About Our Angels

Greetings, friend. Below you'll see the (arch)angels that resonate powerfully with me. I thought to give them a corner-space on my site to show my undying appreciation, gratitude, and love for all the work they do and circumstances they help me with. Only a skeleton outline of information is provided here, with some links at the bottom. I encourage you to get in-tune with your angels and learn more about them. Nevertheless, I thank you for taking the time out to browse through what (and who) aids in making me tick.

Archangel Gabriel
Name Meaning: "God is My Strength," "Man of God," or "God Has Shown Himself Mightily."

Sub-titles: The Messenger. Maker of Changes. Bringer of News. Bearer of God's Secret Messages. Ruler of the Cherubim. Governor of Eden.

Planet: Moon

Direction: West

Element: Water

Purpose: Bearer of News and herald of answers.

Patron of: Communications, Mind, Intellect, Postal Workers.

Color Association: Opalscents, pale blues, cream, silvers, and rose.

Symbols: A lily, shield, moonstone, and trumpet.

Presides Over: Annunciation, Thought, Information, Humanity, Knowledge, Resurrection, Understanding, Heavenly Mercy, Vengeance, Death, Revelation, Truth, and Hope.

Charged with: Psychic Gifts, Intuition, Visions, Clairvoyance, Astral Travel, Herbal Medicine, Women's Cycles, Female Aspects of Men.

Physical Description: Archangel Gabriel, up until a point in Church history, was depicted as a feminine or female being. However, since all angels are androgynous the case is more or less one of whether the angel either appears to have more masculine attributes or feminine attributes. S/he's also attributed with having one hundred and forty pairs of wings, richly attired, and often wearing a crown while wielding a scepter. Right hand extended in salutation, usually.

Additional Tidbits: In Babylonian Legend, Gabriel fell from grace for a time in regards to not obeying a command exactly as given.

Call on her/him when you're in need of answers of any type - whether it be about life purposes, problematic issues, weighty concerns, s/he'll always guide you to the wisest course of action resulting in your highest good's outcome.

Archangel Raphael
Name Meaning: "God has Healed," "Shining One Who Heals," or "God Heals"

Sub-titles: The Healer. Overseer of Evening Winds. Chief of the Order of Virtues.

Feastday: September 29/October 24

Planet: Mercury

Direction: South

Element: Air

Purpose: Healing

Patron of: Travelers, Healers, Lovers, Children, Guardian Angels.

Color Association: Greens, Yellows, Whites, Indigo, and Crystal.

Symbols: Staff, fish, and flask.

Presides Over: Prayer, Love, Joy, Providence, Healing, Light, Science, Wisdom, Rebirth, Spring.

Charged with: Healing the earth, protecting the young, innocent, and travelers.

Physical Description: A mighty angel depicted as carrying a Pilgrim's Staff.

Call on him for physical, mental, emotional, and/or spiritual Healing, as well as for support and Love.

Archangel Ariel
Name Meaning: "Lion of God," "God is my Light," "God is Light," or "Fire of God"

Sub-titles: Reagent of the Sun, Flame of God, Angel of Repentance, Angel of Presence, Third Archon of Winds, Angel of the Order of Thrones

Planet: Venus

Direction: East

Element: Fire

Purpose: Salvation, Peace.

Patron of: Love, Devotion.

Color Association: Violet, Rainbow, White, Indigo.

Symbols: Open hand holding flame, Flame, and Sword.

Presides Over: Repentance, Magic, Devotion, Alchemy, Changes, Astrology, Cosmic Consciousness, Divine Order, Judgment, Enlightenment, Insight, Peace.

Charged with: Distribution of Power, Teaching Ways of the Heart and Pure Love, Universal Flow, Emergencies, Ministration, Protector of Nature and Earth.

Physical Description: A brilliant angelic being of Light, holder of the Fiery Sword. Usually depicted as serious in matured face with flowing silvery hair and violet eyes. Adorned on her body is a cloak of rainbow colors that flash and glow with her aura.

Added Tidbit: It is rumored that Ariel is actually Uriel (or the female aspect of him), so the information above is compiled from both entities' information.

Call on her for guidance, wisdom, knowledge, and/or information, especially concerning changes (like in Job, Life Goals, etc.). Also call on her for the matters of the heart, Love, and connection to Nature.

Archangel Michael
Name Meaning: "Who is as God?"

Sub-titles: Chief of the Order of Virtues. Guardian of Guardians. One of the Chief Princes. Prince of the Seraphim. The Protector-Warrior. Angel of Mercy. Prince of Presence.

Feastday: September 29/November 8

Planet: Sun

Direction: North

Element: Earth

Purpose: Protection.

Patron of: Grocers, Paratroopers, Police, Mariners, and Sickness.

Color Association: Deep Golds, Yellows, Oranges, and White.

Symbols: Dragons, scales, and swords.

Presides Over: Careers, Courage, Patience, Achievement, Sanctification, Life Tasks, Mercy, Ambition, Repentance, and Motivation.

Charged with: Nature, Rain, Snow, Thunder, Lightning, Wind, and Clouds.

Physical Description: A young, grandly winged being strong in body and handsome in face. Usually depicted as wearing chainmail, wielding a sword, shield, and often a spear too. He's also known for carrying the scales of justice in his hand.

He is covered with "Saffron hairs, each of them containing a million faces and mouths and as many tongues which, in a million dialects, implore the pardon of Allah," in Muslim lore. And his wings appear emerald green.

Call on him for Protection whenever you desire for whatever purpose you feel is needed.

Angel Links
http://www.sarahsarchangels.com/ - Sarah's Archangels. An extensive site on all things Angelic, Ascended, and Poetic. What you can't find on other Angel sites, you'll find here.

http://www.bible.org/docs/theology/angel/angelo.htm - Biblical Studies Foundation. This linked page shows off the biblical and scripture related information on Angels and where they fit in the whole religious society. Interesting to see, even though I'm not a 'religious' person.

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