He's Alive!

Happy Easter

~He Lives~

And the angel answered and said unto
the women; "Fear not, for I know that
you seek Jesus, who was crucified. He
is not here, for He has risen, just
as He said He would. Matthew 28:5-6

Isn't it wonderful to know that we worship a Living Savior? The grave could not hold Him, He passed from death unto life, and in Him we have that same hope of life everlasting! Because He lives, so can we! Because He is alive, we can have abundant life now, and the gift of eternal life. Jesus took upon His own body the payment for our sins, and with His blood we are cleansed and made righteous. Hallelujah, and Amen!

May each and every one of you experience the joy and the love of Easter, the time our Lord died for us, and was resurrected to reign forever! If you don't already have a real and personal relationship with the One who died for you, I beg of you, get down on your knees and invite Jesus into your heart today, to be your Lord and Savior. I promise you'll never regret it!

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This beautiful muted background is courtesy of Beatriz Kauffmann, and I thank her for the use of it. To see more of her beautiful backgrounds, click on her logo below.