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Copyright 2001
T.C. Campbell
Breakthrough Intl.

Course Exam Number 28
The Dance of Manahaim Study Course

Sword dances have long held an integral place among the folk dances of many cultures and nations of the world. Frequently these are referred to as "martial or military dances," due to the fact that historically they were used to train warriors to be quick on their feet.

When military officers recruited men, they would go from village to village and select recruits based on how well they could perform these dances, that the young men would learn in their various villages.

There is a "Sword Dance" that comes from heaven, as God moves upon members of His church, during times of praise and worship; that is a "martial or army dance." It has elements of the "allegiance as well as the resistance dances."

Christian believers are not "non-violent." Non-violence is "apathy" and apathy is what accomodates armed agression by ones enemies.

But the Christian's violence is violence of a particular "kind" and the target of their assault is those invisible spirit beings called principalities and powers in the scriptures.

Matthew 11:12, teaches us that which kingdom is always suffering violence, with no break in the fighting?


From Matthew 11:12, what kind of nature is required to take this kingdom by force?


What important lesson about "spiritual warfare" do we learn from 2 Cor 10:3




Describe the weapons of warfare, as seen in 2 Cor. 10:4.




From line #1, of 2 Cor 10:5, where does this "warfare" majorly concentrated?


This should make it clear that demonic assaults, find place first within the mind of mankind, who gives place to these. Because your "mind is the battlefield," where this war is waged for your soul, and the souls of all mankind; this warfare is first and primarily instigated, and orders given by principalities and powers from within the invisible or spiritual realm, and then, if the spirit being can cause this thought or concept to "conceive," the battle is carried out in the visible realm.

Since demons are invisible spirit beings that have been around for thousands of years, they are not going to just go away. We must learn to be "overcomers," in Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is a "Mighty Warrior." As God who robed Himself in flesh, He came to earth to bring salvation to a people already "warring" and fighting a battle they did not fully understand. God's word gives wisdom and insight into this invisible battle all men, women and even children are engaged in.

The bible teaches us that there was warfare against Jesus Christ, from the time He was a and as He grew...We see a particular stradegy in an event in which other babies were part of the plot in Matthew 2:13. How did God protect Jesus, at this vulnerable time?


Prior to Jesus Christ's earthly ministry God's word records a very specific attack from Satan himself... in Matthew 4:1-17. At this time, the assault is veried.

Describe the particular stradegies or stradegies mentioned here, with cross references. Use an additional sheet of paper, and record references here for your notes.



Primarily as Jesus Christ prepared to die and as He went to the cross, briefly record what occurred, from His arrest in the garden,in John 18 to Luke 22:44?





Psalm 91, a psalm and prayer of protection which sheds light on this subject; speaks of "knowing God's name..."

In the garden the Roman guard came to arrest Jesus, but first they enquired as to His identity, to make sure they had the right person. In response, Jesus uttered the Old Testment name by which God revealed Himself to Moses, and by which Moses was to go to the people of Israel, as well as to Pharoah. (Exodus 3:14. What was this name? (Note that "he" is in italics in the King James Version, indicating this is not part of the original text. This rather obscures the true revelation.)


What was the result of this demonstration of the power of Jesus Christ, with regard to the Roman guard, in John 18:6?


Jesus Christ's life was one in which He was continually engaged in spiritual warfare.

In fact, Satan worked to try to thwart God's plan to bring forth Messiah long before He came to earth. *For additional study research Coniah, called Jeconiah, in the linage of Messiah, and see how Satan planned for a curse to prevent salvation from coming to the earth.

Satan is working to thwart God's plan now for the "manchild," i.e. "the church as one in Christ;" and walking

walking in fullness of stature as described in Ephesians 4;13. Jesus "gave" His life as what, according to 1 Timothy 2:6.


You can appropriate this so-great salvation by obeying Apostle Peter's command in Acts 2:38, to do what?




Jesus bestows power on those who believe in Him, and appropriate the way of salvation He died to provide, which is full and complete, and is found in Acts 2:38. Jesus Christ gave the great commisssion to preach the gospel to all nations in Matthew 28:19. The apostles carried this out with their witnessing to 3000 at Pentecost, in Acts 2:38, to Samaritans in Acts 8:16, to Gentiles in Acts 10:46-48, and Ephesians of Acts 19:5, as they baptized converts into one saving name. What is the name Isaiah 9:6 prophesied God robed in the flesh in the person of Messiah, would be called?




In Acts 1:8, what did Jesus say would happen when the Holy Spirit came upon them?


This word is translated as DUNAMIS, in the Greek language the New Testament was written in. From a concordance, what does this Greek term mean?


The bible teaches us on the nature of God. In the Old Testament, Israel was commanded by God to say the SHEMA, found in Deuteronomy 6:4. Our knowledge of who Gd is, has everything to do with the "sword in our hand." Write out this basic scriptural understanding of the nature of God.



The demons also believe what, and this causes them to do what; according to James 2:19?




For all of you believers who like to cause demons to tremble, what does it tell us with regard to the Spirit of God in Ephesians 4:4?




What is the nature of the Heavenly Father with regard to this?


What is the nature of the Holy Spirit?


According to Ephesians 4:4, how many "spirits" do we see here in the Godhead?


What is the nature of Jesus Christ? Be careful here. God made Jesus both Lord and Christ and this refers to two natures.




In 1 Cor. 15:45, it states that Jesus Christ, the Second Adam, was made a "quickening Spirit." Not only was He God incarnated from the womb; but He prayed in John 17:5 that the Father would "glorify Him with the glory He had with the Father before the world was." In Rev. 1, we see the "glorified Christ."

Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven,(1 Corinthians 15:50) so Jesus glorified body is a spiritual body, which looks somewhat like He did on earth.

After He was raised from the , He was recognized at times, and not recognized at others, depending on the sensitivity of the recipients of His presence. He could walk through walls.

He said: In that day you will know that I am in My Father and you in Me and I in you. (John 14:20) He indwells the believer, in the person of the Holy Spirit. According to Galatians 4:6, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your heart crying what?


2 Cor. 3:17 tells us that "Where the Spirit of the Lord (Jesus) is, there is what?


Jesus promised: "I will not leave you Comfortless, but I will come to you." (John 14:18) The aged Apostle John, exiled on the Isle of Patmos, speaking by the Spirit whom he recognized "being turned," testified by the Spirit of prophecy of Him:I AM Alpha and Omega." I AM He that lives and was , and behold I am alive forevermore! "I am He that has the key of David, to shut so none can open and to open so none can shut." In the Old Testament, God is called the Holy One. In the New Testament, a demon Jesus was casting out, said: We know who you are Holy One of God. He appeared to Saul of Tarsus in the SHEKINAH GLORY. He gives instructions to those who seek His face, as he did to those who assayed to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus (Greek) suffered them not. (Acts 16:7)

Trinitarians say Jesus Christ is the "second person" of the godhead. What does this make Jesus Christ as to His nature, apart from the Father and Holy Spirit?


How does Colossians 2:9 echo the biblical truth of the SHEMA of Deut. 6:4?



Acts 1:8, states why this which is given to the believers when they receive the Holy Spirit, will be importantly needed. What reason is given here?


Tell how to resist demonic assault from James 4:7.


The New Testament speaks of the "sword," in an interesting way, as relating to ones proper clothing. From Ephesians 6, write the Greek term for "sword" found here.


Describe concept of the "sword," as well as the pieces of clothing described, on a separate sheet of paper.

Define the action of the sword as seen in scripture in Hebrews 4:12.






In the bible in Romans 8:35, what is said with regard to the "sword?"




By faith, who escaped the "edge of the sword, in Hebrews 11:34, and will escape in like manner today if they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, (Acts 2:38) and serve Him?"


The Hebrew term for "sword" is CHEREB. What is the English transliteration of this word?


From a bible concordance, give the broader definition of this word, and note how many times it is used in scripture.




This term CHEREB is first used in Genesis 3:24, when Adam and Eve were expelled from the paradize, which was called The Garden of Eden. Read this chapter in Genesis 3, and write out the major points concerning this major event, that transpired here in a 1 page report.





Write a paper on the differences between the Hebrew term MALEK, used for the angel in Genesis 3:34, and CHERUB, translated "living creature." In addition, cover the related Greek term, ANGELOS, and it's meaning. Bring out any scriptures, that are pertinent, and include whatever names or ranks of angels you find in the bible.



In Psalm 68:10, we read: "Thou O God didst send a plentiful rain, whereby thou didst confirm thine inheritance when it was weary. Thy congregation has dwelt therein: Thou O God has prepared goodness for the poor. The Lord gave the word and great was the company that published it."

The term for "congregation" here is "chay" and is translated "alive or living creature, company, congregation." Read Psalm 91, that speaks of "The Secret Place of the Most High." Using a bible concordance, or bible commentaries, write out the various bible terms found here, in a report of no more than 5 pages.

Include terms and definitions for those things God's presence will protect and deliver you and those you love from, snare of the fowler, noisome pestilence, destruction that wastes at noonday, by night, no evil befall thee, no plagues nigh thy dwelling, angels having charge over thee, treading on the lion and adder, trampling the dragon and the young lion, the import of knowing God's name, and being satisfied with long life.

Basically describe the secularization process, (Which to God was the corruption process, away from the presence of God) of mankind from the state in which Adam and Eve were immortal, and walked and talked with God; to how od" entered in, breaking fellowship with God, (Genesis 2, to Gen. 3)




From Romans 5:12, sin entered into the world by________________ and _____________ by sin.

Who is called "the Second Adam," in the bible?

(1 Corinthians 15:45-47)


In Revelation 2:12, a particuliar Messianic title is affixed to Jesus Christ. What is this name by which He is revealed in the letters to the 7 churches of Asia>



From the vision seen on the Isle of Patmos by the Apostle John, what does the bible state Messiah has in His mouth, in Revelation 1:16, Revelation 19:15, 21?

The first Adam was made a living soul, but the Second Adam was so much more than that. What does the bible teach us the Second Adam was, in 1 Corinthians 15:45?



In the scriptures, we see two Greek terms used for the "sword." These are MACHIRA, and RHOMPHAIA. Look up the places in which this word MACHIRA is used, in Matthew 26:47, 51, 52, and parallel passages found in Luke 21:24, 22:38, Matt. 10:34, Romans 13:4, Ephesians 6:17 and Hebrews 4:12. Spend a minimum of 15 minutes in prayer, and then write a 1-2 page paper on the "sword" and how it is used in these verses. Note any cross references, which bring out what this is saying.

What is the English transliteration of MACHIRA? ___________________________________________________

What is the literal meaning for MACHIRA?





What is the English transliteration of the Greek term RHOMPHALIA, which is also used for "the sword?"


Give the broader definition, from a bible concordance. If you don't own a concordance you can use one in a public library.


Write a paper using the verses which are translated as "RHOMPHALIA." You can find these in Revelation 1:16, Rev. 2:12,16; Rev. 6:8, Rev. 19:15, 21. And Luke 2:35.

We know from history and the fact that there are Roman ruins throughout Britain, that Rome colonized here, as well as many places in Europe. The New Testament teaches us in Acts chapters 1 and 2, and especially Acts 2:7-11, Acts 2:37-39, of the diaspora, or Jews which were present at this Jewish feast, 3000 of whom were born again, filled with the Holy Spirit, and were added to the church.

These Jews had worshipped all their lives in dance, and their culture and wedding customs, such as the "Sword Dance" done by Israeli brides; rigidly reflected the Jewish culture. When they became Messianic Christians, they did not suddenly stop dancing before the Lord God, who in Psalm 149, and Psalm 150 commands His people to dance. Pagan "gnostics" sometimes deceived people into believing dance was an evil past time. But scripture defines God as a God who both wars with His great strong sword against His enemies, and who dances over His people with great joy.

So God's people did not cease to present their bodies in praise and worship and as testimonies of God's grace, as "instruments of righteousness."

As persecution from Rome spread throughout the empire, and even later, under the Catholic Inquisition, when Jews were expelled from portions of Europe; this spread the knowledge of God, and from His people went forth the "praise and worship" of the true and living God, through His son Jesus Christ.

It should not surprise us when we find sword dances,that appear to be corruptions of dances which originate from biblical times. Or dances, in which an apostate people, have conferred their affections upon an idol or false god. Way back in their history, they had been taught to worship One who brought crops to fruition, and held the power of life and in His hands. As folk dances vary in "style," what type dance is the English Sword Dance?


Describe the action of this dance.





From Genesis 2:7, where did mankind originate?


Read Malachi 2:10, and tel1 what this says:



Doing some research, to the best of your ability, locate where the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2:8, was located?




What happened that caused a scattering and a relocating of the civilization from this area, in Genesis 3:1-24, Genesis 4:1-7, and Genesis chapters 6 and 7?



God is eternal and has always been. Mankind, however was created, and with creation, came the need for government. From Genesis 1-3, we read that it was God's intent that mankind govern the created earth, through fellowship with God. Give the major verses from these 3 chapters that indicate this and the areas of government mentioned. Use an extra sheet of paper if necessary. For your records, note bible references here.




Describe the robbing of mankind of this authority to govern, as seen in Genesis 3:1-5. Note who stradegized this assault, and the way this was carried out.




England also has it's "Sword Dances," although it is said these were probably introduced to England by whom?



Under the sub-title "Sword Dances of Russian Origin," who danced the traditional dance called the Hopak?


How is this popular Russian folk dance danced?





The Lezghinka is a similar dance of what region?


Another dance requiring great skill, because of the difficult leaps and skill with the sword is called the what?


The folk dances called "Sword Dances" are part of the martial or military dances of many nations. In your Dance of Manahaim Study Course, under the sub-heading "Scottish Sword Dances," the Scottish Sword Dance came into being in what way?



Describe the action in this traditional dance, and any necessary props.





December 1995

A new sound is arising in the land. My people are glorifying Me says the Lord and I am enthroned in their praises and they are going into the very streets of the nation. The blending of your cultures musically is another sign of the defeat of this warring spirit.

The cloud like a man's hand is growing in size, (1 Kings 18:44) and as I touch this place and that place---laughter breaks forth and joy unspeakable and full of glory. I am using "My hand" to bring this about because it is a personal touch that people have neededd---and as I touch the people, the "spirit of abandonment" can no longer have a stronghold over them.

Ephesians 4;13 is only part of your God's hand. (Mark 16:16-18) I said: Believers shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. And look at the palm of your hand says the Lord: Rain is falling from your hand. Don't hold it like a "closed fist." Open your hand and extend it to the needy and allow My rain to fall on their lives.


Even as I gave you a heavenly language to pray and praise Me, that you have never learned, I have dances for you My beloved. Will you surrender your members unto Me and allow Me to teach you to move as one with My Spirit?

Behold the angels shall dance with you and at times I will open your spiritual eyes and you shall see the angels worshipping beside you in the beauty of holiness. But I say: Do not look to the angels, but look unto Me; for I shall take you by the hand, and together we shall dance the heavenly dance. Many of you have danced the dances of this earth, even as you have spoken in an earthly language, but you shall dance the dances of heaven as you have spoken forth by the power of My Spirit says the Lord.

And the earth shall grow dim in your eyes, and I shall show you countries in these times of worship and dance, into which I would send you. And I will provide for you supernaturally as I have given you your heavenly language and your heavenly dance.


A new sound is being heard that is a rallying cal and I see a people who cannot get into their positions fast enough! They have no desire to lag behind, for they have heard the clarion call of My Spirit even as a mighty trumpet blast on the "Jubilee Trumpet" proclaiming the acceptable year of the Lord.

My trumpet says there's an "open door" in the heavenlies. Come up higher---enter into a new dimension of My Spirit than what you have known before. I would use the heavenly danceto accompany My prophetic word, but again you do not know who is watching; and you must receive this from Me for it to have the full impact that I intend!


O whirling sword, as you turn, the breath of My Spirit shall blow a refreshing and a renewing wind and My people shall be lifted and infused with strength, and many shall be healed as I dance in you over old griefs and wounds put there by the enemy of their souls.

I call you to be like Joseph who did not judge after the sight of His eyes, but believed My quickened word in his innermost being and he prepared for a time to come. (Genesis 41:56) Do you believe that I can "turn the tables" in the field of the arts and restore this to it's proper position? Not that these gifts should be separate from Me, that people would worship the creature (creation) more than the Creator, but that they would glorify Me in every creative expression and endeavor.

I say "Arise and thresh!," for I will gather all nations to My threshing floor, and the chaf shall be sifted from the wheat and blown away by the breath of My Spirit says the Lord. (As this was going forth, I was given a vision of two particular groups God will tremendously impact. I saw Asain soldiers so astounded by the power of God. And I saw women dancing prophetically in beautiful and colorful silk costumes such as the geisha's wear. )

God also shows me that even the children's toys will be impacted by this "new move" of His Spirit, for the influence of the "war lords" is seen in the toys. The toys have been used to "disciple toward agression, in a negative way." But I see these toys losing popularity, and sales falling flat. I see them being pulled form shelves, in stores not only in America, but in other cultures such as Asia, where these war-lords have been popular to many for centuries.

Enrolled Students, mail completed exams toward your for the Dance of Manahaim Study Course to:

Tom & Alana Campbell 5214 South 2nd Avenue, Everett, Wa. 98203-4113 (USA) Telephone (425) 257-9511 Fax: (425) 252-2981 /email: