
From the papers of Frater Progradior

Ritual used at Cefalu



M.A.: Fraters et Sorores, assist me in making clear the one Mystic Ceremony.

Brethren - what is the Hour?

Bro.: It is the Hour when Luna is simulating the MidHeaven.

Brethren - what is the place?

Sis.: It is the summit of the Sacred Mount whereon is the Assembly of the Gods. Brethren - for what purpose are we gathered together?

For.: For the purpose of invocating our Lady ISIS, the Holy Spirit, that being purified in heart and of right aspiration, we may be initiated into the Sublime Mysteries of Her nature.

Brethren - how do we hope to attain an end so sublime and exalted?

Sis.: By the aid of the Most High, the Lord of the Universe; by the Love and Devotion which we bear to our Lady ISIS; by the Unity of our purpose, the Unity of our aim, the strength of our unconquered _Will_, and by our knowledge of the names whereby the Holy Goddess may be most readily invoked.

Brethren - it is sufficient: Let us now, being of one heart, one mind, and of one accord, exalt ourselves with fervour, that in very truth, our Goddess, the Holy Spirit, may descend upon us from Her Throne on High; and may we, being uplifted in ecstasy, comprehend the Love, Beauty and Truth that is in Her, who is indeed the very Spouse of God.

So Mote it be.




Hail unto Thee, HOLY SPIRIT! Thy Sister Nepthys invokes Thee.

O ISIS, Hear us!

" " " " " Nepthys, who dost aid Thee in gathering together

the Scattered Members.

O ISIS, Hear us!

" " " " " Nepthys, who supportest with Thee our Lord

Osiris, invokes Thee


" " " " " Nepthys, who weepest with Thee at the

resurrection of Osiris, invokes thee.


" " " " " Nepthys, who cometh rejoicing with the sound of

the drum and the Sistrum, invokes thee.


" " " " " I, NEPTHYS, bid Thee come to thy Temple.


" " " " " Thou Lady beloved of us all.


" " " " " Come without fear; behold thy enemies are



" " " " " I, NEPTHYS, Thy Sister, love Thee.

O ISIS! Hear us!

" " " " " Bring thy gladness into the heart of thy sister,

" " " " " O ISIS!

Hasten unto us! delay not! for our hearts are

open to receive Thee.


" " " " " NEPTHYS, the initiator into the Mysteries, awaits

thy coming.




(Standing in the Sign of Silence)

Hail, O Hail, HOLY SPIRIT! Hoor-pa-kraat, invokes Thee.

O ISIS! Hear us!

" " " " Thy son, born maimed from the womb, invokes Thee.

" " " " Thy son, exalted in glory, invokes

Thee, O ISIS!

" " " " Hoor-pa-kraat, Enthroned upon the Lotus, invokes


" " " " O ISIS! the Lord in the Silence invokes Thee.




(Standing in the Sign of the Enterer)

Hail Holy Spirit Horus thy Son invokes Thee.

O ISIS! We invoke Thee.

" " " The Avenger of the Death of Osiris invokes Thee.

" " " O ISIS! The Slayer of Thy Enemies invokes Thee.

" " " O ISIS! The Hawk-Headed One invokes Thee.

" " " O ISIS! The Slayer of Set invokes Thee.

" " " O ISIS! Horus, Lord of the Two Worlds, invokes Thee.




Hail Holy Spirit Hail! Thou Spouse of God! Hear us, we beseech Thee.

" " " " Thou Queen of Heaven!.....Hear us!

" " " " Thou Mother of Nature!....Hear us.

" " " " Thou Bride, Mother and Daughter of the Crucified!

Hear us!

" " " " Thou Immaculate Virgin of Eternity!....Hear us.

" " " " Thou Scarlet Woman who ridest on the Beast! Hear us.

" " " " Thou Radiant Queen of Beauty!.....Hear us.

" " " " Thou, our Lady of Sorrow!......Hear us.

" " " " Thou, clothed with the Sun!......Hear us.

" " " " Thou, who standest on the Moon!.....Hear us.

" " " " Thou, whose head is the Diadem of the Twelve Stars..

.....Hear us.

" " " " Thou, who art Crowned with the Throne....Hear us.

" " " " Thou, who art horned as the Moon!.....Hear us.

" " " " Thou, our Lady of the Earth!........Hear us.

" " " " Thou, our Lady of the Amber Skin!.....Hear us.

" " " " Thou, whose Countenance is as grass refreshed by rain

.......Hear us.

" " " " Thou, Lady of Love and Victory!.......Hear us.

" " " " Thou, Crowned with Light, Life & Love....Hear us.

(Extended arms)

" " " " Osiris, thy Lord, awaits Thee.....Hear us.

" " " " Osiris, Slain and Crucified, awaits thee....Hear us.

(Cross arms)

" " " " Osiris, Risen and justified, awaits thee. Hear us.

" " " " Osiris, the Great Bull of Ameritus awaits thee. Hear


" " " " Osiris, bearing the Royal Uraeus upon his forehead

awaits thee....Hear us.

" "'' " " Lo!~ The Opener-of-ways, bids thee come...Hear us!


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