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undefined Selesa Malyndar: g'morning.
Scion Mattly: mrnn
Selesa Malyndar: Too good for vowels in the morning?
Scion Mattly: Windwaker should be a controlled substance.
Selesa Malyndar: You played it all night??
Scion Mattly: no.
Scion Mattly: but I did play it till 3:30
Selesa Malyndar: Excellent.
Scion Mattly: whereupon I stumbled to bed
Selesa Malyndar: You have made me proud, Sembuku.
Selesa Malyndar: !!
Selesa Malyndar: Reminds me.
Selesa Malyndar: Goku does not, in fact, mean monkey.
Selesa Malyndar: It means 'extreme'.
Scion Mattly: oh?
Selesa Malyndar: Monkey is Saru, of veviations therof.
Scion Mattly: I think it means monkey in chinese
Selesa Malyndar: or deviations... oi.
Scion Mattly: where the story is derived from
Selesa Malyndar: !!
Selesa Malyndar: Nevermind.
Selesa Malyndar: I am retarded.
Scion Mattly: no, no
Selesa Malyndar: But in japanese, it means extreme. :-)
Selesa Malyndar: No, see, I knew the story was chinese, I just forgot in my excitement.
Scion Mattly: We all did thing it meant monkey in japanese
Scion Mattly: I just kinda fighured it out that it was chinese
Scion Mattly: Yes, well.
Selesa Malyndar: But seriously! Extreme! It's so perfect.
Scion Mattly: >.>
Selesa Malyndar: And gohan means food, not just rice.
Selesa Malyndar: And I';ve no idea what Goten is about.
Selesa Malyndar: ..sorry. Kind of fried right now. MAkes my babble.
Selesa Malyndar: me
Scion Mattly: S'alright
Scion Mattly: I'm getting sick of Goku, one way or another. I think its Ben's fault
Scion Mattly: because since I've stolen a name and look from a character, He seems to believe i MUST act like Goku from DBZ
Selesa Malyndar: Well, wouldn't you think so?
Selesa Malyndar: You said "I['m going to make Goku from DBZ!" at the first session
Selesa Malyndar: and then you made a guy named Goku, who looked like Goku, and had an adapted for Exalted version of Goku's story.
Scion Mattly: and its pissing em off to a point where I want to completely remake the look of my character...y'know, same guts, same sheet, same background, for the msot part, but with a completely different body.
Scion Mattly: Actually
Selesa Malyndar: You could change his hair and costume.
Scion Mattly: My background is 100% biothing like Goku.
Selesa Malyndar: But it would be upsetting if you made him, say, a foot taller with orange hair.
Scion Mattly: No
Selesa Malyndar: I mean the original background.,
Selesa Malyndar: I mean, what alteration are you on now? The fourth?
Scion Mattly: eh?
Scion Mattly: I've always had the same background'
Scion Mattly: I was actually thinking of darkening his skin, and giving him short, spiked platinum blonde hair...
Scion Mattly: maybe changing the outfit, too.
Scion Mattly: not sure.
Selesa Malyndar: THAT... would piss me off.
Selesa Malyndar: IF you're going to change his appearance, do it fairly.
Scion Mattly: I don't WANT to be goku.
Selesa Malyndar: Then make a new character.
Scion Mattly: because its forcing em to play my character in a way that I don't want to.
Selesa Malyndar: Or cut his hair, change his outfit, and get a tattoo.
Scion Mattly: Oh sure...I'll just have a 350 XP solar come walking out of nowhere =^p
Selesa Malyndar: Not nowhere.
Selesa Malyndar: But if you want that kind of extreme appearance shift, do it in-game.
Scion Mattly: Don't you see? if I diod all those other things, Ben woudl jsut say "you shouldn't be doing that, Goku wouldn't do that.
Selesa Malyndar: Hell, have MAry shape you.
Selesa Malyndar: I am surprised that Ben's opinion matters so much to you.
Scion Mattly: I didn't WANT to be Goku anymore. I was talking about a retroactive character change.
Scion Mattly: It does when its like a rapier PIERCING MY EYE
Selesa Malyndar: Which I don't wish for you to do.
Selesa Malyndar: Because it's stupid.
Scion Mattly: I can only get stabbed so many times before it starts bothering me.
Scion Mattly: ::shrugs:: fine.
Selesa Malyndar: How hard is it for him to give up the GI and hair?
Selesa Malyndar: He could say he's too recognizeable.
Scion Mattly: does that sound like somethign I'd say?
Selesa Malyndar: It sounds like something GOKUO (not goku) would say, if sufficiently broken-spirited over this Kain thing.
Selesa Malyndar: Since he'as being hunted like a dog, and he needs every advantage he can get.
Scion Mattly: I also know he has all the time in the world, and isn't going to attack me for a year.
Selesa Malyndar: A few months less than a year, now.
Scion Mattly: or at least, Goku believes that as a warrior he's honorable enough to dfo that.
Scion Mattly: A few months less?
Selesa Malyndar: What's Gokuo's intelligence?
Scion Mattly: well, eyah
Selesa Malyndar: I wish there was wisdom stat. I really do.
Scion Mattly: I guess maybe 2 have pased.
Selesa Malyndar: Because Gokuo is a dawn caste.
Scion Mattly: I'm not doing this off stats.
Scion Mattly: I'm telling you what he'd think
Selesa Malyndar: And no matter what he believes in his heart that Kain would do, he still has the heart of a warrior, and should take every precaution regardless.
Selesa Malyndar: Don't you think?
Scion Mattly: No.
Scion Mattly: I don't.
Selesa Malyndar: Then do what you think he would, but I'm not going to give you the nod on extreme body changes.
Selesa Malyndar: You've gone this far.
Selesa Malyndar: You can do this in-game.
Scion Mattly: ::shrugs::
Scion Mattly: Well, then I guess its off a cliff for me then
Scion Mattly: wheeee
Selesa Malyndar: It'll keep Kain from immediately attacking he party, that's true.
Scion Mattly: meh
Selesa Malyndar: I'm going to go get some lunch.
Scion Mattly: I'm sure all that backgroudn stuff is relativly bunk anyhow. Shoulda known ebtter than try to give myself an artificially important role via background.
Selesa Malyndar: Yes, actually. You should have. That was not cool.
Scion Mattly: Then you know what?
Scion Mattly: Tell me.
Selesa Malyndar: Tell you what?
Scion Mattly: Cause you never mentioned it when I GAVE you the background.
Selesa Malyndar: It's what Goku believes.
Selesa Malyndar: Bewfore you changed it so that Goku was the ONLY possible savior for the world.
Selesa Malyndar: It was fine.
Selesa Malyndar: Now I'm not going to go directly off of it. Goku sincerely believes he's the only one, and he very well might be.
Scion Mattly: I nevcer changed the background, ever. I ADDED parts, to flesh it out
Scion Mattly: but I've never changed it.
Selesa Malyndar: Yes. You added.
Selesa Malyndar: Which is a change. Not an extremeone, but still a change.
Scion Mattly: the "Goku must fight kain only" thin\g was always there.
Scion Mattly: and therefore never changed.
Selesa Malyndar: But before it was more of a vendetta, a "you killed my father!" thing.
Scion Mattly: No, it wasn't.
Selesa Malyndar: Fine, fine.
Selesa Malyndar: I don't have the original, and I can't prove you wrong.
Selesa Malyndar: My point is, the background stays, but does not gaurantee things.
Scion Mattly: of course not.
Scion Mattly: ::grumble::
Selesa Malyndar: It's only what goku believes. Whole-heartedly, yes! And he might be right! He has no reason to think he isn't.
Selesa Malyndar: Nor, for that matter, does anyone else.
Selesa Malyndar: And that's all that is important.
Scion Mattly: Except, of course, no oen does beleifve I'm right
Scion Mattly: cause no one listens to me
Scion Mattly: cause I'm Goku.
Selesa Malyndar: You've made minimal attempts to convince them.
Selesa Malyndar: Goku has changed very little from day one.
Scion Mattly: I am aware
Selesa Malyndar: Even Sheyrena eventually developed.
Selesa Malyndar: And Sun, who I initially feared was a hopeless case.
Selesa Malyndar: And Cell has very recently bloomed.
Selesa Malyndar: But Goku hasn't changed very much. :-\
Scion Mattly: Well, you have done a wonderful job of giving me a story where I'm useless.
Scion Mattly: So it can't all be my fault.
Selesa Malyndar: I leave the plothooks there. It's not my fault if you concentrate more on completing a mission than on interacting with people.
Selesa Malyndar: It isn't all my fault, and I'm annoyed that you could remotely think so.
Scion Mattly: The plothooks...oh yeah? like what?
Selesa Malyndar: Hey, hey, matt.
Scion Mattly: give me one example I missed.
Selesa Malyndar: Screw off.
Selesa Malyndar: I'm not always wrong.
Selesa Malyndar: Work with me, or let me be.
Scion Mattly: work with you...bah.
Selesa Malyndar: I'm getting really tired of being accused of horrible STing just because you hate your character.
Scion Mattly: Go eat lunch.
Selesa Malyndar: I've lost my appetite.
Scion Mattly: ::shrugs::
Selesa Malyndar: So what are you going to do?
Scion Mattly: ::shrugs::
Scion Mattly: I'm apparently too dense to enjoy your rich tapestry of a story, so I'll probably jsut quit. I'm sure everyone else can handle Kain, that's what they keep telling me.
Selesa Malyndar: How cutting.
Selesa Malyndar: And thoroughly unlike you.
Scion Mattly: Funny, I figured scathign remarks were a given now.
Selesa Malyndar: I meant the quitting part.
Selesa Malyndar: Scathing remarks have been your standby for about a month now.
Scion Mattly: Why is that a surprise?
Scion Mattly: I went an entire summer without enjoying a single session, and that was my storyarc, apparently. What in the name of god should convince me to keep going?
Selesa Malyndar: You know what?
Selesa Malyndar: Nothing.
Selesa Malyndar: You have no faith in me.
Selesa Malyndar: You're right. You're perfectly right. You may as well just up and leave.
Selesa Malyndar: But by god, you better come up with a story reason, or I will play Gokuo without you.
Scion Mattly: Even if you put hooks in, you said yourself, I'm probably going to miss them
Scion Mattly: Not if I take my sheet, you won't.
Selesa Malyndar: What do I care about your sheet?
Selesa Malyndar: I'll have Ben remake him.
Scion Mattly: ...
Selesa Malyndar: You have permission. You can go, if it's so important.
Scion Mattly: I don't even see why you'd want him
Selesa Malyndar: Because for the love of god, I can't take anymore of this.
Scion Mattly: Except hes the tagalong underdeveloped idiot of the group.
Selesa Malyndar: Because he has potential that you have consistantly neglected for about a year.
Scion Mattly: So you keeps saying
Scion Mattly: but don't give me an example.
Selesa Malyndar: And if what it takes for him to develop is for us to despise each other, I'm willing.
Selesa Malyndar: Because I care about this, my only campaign.
Selesa Malyndar: That you keep insulting and raging about.
Scion Mattly: Well?
Selesa Malyndar: You';re making me hate it, you know.
Selesa Malyndar: Not that you can trouble yourself to care.
Selesa Malyndar: So enjoy yourself!
Scion Mattly: I'm waiting fior an example of the neglected development
Selesa Malyndar: Have fun with Jen, and college, and when you come home in the summer, have fun with Quest and your campaign.
Selesa Malyndar: When's the last time he got points for being a Paragon?
Selesa Malyndar: He's a better bravo.
Selesa Malyndar: You see an injustice, you get angry, and you beat up whoever's commiting it--
Scion Mattly: Yes, cause you paid attention to that in the past.
Selesa Malyndar: and then kind of shrug at the victim, and move along.
Selesa Malyndar: Sure, you see something wrong, you get mad. But you're failing to FIX it.
Scion Mattly: I haven't WITNESSED injustice in so long, cause I'm being hurled about creation on some damn fools errand.
Scion Mattly: Name one think I've seen wrong that I have failed to do anything about.
Scion Mattly: I helped those 2 DBloods, even thouigh they didn't even want help, and offered them use of a HOLY ARTIFACT OF THE SUN
Scion Mattly: But I didn't get paragon points for that, of course.
Scion Mattly: Not as if it matters, without combat my willpower is always full.
Selesa Malyndar: After they said they were taking it anyway.
Scion Mattly: And I couldn't have stopped them?
Selesa Malyndar: That isn't the point.
Selesa Malyndar: It was diplomacy, not generosity.
Scion Mattly: Helping others is both intent and deed.
Scion Mattly: Not for goku
Scion Mattly: Goku firmly beleives he IS helping them by letting them use it, because he can't sit and let a deathlord harm people
Scion Mattly: even if those people hatye what he is.
Scion Mattly: But, of course, no recognition from that.
Scion Mattly: I'm even going with them, not to make sure they don't steal it, but to make sure a solar isn't required to wield the mirror.
Selesa Malyndar: Yes you are completely unexcited about that arc.
Selesa Malyndar: Yet, I meant.
Selesa Malyndar: I can live with you being unhappy, but when it gets to the point that I can't so much as mention the game without hearing spite about it, I get sick of it.
Scion Mattly: ::shrugs:: Actually, this arc more or less decides if I stay
Scion Mattly: talk about pressure.
Selesa Malyndar: And when you know damn well I'm not going to have any opportunity to better things for a while, more so.,
Selesa Malyndar: There is no pressure.
Selesa Malyndar: Gokuo will stay. It's a question if you do.
Selesa Malyndar: I don't want to care if you stay or go.
Scion Mattly: Do you even care if the others will be appaled at the travestry of puppetry?
Selesa Malyndar: Because I haven't heard a good thing about it from you in a year.
Scion Mattly: There hasn't BEEN a good thing about it in a year.
Scion Mattly: for me.
Selesa Malyndar: Not especially. I'll probably hand gokuo off to one of them, or remove him quietly.
Selesa Malyndar: Then be patient, or leave.
Scion Mattly: I figured, a year ago, when I STARTED, you'd fix something
Selesa Malyndar: No more threats.
Scion Mattly: THAT'S why I'm spiteful now
Selesa Malyndar: Do you understand me?
Selesa Malyndar: I will be overjoyed if you end up staying, and more so if you're happy.
Selesa Malyndar: But I've gottne pretty used to you being unhappy.
Selesa Malyndar: SO if you decide to leave after this story arc, it won't hurt me much more.
Scion Mattly: I guess that's where the unfixed problem is. Oh well.
Selesa Malyndar: Because it'll be the end of a year of tormenting about the game I freaking loved.
Selesa Malyndar: I loved it. I loved coming up with stories. I loved reading the books. I loved DOING it. And I loved all of the characters.
Scion Mattly: Well, I loved it too, until a year ago. How do you think I feel?
Selesa Malyndar: Now I'm barely ambivalent.
Selesa Malyndar: Like you wasted a few hours each week.
Selesa Malyndar: But you had other games to play.
Selesa Malyndar: I didn't.
Selesa Malyndar: So I'm not incredibly worried about your emotional state, to be honest.
Scion Mattly: ::shrugs:: That isn't my fault.
Scion Mattly: you could have played quest with us
Selesa Malyndar: As I doubt it injured you all that much.
Selesa Malyndar: I tried.
Scion Mattly: but you don't like it.
Selesa Malyndar: I do like it.
Selesa Malyndar: I never said I didn't like it.
Selesa Malyndar: I got to play twice, and then the group was full each time after that.
Scion Mattly: And then, barring that, you are ALWAYS busy with George or anya
Selesa Malyndar: You had more experiences players, plus the ever-present Jeff and Des.
Selesa Malyndar: BEcause there was nothing else to do.
Scion Mattly: I doubt less so THIS summer, as I assume you will have been sewn together by then.
Selesa Malyndar: That isn't cause, that's effect.
Scion Mattly: We hardly EVER had jeff
Scion Mattly: but you never came out and asked to play.
Selesa Malyndar: Each time Ben left, actually.
Selesa Malyndar: He went "Quest!" And I went "Quest!!!"
Selesa Malyndar: and he said the group was full.
Scion Mattly: There isn't a full
Selesa Malyndar: What?
Scion Mattly: This is why you don't listen to your brother
Scion Mattly: but you do
Scion Mattly: And I can't stop it
Selesa Malyndar: What?
Scion Mattly: quest is "Recommended for 4"
Selesa Malyndar: O.o
Scion Mattly: You can play with 3, or 5
Selesa Malyndar: I thought it was four-player.
Selesa Malyndar: Ahh.
Scion Mattly: there is, theoretically, no max or minimum
Scion Mattly: and ben knows that
Scion Mattly: he didn't invite you cause he didn't want you. That is neither my nor Jeff and Desmonds fualt.
Selesa Malyndar: Nice to know.,
Scion Mattly: As I've said before, MY campaign has 6 players, all whom I trust as solid, dependable RPGers, or I would have invited you to play
Selesa Malyndar: No.
Selesa Malyndar: Incorrect.
Selesa Malyndar: You would not have invited me to play, because I( call you on errors.
Scion Mattly: Your hold on DnD is tenuous at best. and your attention span while playing is dreadful
Selesa Malyndar: Like you're doing to me.
Selesa Malyndar: Like fuck it is!
Selesa Malyndar: I'm the most attentive one, some games!
Scion Mattly: I watched you play DnD
Scion Mattly: Remember?
Scion Mattly: You were like a 4 eyar old with ADD on speed.
Selesa Malyndar: And you didn't invite me because I called you on acting strange.
Selesa Malyndar: You';re thinking of Ben.
Selesa Malyndar: Sweet jesus.
Selesa Malyndar: Are we talking Brad's campaign, or ben's, the doomed one?
Scion Mattly: Whatever you think. I didn't invite you for a lot of reasons.
Selesa Malyndar: So don't give me the most noble-looking one.
Scion Mattly: We're talking about the filler campaign, actually
Selesa Malyndar: Ah. The roll-playing game.
Scion Mattly: but I guess you didn't really try.
Scion Mattly: for some people
Scion Mattly: I made a Character.
Selesa Malyndar: For just about everyone.
Scion Mattly: not a sheet.
Selesa Malyndar: I will remind you that that was just this summer, whereas your campaign started a full year before that.
Scion Mattly: Regardless, I still wouldn't swap any one of my players out for you, and my group is full.
Selesa Malyndar: This is, therefore, incapable of being the reason. You lied.
Selesa Malyndar: How insulting do you get, Spencer?
Selesa Malyndar: Does it get worse than this?
Selesa Malyndar: Fuck off.
Scion Mattly: ::shrugs:: I'm statign a fact
Scion Mattly: Do you feel you RP better than anyone in my group?
Selesa Malyndar: An unnecessary, cruel one.
Scion Mattly: honestly, tell me.
Selesa Malyndar: Furthermore, I've heard little save for complaints about your ever so noble campaign.
Scion Mattly: ::laughs:: if you say so.
Selesa Malyndar: I do say so.
Selesa Malyndar: John and Brad bitch constantly after a session.
Selesa Malyndar: Jeff, Des, and Kaite, I admit, I don't talk to as often.
Scion Mattly: You can try to cut me all you want, it won't work.
Selesa Malyndar: Because you could care less.
Selesa Malyndar: And besides, today is about cutting me, right?
Selesa Malyndar: Fuck off, babe.
Scion Mattly: If they have complaints about the campaign, they shoudl tell me
Selesa Malyndar: You're out.
Scion Mattly: so I can fix them.
Selesa Malyndar: I don't want you anymore.
Scion Mattly: Telling you fixes nothing, and therefore I don't care about the remarks.
Selesa Malyndar: That's right.
Scion Mattly: When they tell me, I'll care.
Selesa Malyndar: Guess you're going to feel great about leaving.
Selesa Malyndar: And if anyone asks me why, I've always got this convo.
Scion Mattly: ::shrugs::
Selesa Malyndar: I save all the biting ones, just in case I'm wrong.
Selesa Malyndar: I go through them later, when I'm calm.
Scion Mattly: Maybe that's the problem. you argue angry.
Selesa Malyndar: When I'm insulted so often, it's hard not to be.
Selesa Malyndar: But i'm very serious here.
Scion Mattly: Oh well. I'll ask John and Brad later, if the remarks about my campaign are true
Selesa Malyndar: And here I thought you didn't care.
Scion Mattly: I need to tweak it a little bit anyhow, I figure.
Selesa Malyndar: Since I obviously only said it to piss you off, because i'm so petty.
Scion Mattly: Well, Brad and John do have a history of Non-confrontationalism.
Selesa Malyndar: In fact, I may never have had a solid, valid point in my life!
Scion Mattly: they probably wouldn't tell me, and only elt it seethe
Selesa Malyndar: I'm shocked that you put up with my terrible-ness.
Selesa Malyndar: And now you're quiet.
Selesa Malyndar: Thinking up something more insulting to say, no doubt.
Selesa Malyndar: Take your time. It'll be hard to top what you've already said.
Scion Mattly: Actually, I was playing Rocket mania
Scion Mattly: and IMing brad.