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 The Truest Meaning Of Living

   Are you living? Does that sound like an absurd question?

   Well, what does it mean to live?

   One person might say, you wake up in the morning, breathe all day, eat, and go to sleep. Well, that is true.

   Another might say, you work toward goals, achieve some of them, hopefully find someone to love you, then get old, and die. Well, that is true too.

   But those whose consciousness of life ends there, miss the most valuable, meaningful thing of all.

   What does it REALLY mean to live? It involves much more than the average person realizes.

   "Living" is the word for the minute by minute motility of "life". The constant inner flux and flow in every human being who is alive.

   There is an entire spiritual realm within each human being, as real as the core of the earth. We know this inner territory is there, though we don't see it. It is far deeper than cognitive thought processes; much more complex than personality or identity. This realm is our own unique kingdom, given by God. He has given us free choice there. We are free to either ignore it, or be active and blessed in it.

   Ignoring our spirit is like ignoring any other part of ourselves, except much worse. What would happen if you did not pay attention to your need to eat? You would starve to death. What would happen if you rejected your need for friends, and became a hermit all your life? You would live a lonely life. You would miss being loved, much laughter, human physical contact. What would happen if you decided it was not necessary to breathe, and put a plastic bag over your head? You would die in very short order.

   What happens if a person ignores their spirit? If a person does that, and refuses to accept or recognize the importance of it, they are sealing their fate. Hell will be their doom. Our "civilized society" makes this much too easy, putting all of life's importance on money, fame, and human success.

   Turn on the television any time, and your senses are bombarded with incoming messages, all of which have to do with what society thinks is important. "Get a life!" it says, and this is what it means: youth, beauty, sex, riches, fame, worldly achievements, and fun, fun, fun! Why do you suppose there is such gigantic emphasis on all these things? Because all unsaved people have a dark hollow space inside, that they're always trying to fill with things people can dream up. Unfortunately, it never works; but the attempt never ceases.

   Where does the average person hear about their inner realm, their spiritual realm, and what they should, or could be doing about nurturing it? Well, not on the streets of the United States, in general. Not on the television of North America, for the most part. A few radio stations, and a few television stations. Yes, there are countless churches. But those television stations are hard to find, and can usually only be seen if you pay for cable TV. There are so many kinds of churches, how would an unsaved person even begin to search for one?

   Our society has turned its back on God, in general, it seems. But God's love, and salvation is available to everyone. I am certain that if an unsaved person so much as tried to pray, and tell God that he wants to find Him; simply ask Him to help him find Him, God would lead him to the answer. The answer might be given through another person, a verse in the Bible, a hymn suddenly remembered from childhood, or a site on the net. There is no limit to God's ability to guide a willing heart to Himself.

   I am aware that most people reading what I write, are born-again, saved Christians already. But it is important to remember what a gift we have. What an incredible, inestimable treasure God has given us, in salvation!

   Our inner realm is where God comes to meet us. It is where we experience the tremendous love of our Heavenly Father. It is where we learn to follow Jesus, and develop an ever greater desire to please Him, during this earthly life, while we are on our way to eternal life in Heaven.

   If a person receives salvation, and then does not pursue it, they remain an infant Christian, and miss out on their spiritual growth. This is a much greater loss than the hermit who never knows the love of another person.

   What does our society offer, to help us through difficult parts of life? Tranquilizers and psychiatrists. What does it offer to comfort us? Vodka perhaps? What is there available to give us joy? New cars or houses? A thrilling sport, or a sailboat? A younger partner with better sex appeal? A face lift or tummy tuck? A vacation in the Caribbean? A new credit card?

   How do these compare with what God has to offer? Are they all available at three in the morning, when our tears are flowing? Are they all available to every person? If they really were available to everyone, twenty-four hours a day, would they truly be the answer to making us happy deep inside? Well, the answer to all three is "no".

   God has an eternal, incredibly rich love to surround us with; to immerse us in. When we, His beloved children, look toward Him, desiring to find out His will for us, He fills us with love, and speaks to us through the Holy Spirit. His will is to guide us gently, lead us lovingly, and shower us with blessings all the way. The blessings He gives will be the knowledge of His love; and joy and peace, regardless of our earthly circumstances. Strength to get through the difficult parts of life. Holy comfort to help us through heartbreak. Courage to help us face the difficulties of life. His ever-present help.

   Do we want to fully and joyfully experience our living? Or are we content to just breathe and die? Do we want to perceive and comprehend the love and approval of God? Or are we satisfied to just do what we want to do in this world, as long as we can?

   The amazing thing is that God Himself wants us to joyfully experience our living! His love for us is that great! And the gifts He wants to give us are ALL available twenty-four hours a day. They are available to every living person, rich or poor, as well.

   I want to fully and joyfully experience my living. I want to continue to know the love and approval of God. It's so wonderful to know that when I am old, I will still be closely held in His loving embrace, and death will be nothing to fear. In fact, the closer I become, to my Saviour here on earth, the more I realize that the door of death will be a gift beyond comparison. It is the door through which I will move into the infinitely marvelous, tangible presence of God.

   As years pass, and God's love is made more and more real to me, my spirit is drawn ever closer to Him. It is pulled even more intensely than gravity pulls toward the center of the earth; to discern the Holy Spirit guiding me; to experience His love ever more fully.

    * He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5b

   To me, living increasingly in tune with Christ, is like adding sugar to pudding. The more you add, the sweeter it becomes.

   We are all human. Our attention cannot always be on Christ, or any other portion of consciousness. We will slip at times, and do things that do not please God. But He will always forgive, freely and fully, simply for the asking. God created us, after all, with minds that skip and scatter, and good intentions that falter, and fail. He understands us better than we understand ourselves.

The chimes of time ring out the news,
Another day is through.
Someone slipped and fell.
Was that someone you?
You may have longed for added strength,
Your courage to renew.
Do not be disheartened,
For I have news for you.

It is no secret what God can do.
What He's done for others, He'll do for you.
With arms wide open, He'll pardon you.
It is no secret what God can do.

There is no night for in His light
You never walk alone.
Always feel at home,
Wherever you may go.
There is no power can conquer you
While God is on your side.
Take Him at His promise,
Don't run away and hide.

It is no secret what God can do.
What He's done for others, He'll do for you.
With arms wide open, He'll pardon you.
It is no secret what God can do.

(by Stuart Hamblin)

   Living then, involves a daily awareness of our spiritual growth; our walk with Christ. That enriches every hour far beyond anything that this world has to offer.

   Without God, we would, in fact, simply breathe, eat, and die. That's not good enough for me! It is a great blessing that I have a home and a family, food to eat, and clothes to wear; but if I had to live under a bridge, I would still have the riches of His love, and life eternal. I would still have the most important thing. No earthly force, nor worldly loss can ever take that away from me.

   One step at a time, that's all we can take. One day at a time, is all we can live. But we can put a lot of living into that single day! Just claiming God's love, and walking near Him is what will put the light into our living!

   Praise Him for creating us, and loving us as His beloved children! Praise God for helping us find Him! Praise Him for never giving up on us! And praise Him for making it possible for us to learn of Him, draw ever closer to Him, and personally experience His pure and holy love for us, day after day.

   For that is the truest meaning of living.

2005 Rosemary Gwaltney