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 Quickened By Love

Everyone knows that the first time a mother is able to feel her unborn baby kick, is a tremendous thrill. That first kick is an experience no mother ever forgets. And when a father can feel it with his hand, he never forgets either. The unseen has suddenly become very real! It is called "quickening," not because the baby has become quicker, but because the mother has become aware of the baby's movements. A deeper desire is born at that moment, to see the baby who is growing within; to get to know the baby, to cuddle and care for him.

God's love is also unseen, but when we are first saved, and feel the joy of salvation, our spirits are quickened, and we never forget. We become aware of God's love, and a deep desire begins to grow within in, to know more about Him. A desire to do what is pleasing in His sight, and to make Him happy.

There is no force on earth, as powerful as that of love. Even hate could never surpass love, in intensity. Of this, I am certain. Each day that I live, this is made clear to me again.

* Morning by morning, new mercies I see. (C)

Every morning of my life, I do something I enjoy very much. I go into my helpless adult children's rooms to say good-morning. I give them smiles, and receive smiles in return.

These children never get angry with me. They love me with the same unconditional love that I love them with. This is God's love. I think it is one of the purest forms of His love, that He gives to us on this earth.

Never for one moment, does God stop loving us. No matter what we do, He loves us still. If we turn our backs to Him, and do something He does not want us to do, He speaks to us, with a still, small voice. Why does He speak softly, when He could knock down the mountains with a single word? Because He gave us the power of choice, and He wants our true love. He only speaks softly, because He wants us to turn to Him out of our own free will. And He never, never gives up on us.

* Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be. (C)

My children would not love me, and break into beaming smiles at the sight of me, if they didn't know my love. When I worked in an institution, years ago, no child smiled when I came in. I was never with one of them long enough for them to know me. A child must be loved, in order for joy to grow - and for their own love to be quickened inside them.

I have had the time to earn my children's love. The time to spend with each one, stroking their hands, ruffling their hair, showing them toys, talking and smiling to them. The love of each one is a treasure to me.

God has earned our love, too. He sent His only begotten son, to die for our sins, so our sins could be forgiven, and we could spend eternity in Heaven with Him. That is a love so great, that I cannot even imagine it. But I believe it, I feel it, I know it. I have accepted His love, and come to Him through Jesus Christ, receiving salvation. Christ has quickened me. How I love my Savior!

I long to please Him more. I long to keep my face toward Him, and never disappoint Him. Until I reach Heaven, I cannot be perfect. But God expects me to try my best, and continue searching out ways to walk in His paths. I praise Him for His love for me, and patience with me. I praise Him for His grace, and His mercy toward me. Thank You, Father, for this morning that You have made. I will rejoice and be glad it in.

2004 Rosemary Gwaltney

(C) The words to "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" by Thomas O. Chisholm, are under copyright. I use them here by permission. If you wish to print, copy, cut/paste or duplicate these lyrics you must obtain permission from Hope Publishing Company 380 South Main Place, Carol Stream, IL 60188. (800-323-1049).