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Katipuneros of Bulacan

Victorino Gatmaitan

  • studied Medicine from 1885 to 1887
  • became the Cabeza de Barangay from 1892 - 18994
  • became a teacher in Lamayan(Maestro de Ceremonias) of Lohia Kupang in 1894
  • treasurer of the Balangay Apuy in 1895 and 1896
  • was prisoned for being a Katipunero
  • became an official of the Administracion Militar of Gen. Torres' Brigade
  • became the Councelor of Malolos in 1901 to 1902

Dionisio Santos

  • known as "Captain Duni"
  • was the Great Plebian of Baliwag
  • doughty Katipunero, organized about a hundred brave men in his home Barrio of Sabang
  • joined Eusebio Roque's group
  • use primitive weapons such as bolos, axes and spears
  • figured prominently in the battle of Sabang

Mariano Yoyongco,Mariano Ramos,Gregorio Traviņo,Vicente Sauco,Aniceto Valencia

  • leaders of the "Voluntarios", group of Katipuneros in Baliwag, Bulacan
  • they all met one day at the public plaza at the very site occupied by the former Cine Irmen
  • there they pledge loyalty to the Filipino caused
  • Yoyongco unfurled the Philippine Flag and uttered "This is our flag which we will serve with utmost loyalty."

 Deodato Arellano

  • born on July 26, 1844 in Bulacan. Bulacan
  • a propagandist
  • real name was Deodato de la Cruz, it was change to Arellano due to Claveria's decree
  • book keeper at Ateneo Municipal de Manila
  • waorked as a clerk at a military arsenal
  • married to Hilaria, M.H. del Pilar's sister
  • joined the Propaganda Movement for political reforms
  • first secretary of the La Liga Filipina
  • his house was the place the Katipunan was founded
  • Katipuneros' First President
  • joined Gen. Gregorio del Pilar's group


Trinidad Tecson

  • May 31, 1858 - January 29, 1928
  • known as the " Mother of Biac-na-Bato"
  • second among the 16 children of Rafael Trinidad and Monica Perez
  • born in SAM Miguel de Mayumo Hospital
  • her father was a landowner while her mother was a merchant
  • learned how to read and write from the schoolmaster of the town, Quinto
  • took native fencing from Tangkad Zeto who was terrorizing the town
  • married 4 times, to Sinforoso Desiderio, Julian Alcantara, Doroteo Santiago, and Francisco Empainado
  • nursed the wounded
  • took part in the encounter in Gulod Baboy
  • after the Pact of Biac-na-bato, shE joined the revolutionary method
  • served as the Commissary of war under the Republic of Malolos
  • fell ill saving Antonio Luna
  • witnessed the surrender of Tomas Mascardo in Cavite
  • on Bovember 18, 1848. she died in PGH and now lies buried in the plot of the veteranc of the Revolution in Cementerio de Norte

Pablo Tecson

  • born in San Miguel de Mayumo in July 4, 1958
  • a Katipunero
  • studied in his hometown the Colegio de San Juan da Letran
  • organized a local chapter of Katipuanan and led his men in several encounters with Spanish Authorities
  • commissioned as major and rose rank of colonel under Gen. del Pilar
  • served as Governor of his own Province
  • resigned from governmanet service in 1906
  • died in Bulacan on 1933

Julian Juan Socorro,Manahan,Felix de Jesus,Juan Katindig

  • joined Vicente Enriquez Group
  • joined the Katipunan at the same time as G.deL Pilar entered the Katipunan

Jose Reyes Tiongso

  • led group in Malolos (Appointed by Gen. Torres)

Paulino Reyes

  • led group in Barasoain (Appointed by Gen. Torres)

Antonio Catoco

  • led group in Santa Isabel (Appointed by Gen. Torres)

Miguel Tecson,Julian Tecson, Marceliano Tecson,Maria Tecson

  • siblings of Trinidad Tecson who also joined the Revolution

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