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The PDC Photo Album

I hear your wish is to see some pics of the events in the chapter. Click below, and your wish shall be granted! It's been fun....lemme tell ya!!!

PDC pics 2001-2002

Columbus Day Weekend 2001 at the Alpha Gamma House Pt.1
Columbus Day Weekend 2001at the Alpha Gamma House Pt.2
Grand Council 2001 Pt.1
Grand Council 2001 Pt.2
Grand Council 2001 Pt.3
APHA 2001 - San Francisco!
ASHP 2001 - New Orleans!
Officers Retreat 2001
Southeast Regionals 2002 - Ft. Lauderdale
Formal 2002 - Myrtle Beach!
LDS 2002 - D-E-N-V-E-R!!!
LDS 2002 - part II
Columbus Day 2002
All Male Miss Pharmacy 2003
Formal 2003
Wine &Cheese/Sausage & Beer (Alpha Theta Trip)

Should you require a username / password to view the pictures, you can use:

Username: agalumni

Password: alumni



Password: alumni

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