Who Is This Man Jesus?

~There's Just Something About That Name~

~One Solitary Life~

Here is a man who was born in an obscure
village, the child of a peasant woman.
He grew up in another obscure village.
He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty,
and then for three years He was an itinerant preacher.
He never wrote a book. He never held an office.
He never owned a home.
He never set foot inside a big city.
He never traveled two hundred miles
from the place where He was born.
He had no credentials but Himself.
While still a young man, the tide of
popular opinion turned against Him.
His friends ran away. One of them denied Him.
He was turned over to His enemies.
He went through the mockery of a trial.
He was nailed upon a cross between two thieves.
His executioners gambled for the only piece of
property He had on earth while He was dying ...
and that was His coat.
When He was dead, He was taken down and laid
in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend.
Nineteen wide centuries have come and
gone and today He is the centerpiece of the
human race and the leader of progress.
I am far within the mark when I say
that all the armies that ever marched,
and all the navies that ever were built,
and all the parliaments that ever sat,
and all the kings that ever reigned,
put together have not affected the life of man
upon this earth as powerfully as that
~One Solitary Life~
~James A. Francis~

Who, in your opinion, is the most outstanding personality of all time? The greatest leader? The greatest teacher? Who has done the most good for mankind? Who lived the holiest life anyone has ever lived?

Visit any part of the world today. Talk to people of any religion. No matter how committed they are to their particular religion, if they know anything about history, they will have to admit that there has never been a man like Jesus of Nazareth. He is the most unique personality of all time.

Jesus changed the direction of history, and of time itself. Even the date on your morning newspaper testifies to the unique-ness of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. His was the only death to divide time; no other religious leader caused the numbering of years to start over. B.C. means 'before Christ"; A.D. Anno Domini, "the year of our Lord". Even those who worship other gods measure time by the death of Jesus Christ.


Hundreds of years before Jesus' birth, Scripture records the words of the prophets of Israel predicting His coming. The Old Testament, written by many people over a period of 1,500 years, contains more than 300 prophecies describing his coming. All of these details came true, including his miraculous birth, His sinless life, His many miracles, His death and His resurrection.

The life Jesus led, the miracles He did, the words He spoke, His death on the cross, His resurrection, His ascent to heaven - all point to the fact that He was not merely man, but more than man. Jesus claimed, "I and the Father are One" (John 10:30), "He who has seen Me has seen the Father" (John 14:9), and "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)


Look at the life and influence of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, throughout history and you will see that He and His message always produce great changes in the lives of men and of nations. Wherever His teachings and influence have gone, the holiness of marriage, women's rights and voice in society have been acknowledged; schools and universities of higher learning have been established; laws to protect children have been made; slavery has been abolished; and a multitude of other changes have been made for the good of mankind.

Individual lives are also dramatically changed. For example, Lew Wallace, a famous general and literary genius, was a known atheist. For two years, Mr. Wallace studied the leading libraries of Europe and America, seeking information that would forever destroy Christianity. While writing the second chapter of a book he planned to write, he suddenly found himself on his knees crying out to Jesus, "My Lord and my God."

Because of solid indisputable evidence, he could no longer deny that Jesus Christ was the Son of God. Later, Lew Wallace wrote the book Ben Hur, one of the greatest English novels ever written concerning the time of Christ.

Similarly, the late C.S. Lewis, professor at Oxford University in England, was an agnostic who denied the deity of Christ for years. But he, too, in intellectual honesty, submitted to Jesus as his God and Savior after studying the overwhelming evidence for His deity.

Who is Jesus of Nazareth to you? Your life on this earth and for all of eternity is affected by your answer to this question.

All other religions were founded by human beings and are based on man-made philosophies, rules and norms for behavior. Take the founders of these religions out of both their disciplines and practices of worship and little would change. But take Jesus Christ out of Christianity, and there would be nothing left. Biblical Christianity is not just a philosophy of life, nor an ethical standard or obedience to religious ritual. True Christianity is based on a vital, personal relationship with a risen, living Savior and Lord.


Jesus of Nazareth was crucified on a cross, buried in a borrowed grave, and three days later was raised from the dead; Christianity is unique in this regard. Any argument for the validity of Christianity depends on the proof of the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.

Throughout the centuries, most great scholars who have considered the proofs of the resurrection have believed, and still believe, that Jesus is alive. After examining the evidence for the resurrection given by the Gospel writers, the late Simon Greenleaf, an authority on legal issues at Harvard Law School, concluded; It was therefore impossible that they could have persisted in affirming the truths they have narrated, had not Jesus actually risen from the dead, and had they not known this fact as certainly as they knew any other fact." Likewise, John Singleton Copley, recognized as one of the greatest legal minds in British history, commented: "I know pretty well what evidence is; and I tell you, such evidence as that for the resurrection has never broken down yet.


The resurrection is central to the faith of a Christian. There are several reasons why those who study the resurrection believe it is true: