the way you came. (If you don't know, follow Elvis). Congratulations!

Carrington Institute - Defense

1. Save all hostages
2. Get experimental weapon
3. Deactivate bomb

First of all, saving the hostages won’t be so hard but you have to make sure that if six people die, you fail mission. First you want to kill the skedar alien and get his gun or let the other guy kill him for you. Once you get it, save the people in the bottom area. Don't worry about the people in the firing range. They die once you get there. But if your lucky, one will survive. Then save the women in the holograph training room. She’ll turn into four clones and the guards will start firing at all of them untill the real one dies, or if you interrupt them. It’s pretty easy. Once you save the people on the bottom go to the elevator on the middle floor and save the people on the top. It’s just as easy. First, go to the room nearest you for whichever elevator you take. The first room you go to is the device training room. Kill the guard to the right first because the one on the left is reloading his gun. After you kill the two guards, head to the next room which is character info and cheats. Kill the guard in front of you and the other hostage will knock the other guy out with a little karate. After you save the hostages, you have to get the experimental weapon in the firing range. First kill all the guards that have shields and head to the firing range. Go to the computer and activate the emergency override to break the glass. Get the weapon (the RCP 120) and go the next objective. This objective is a bit hard. You have to deactivate the bomb in the skedar ship. First get out of the firing range and go down to the basement and kill all the guards. There’s a lot with maulers; mostly Mr. Blonde clones. Then go to the skedar ship and deactivate the bomb with your data uplink and in ten seconds the bomb will deactivate. After you've done that, go to the escape ship where Carrington is and you’ve finished the mission!

Attack Ship- Covert Assault

1. Disable shield system
2. Access navigational system
3. Gain control of bridge

You'll begin this mission in a skedar prison, trapped in a 10’ by 10 room with Cassandra. She’ll give you a Combat Knife, at which point you’ll need to run out into the next room and take out the skedar warrior. You can take him out with three or four slashes, or you can use your secondary function (if you decide to turn the weapon into a poison knife and throw it, the poison will take exactly six seconds to kill the skedar warrior). During those six seconds though, the guard will probably come after you. To compensate for this, I suggest that you stand as far away from the creature as possible before you throw it. Pick up his Mauler and take out the other guard around the corner. Before you head up the elevator, make sure to destroy the three shield generators which will complete objective one. When you start the next objective, Elvis will give you an AR34 with full ammo (that is when you go up the elevator). After you leave the elevator and into the hanger an alarm will sound and all these skedar warriors will come to attack you. You'll get two little Maians to help you and Elvis. After they are all dead, go up the left elevator and Elvis will take the right. When you get up, kill the two skedar warriors in the hallway and go to the door to the right so you can get a shield (there’s a skedar warrior in there). Afterwards, go to the door ahead of you in a hall way with one skedar warrior. Then go in this long hallway and go to the left and into to the door. In the middle where the navigation system is, Elvis will start operating it after you kill the two warriors in there. After you’ve done that, go all the way up, and up the elevator you will encounter some skedar warriors. You will be at a bridge and you will have to face lots of skedar warriors. Kill the one in the middle first, for he will drop another Mauler so you will have two. After you’ve killed all the warriors, you will have finished the mission!

Skedar Ruins - Battle Shrine

1: Identify temple targets
2: Activate bridge
3: Kill skedar king

First off, turn on your R-tracker. First kill the gaurd behind the wall with your Callisto NTG (in it's secondary function). Kill the gaurd in the next room and kill the gaurd that is holding the Reaper. On you R-Tracker, see if the pillar is real. If not, destroy it with your Devastator. If it is real, use your Target Amplifyer. Now enter the door straight ahead and kill the gaurd in front of you. Then kill the one that comes from behind .Now turn right and kill the gaurds and the gaurds that are holding Reapers. Now use the Target Amplifyer on the other real pillars and destroy the fake ones. Now go to the cliff and if you destroyed the fake pillars, then there will be Phoenixes there. Equip them then kill the two skedar in the ravine (make sure not to fall). Now climb up the ladder and then kill the gaurd below the next ladder. Now see the wall in the little cave? Destroy it with either the Phoenix or Devastator. Now go down the hall and kill the baby skedar. Now enter the screwed up door and kill the baby skedar in there. Then push the block on to the button. Now cross the bridge. Kill the skedar in the hall then enter the room with a glass bridge. Kill the gaurd at the end. Now enter the two doors and the skedar army will come out of the green tubes. Kill them all. Now enter the door. Before entering the next door, shoot the king when the door is open to get his life down (shield) without him attacking. Now enter. Shoot the pieces of the pillar with the Mauler or Phoenix. Shoot the final piece and you've beaten the game...well Agent that is.

Mr. Blonde's Revenge

1: Locate and escort Cassandra to helipad

Mr. Blonde's Revenge has the same map as Datadyne Extraction, so this won't be so hard. First turn on your cloaking device and don't make a peep. Run to the foyer elevator. Once you're at the elevator, turn off your cloaking device. Kill the gaurds up in this area and then go up the stairs. Be careful becauce DataDyne gaurds have N Bombs. Once you get to Cassandra's office, stop. Don't enter the door! First go up the next set of stairs and kill the DataDyne gaurds or they might kill Cassandra with their N Bombs. Now enter Cassandra's office (unarmed) and disarm her. Now go to the helipad (with Cassandra) and you've beaten the level!

Maian SOS

1: Activate distress beacon

This level is from Area 51. You will start in the glass room where you found elvis in Area 51 Rescue. Knock out the first gaurd and then kill the second one. Grab the Falcon 2 and the Psycosis Gun on his table. Go back where you started and push the bed thing to the glass and shoot it six times. It will blow up the glass. Enter the door straight ahead and kill the gaurd. Wait there because there's more gaurds coming. Kill them. (If you run out of Falcon 2 ammo then use the Dragon). Now go straight and into the doors. Turn right and kill the gaurds. One gaurd will come out with two DY257-LXs. Use the Psycosis Gun on him, and he will become your best friend. He will shoot gaurds for you. Just run ahead until you get to the place with a door to the left. Go right to the hall. There's some more gaurds here. Shoot th Now head through the door to a huge area. Enter the circular door and cross the bridge. The alarm will sound. The next room you should find has an open vent. Go inside. You are now in the Warehouse. Kill all the gaurds and go up the big elevator. Remember that door that was always locked? Well its now open. Kill the gaurd and enter the door. You're now in another big room. Use your Dragon in its secondary function to kill at least 2-4 gaurds. Pick up they're Sragons and equip them. Now go up the ramp and enter the elevator. You will come out in a room where there's two gaurds blocking the door. Kill them and enter the room. Now destroy the blockers and kill the two gaurds with Tranquillizers. Turn on the computer to beat the level.

The Duel

1: Kill DataDyne gaurd

This mission is pretty straight-forward. You start out back to back with a DataDyne guard. You walk a few steps ahead and then you turn around and face the guard. The easist way to kill him is lock on his head and shoot. If you don't want to get hit, you can also strafe and shoot. Once he's dead, mission complete.


1: Kill Skedar King

In this mission you are Elvis (or at least his clone) and you're on a team with a whole bunch of other Elvis' to kill the Skedar King. First off, let the others ahead of you. You always want them to clear the way for you and when they die, pick up their Callisto. Make sure you're Phoenix is on Explosive Shells and your Callisto on High-Impact Shells. Follow the path you used for Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine, or follow the alien dudes to the Skedar King. Drop off the bridge and and fire shell after shell at the Skedar King. The aliens should take care of other business, so don't worry about them. Once you've killed the Skedar King, you have completed the mission! Congrats!


Creating Perfection


Crystal Cube
Perfect Dark 2
Perfect Dark Saga
Q's Laboratory
Become One


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