There was a long time in my life, when my joy seemed complete. It was radiant, and running over. I was like a sunflower in full bloom. This was during my many years of motherhood, while most of my children were still at home.
I'm beginning to realize now, long afterward, that during that time of my life, when I was mothering my young ones, the children God had given me were my glorious joy and reward. Each petal of me was warm in all its radiant color, and the flower of me was lifting its head high to the sun.
I had adopted most of my children as a single mother. I loved my children; my children loved me; I spent my life teaching them of God's love, and showing them how to become the children of God. Our world was small, simple, busy and wonderful. Many years of joy had been mine. Most of my children were becoming adults.
Then there came a terrible and profound pivot in my life. I lost my precious, loving, six year old twin daughters. After that, something within me faded, withered, died, and went to seed. For four years, it seemed that life had come to a complete standstill. I don't think I learned anything during that time, except for the depth of my own helplessness. I simply was lost in the deepest sorrow I had ever known.
It has been over twelve years now. God has further permitted me to suffer a number of new trials and heartbreaks during this time, one after the other.
I know absolutely that God loves me with a holy love, and has perfect wisdom. I know He has a reason for everything He allows. So at last I began to wonder wherever I had gotten the idea that I would, or even should be so happy, for the rest of my life?
After all, if not for death, and the going to seed of plants, nothing new would grow. If not for my going to seed, my life would not be becoming fruitful in the new ways that it is. Despair is not the end, after all.
What I have learned to hope for, and to expect, is for the seeds which are yet part of me, to continue to be planted, sprout, grow, and through God's grace, produce new fruit. I believe that God still has a purpose for me in this world. A calling in addition to motherhood; a new mission, so I can serve Him in a new way. He has shown me where to begin, in writing down and sharing the things He has taught me, and continues to teach me.
The abundant joy given me by Christ when my children were all still at home, was like the sun to a plant. I drank it in with gratitude. Now, even though my petals are gone, that joy is forever contained in each of my seeds. Each seed, as it falls into fertile soil, becomes nourished, and begins to grow, gives out that sun, and that joy. What I want most now, is to become a vessel through which Jesus can bless more of His children, beyond my own family. Through my writing, my life and witness for Christ touches the lives of many strangers, whom I never would have been in any kind of contact with, otherwise. I receive many letters from people whom God has blessed through something I wrote. Each letter is an enormous blessing to me. Through these letters, God is letting me know that my seeds are sprouting, and turning into something He can use for His glory.
For the first time in my life, I have become actually grateful for the anguish I endured. The reason for this is that pain is the point at which I finally comprehended the deepest purpose of my life here on earth. Without pain, I never would have come this close to Christ; and my true purpose is to grow ever closer to God, on my journey to Heaven. I thought I was experiencing closeness before, while I was growing up, maturing, and teaching my children about God. But it was nothing compared with the closeness I feel today. Without suffering, I never would have felt a nearness to the pain Jesus suffered for His love of all God's children.
* Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, ... rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. I Peter 4:12a,13 The purest purpose of my life, is to be someone God can use, to bless others, show them the love of Jesus; to lead them to salvation and encourage their spiritual growth. This must go beyond my own family. I see now that even as I was heartbroken, withering, and going to seed, so to speak; the love, kindness, and mercy of Christ never left me. Indeed, even though I did not feel God's peace through that terrible valley, He never withdrew it from me. That is promised in the Bible.
* For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee. Isaiah 54: 10 The more I suffered, the more I came to understand how poorly equipped I was to handle suffering; and how amazing Jesus was, and is, in accepting and enduring His suffering. He suffered because He loved us. I accept and even embrace my suffering now, for Jesus' sake, in order to show Him my love for Him. I don't reject what He allows me to endure, any more. My joy, my reward now, is the knowledge that God is working something in me, for His glory. And that is enough. That is complete. That is the deepest honor I've ever known.
Becoming able to accept my suffering marks a tremendous change in me. For some reason, I had never expected to have to suffer in life. It simply did not occur to me that life includes pain for everyone. When suffering came, I resented it, fought against it, grumbled bitterly about it, rejecting it with every part of me. I lived the first half century of my life that way!
It wasn't until I discovered Henri Nouwen's books, that I finally began to comprehend a bit, about God allowing all these things to happen to me. I heard Henri say so earnestly, in a sermon, that Jesus was trying to explain to His disciples: "didn't you KNOW that you would have to suffer?" And suddenly it became clear to me.
Henri Nouwen conveyed to me a deep truth, when he explained that the gifts of life are often hidden in the places that hurt the most. Suffering hurts so much; but knowing that God is creating a new work in me through it, is such an enormous gift, that it makes it all worth while.
Yet my suffering is nothing, compared to Jesus' suffering. And Jesus accepted and endured His anguish on purpose, out of love for you and me. Through His earthly death, He made the gift of eternal life possible for anyone who wants it. He had to die, for that new gift to be given.
Yes, I feel I have gone to seed, though God is perfectly able to cause a new branch to grow on the old tree. And now, God is able to take those seeds, plant them, nurture them, and produce new blessings. Seeing this was how I discerned the need to thank Him for the seeds. I have learned to praise Him for what He is able to do with the seeds. And I open myself for Him to use me for His glory in new ways, as I grow older. In this way, I am also thanking Christ for suffering for me. I give my suffering to Him as a sacrifice of love, in accepting it and trusting Him to guide me through it. For He will never leave me or forsake me.
* Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Matthew 28:20
And there will be no tears, or sorrow in Heaven.
2005 Rosemary Gwaltney