Wings represent the safest, warmest place in nature. What place is so soft, or so secure for birdlings as the nest their mother built? She builds her nest strong and high. She brings food, and snuggles her babies under her wings. In the shadow of her wings, no predator from above can see her babies, so they are safe from harm. As safe as birdlings can be, in this imperfect world. It is no wonder that the Bible compares her wings, with God's love.
* "How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Thy wings." Psalm 36:7
This world is not perfect. But God never stops taking care of us. He never stops loving us, and caring about us. And His plan for each of us is perfect. Good things are always ahead, and the best of all, for those who are saved through Christ, is Heaven.
We all need care. Tender loving care. Other people are generally not going to give this to us, but God does. One of the things I believe He expects us do, is to take care of ourselves. This is something I have not always paid much attention to. I have had a tendency to put myself last.
In my life, I have experienced many times of feeling sad and lonely. Many times I have wished I had someone to wrap their arms around me, and hold me, and give me that feeling of being taken care of. God was always there, and He was a great comfort. But human touch is very important. God created us with the very real need for human touch. Human babies die if they are not touched. I read somewhere, years ago, in a book about psychiatry, that every human being needs eight hugs a day for good mental health! I remember thinking, "that's nuts! No one gets eight hugs a day!" It made me feel bitter, because I was very lonely at the time.
Well, I kept thinking about it. And that was when I began to GIVE eight hugs a day! It wasn't hard. Though I did not have a husband, I had children all around me. My parents were not huggers, so I began to give them hugs. I began to hug my friends. Naturally, giving hugs, a person gets one back. That has helped me, even now that I am married. I tend to be more "huggy" than some, and often, if I want a hug, the best thing to do is give one.
Today is a special day for "huggy" me! I have my dear son Joey's bed made up and ready. All his videos, music boxes, and toys are ready for him to enjoy again. He's coming home from a stay at a nursing home. He has been recovering from the serious condition of a bleeding ulcer in his throat, caused by his reflux. Our house was up for sale when he developed this bleeding, and he had to be placed in the nursing home, because he could have bled to death in his sleep. Then, our house sold, and we had to move to another state as we had planned, but without him! I really hated that, and was terribly upset. How I have missed him! But the hard time is over now. I am so excited to take him again under my mother-wings, care for him, nurture him, and make him happy once more. I can hardly wait to give him hugs again. How sweet it will feel to him, to be hugged tenderly by his mother again! How good it will feel to me, to care for him again. Soon I'll see his smiles again every day!
I almost feel more thrilled than I felt when he came home to me the first time, at five years old. I'll never forget my first sight of him, being pushed in his little wheelchair off the airplane, toward me. His big brown eyes were wide with apprehension. He was a beautiful little boy. A frail, timid little boy. A nervous, and solemn little boy. He was profoundly retarded, but just like any other five year old little boy being adopted, he was very aware that he was in a new place, and he did not know us. How much fun it was to bring him home, and make him my very own son. I loved making him feel secure, and hearing him giggling and laughing! How much MORE fun it's going to be this time! He's had a lonely time since we moved, healing from his bleeding disorder. I love him so dearly, and he loves me. Because of that love, I can hardly think about anything else, waiting these last three days! I have so many new things to show him! We have a farm now, and there are animals, and all kinds of new experiences for him! But I have no way of communicating with him now. Because he cannot understand spoken language, he has no idea that he is coming home in three days. He does not understand my plan for him. There is no way he can comprehend it. He is still in his lonely bed. He has to wait until he sees me. THEN he will understand. His face will light up with joy!
Imagine how much pleasure God receives, planning new joys for us! How happy He is, showing us new things, giving us new things, and causing us to be happy! We who are His children, are secure in his love. Even when we must live through a long, bleak period of time, and we cannot imagine what God is planning, we can be certain that His love never fades. His thoughts about us, and plans for our well-being are always just as strong and loving. His waiting until our happy time can return, must seem hard to Him too.
I am so grateful to be living under the shadow of God's wings! And my son Joey is nestled in there with me! God will always be taking care of us both.
2004 Rosemary Gwaltney