Spiritual Gifts

~Old Rugged Cross~

Every good and every perfect
gift is from above, and comes
down from the Father of lights,
in whom there is no varying,
and no shadow of turning.
James 1:17

There is a responsibility that goes along with every blessing. When we were given the gift of salvation, we were also given spiritual gifts. I Cor. 12:8-11 lists these spiritual gifts that are given by the Holy Spirit:

  • the word of WISDOM (Greek LOGOS : the mediating principle or personification of God's will ; the accumulated sum of all information ; also, insight, sagacity, and discernment ; the intelligent application of knowledge.)
  • the word of KNOWLEDGE (awareness, cognizance, perception,comprehension, understanding; the fact or condition of knowing something.)
  • working of MIRACLES
  • INTERPRETATION of tongues

These spiritual gifts coincide with the members of the body that Paul refers to later in verse 28 :

  • APOSTLES (wisdom, faith)
  • PROPHETS (prophecy)
  • TEACHERS (knowledge)
  • MIRACLE WORKERS (miracles, faith)
  • HEALERS (healing)
  • HELPERS (discernment)
  • GOVERNORS (knowledge, discernment)
  • SPEAKERS of different tongues (tongues)

The author, the apostle Paul, wrote that while there are many different spiritual gifts, they are all from the same Spirit.. And all these gifts may be administered in different ways, but it is the same Lord who administers them. These gifts even operate differently in different people, but it is the same God that works in all of them.

We, like the Corinthians, need to realize that each gift is equally important in the furtherance of God's kingdom. That's right---- it is just as important to serve as it is to preach, to teach as it is to govern, to help as it is to run the show. God gives each of us gifts according to our individual personalities and abilities, and expects us to use them wisely.

So what is your spiritual gift? Don't be like the Corinthians, who seemed to all desire the same gift. Paul told them in verse 31 to earnestly covet (or desire) the best gifts--- best in the sense of being the right gift for each individual. Not everyone is intended to be a prophet, or a healer, or a teacher. Instead, ask God to reveal to you what your spiritual gift is, and to help you develop it to the fullest. Don't waste your time and energy trying to do what you aren't good at or aren't called to do. Concentrate your time and energy on the gift or gifts God has given you. And don't procrastinate--- do it NOW, not later!

It is your responsibility to use that gift for the furtherance of God's kingdom. Remember the parable of the three men who were given talents? (Matt 25:14-30). The unprofitable servant who wasted his talent was cast into outer darkness. We know that "talent" in this verse, refers to money, but can this same biblical principle also be applied to our spiritual gifts, or talents? Have you ever heard the phrase "Use it or lose it"? These gifts are for our own benefit, that's true----but if we've been helped, then it's our turn to help others. If we don't , then we're just wasting the spirituals gifts that God gave us, and we may end up losing them altogether.

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