The following article was found on the internet...
In July of 1999, a woman announced that she had just had an exceptionally vivid dream. A prophetic dream. A dream in which airplanes flew into the World Trade Center -- "or buildings like the World Trade Center." I immediately looked for a conventional explanation for her nightmarish vision of disaster striking the World Trade Center.
I presumed that her dreaming mind had merely processed images from a half-forgotten news account. "Maybe you're thinking about the time a jet crashed near LAX," I suggested, referring to an incident from the 1980s. No, she answered. Not low buildings. "That happens later. It won't be what they say it is." The main vision, she insisted, involved skyscrapers. "Like the World Trade Center." She saw people jumping. Then the buildings would tumble to the ground.
She spoke for about twenty minutes. To be honest, I must specify that, throughout this conversation, she almost always referred to buildings "like" the World Trade Center; she confessed that she could not even be sure that the event would take place in New York City, although she did describe a cloud of smoke over the water. "I think it is the World Trade Center," she said at one point.
Naturally, I wanted to know who would commit such an act. "It won't be who they say it is," she answered. She mentioned that there would be a war in Iraq as a result, even though Iraq would not be responsible. (She also mentioned Saudi Arabia, but the reference was quite vague. I could not discern how that country figured into this scenario.)
I mentioned the prediction of a strike against the World Trade Center to only one friend before the event. Alas, he does not now recall my having done so. Of course, after September 11, 2001, I told a number of people about Gabrielle's prediction. Some months ago, I contacted her via email, and wrote up a lengthy description of the conversation described above. In one reply, she said she had only vague recollection of a dream involving the World Trade Center. In a second response, she denied that she had ever had such a predictive dream, and she does not remember any part of the conversation that followed.
Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2004 10:17 pm Post subject: My freaky dream the morning of Sept 11
The morning of Sept. 11, 2001, I woke up at 6:00 in a cold sweat, bolted upright in bed in sheer panic, heart racing and sweating. I had been dreaming that I was on a plane, sitting in the middle seat in a row of three, on the right-hand side of the plane. There was a man standing-crouching several rows ahead of me (you know how hard it is to stand upright in a plane unless you are in the aisle, and he wasn't). He said "They are trying to hijack the plane!."
At that moment another man came rushing up the aisle from the back, gesturing with his right arm, pointing to the front of the plane and saying "We;'ve got to stop them!! " I looked out of the window and saw that the plane was losing altitude and we were flying really close to buildings. then, in that funny way dreams have, I could see directly out of the front of the plane, as if I was in the cockpit, and saw a giant office building in front of the plane. We were going to fly directly into it. I remember thinking "I am going to die now, and there is nothing I can do about it," and woke up in a panic.
I looked at my clock the second I opened my eyes and it was 6:00 am. I was completely freaked out, woke my husband up and told him a little about it, which in hindsight I am glad that I did, because just a few hours later the World Trade Center attack happened and had I told my story then, no one would have believed me. In actuality, the dream was so very intense I found I really couldn't talk about it for many many months, but I remember it as if it happened this morning.