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Katipuneros of Bulacan

Eladio Adriano

  • became a student of Pharmacy
  • became the Cabeza de Barangay of Malolos
  • became the Hermano Obrero of Lohia Kupang in 1894
  • became the member of "Sangguiniang Apuy" of Katipunan from 1895-1896
  • became the vice-president of the town of Malolos
  • preisdent of the ":Malolos Electric Co."

Maximino Borlongan

  • became a cabeza de barangay but was prisoned because of "persona non grata" to the priest in 1883
  • became a loyal follower of M.H. del Pilar
  • became a Katipunan member in 1896
  • was in the " Sangguniang Apuy"
  • became a commandant in a troop led by Gen. Isidoro Torres in Malolos from 1896 to 1900

Doroteo Karagdag

  • while studying he became a member of Katipunan in Manila on May 1895
  • became Bonifacio's helper to spread the Katipunan in Bulacan
  • became a member of "Sangginuniang Apuy"
  • became a Colonel in Gen. Torres' group
  • was wounded at Pulong-kawayan on May 1897 and also in Katmon, Malolos on June 1, 1898
  • became a Lawyer on 1907

Donato Teodoro

  • became a Katipunan member in 1896
  • second in command of Gen. Isidoro Torres in Binakod, Paombong on 1897
  • became a commandant of the Batallion Central no. 2 of Gen. Torres' brigade
  • became the vice judge for peace in Malolos from 1901-02
  • finished Derecho on 1905 and became the governor of Bulacan from 1910 to 1911

Damaso Caluag

  • studied Preparatoria under Prof. Teodoro Sandiko of Malolos in 1887 to 1888
  • stidied first and second ensenanaza in Ateneo Municipal
  • became a member of Katipunana in 1896
  • became the Teniente Koronel of Milicias of Aguinaldo in 1898
  • Captain of Compania Volante in Batallion Central no 2.
  • studied Academia Derecho in Manila from 1912 and Municipal President from 1912 to 1916



Luis Gatmaitan

  • while studying he also became a member of Katipunan on 1896
  • also spread the Katipunan in Bulacan
  • became the Treasurer of "Sangguniang Apuy"
  • was captured and tortured when the Revolution broke
  • became a commandant of an Infantry on 1898
  • became a candidate for mayor of Malolos from 1908 to 1910
  • also as Governor of the Province of Bulakan on 1909

Dionisio Dimagiba

  • became a Katipunan member on June 1896 eventhough he was still studying
  • became a Captain of the group under Gen. Torres in Binakod. Paombong
  • after that became the Captain of the Infantry of the Middle Group from 1898 to 1902
  • became the Municipal Secretary of Malolos on 1902
  • also became the head of police from 1908 to 1909 and President of the Municipal of Malolos from 1917 to 1918
  • became the Gwardiya Nasyonal Nasyonal o 1917 and " Venerable" in Lohia Malolos 100 on 1924

Edilberto Crisostomo

  • studied medicine
  • became a member of Katipunan on June 1896
  • was a member of the Sanidad group under P. Gregorio Crisostomo in Tanay, Rizal
  • became a Captain of the Hukbong Panggitna 2 in Gen. Torres' brigade from 1898 - 1899
  • became the Directof of Hospital Militar in Kamiling, Tarlak
  • finished medicine in University of Madrid
  • became a Councelor of Malolos from 1917 to 1919

Antonio Bautista

  • member of the Katipunan n 1896
  • became the Teniente Abanderado of the Milisya Pilipina
  • became the Teniente of Administracion Militar under the Brigade of Torres in Katmon, Malolos
  • first Teniente of Horsing
  • aide-de-camp of Aguinaldo
  • studied farming in the University of Illinois in America
  • Vice President of the Municipal of Malolos from 1906-07
  • President of the Municipal of Malolos from 1910 to 1911
  • President of " Libangang Malolos, Asociacion Agricola in Bulacan and Liga de Propietatios de CanDulce in Bulakan/Kapangapangan
  • commandant of "Veteranos de la Revolucion" in Malolos and "Inspector General" of the group of veterans in 1925


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