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Copyright 2001
T.C. Campbell
Breakthrough Intl.

Course Examination Number 5
Dance of Manahaim Study Course

The word MACHOL speaks of a dance troupe or company. This word literally means "to turn." It is the root word of MECHOWLAH. What type dance does MECHOWLAH signify?


What two main ideas does MECHOWLAH convey?



In Song of Solomon 6:13, the daughters of Jerusalem shout to the Shulamite to "Turn, turn; as she dances." With the Shulamite in scripture symbolizing the relationship between the Lord and His church, we see from this that others are watching the lives we live before the Lord, and our actions are being weighed. It is important that our lives be "grace-ful." That our praise and worship of God be a life-style, and not just "lip-service" on God's holy day.

In the Dance of Manahim, this term called MECHOWLAH is also compared to the maturing and birthing process. The turning then is compared to restoration and transformation of the soul. In Rev. 1:12, John, "being turned" saw the manifested presence of God in an awesome way. From Rev.1:8,11,20, list distinguishing characteristics which show Jesus Christ as the God of the Old Testament. Compare terms of appearance, between the Old Testament and New Testament, or any other aspects which God reveals to you. You may use an extra sheet of paper if necessary.







The discomfort one endures in the long run, is not worthy to be compared with what, in the bible?


What Old Testament verse found in the Penteteuch, or first five books of Moses; speaks of the "dance company?"


Jeremiah's prophecy of restoration speaks of dancing with timbrels. Where is this verse found?


Observe that God was promising them something that had dropped off at the time, and was greatly in need of restoration. As revival came, their joy would be demonstrated in "group dances" of this sort.

Under "Dance Company Considerations," what are some of the activities or ministries that can be done with a Christian dance company?







The sub-heading entitled "The Male Dancer" includes some facets of dance, that "real men" will enjoy. What do you recall of these?




What hinderances do men encounter with regard to worshipping God in the dance?



Aside from apathy and ignorance of what the scriptures say about God's appreciation for dance as a form of praise and worship, gnosticism as well as legalism in church history, have been the bitter enemy of God's true worshippers. What is the basic tenent of gnosticism?





In what way does this hinder the praise and worship of God?


Define what "legalism" is.





How does it hinder one from entering into true worship?




Historically, what has been the impact of gnosticism upon the church?





When people are satisfied with the status quo, apathetic, legalistic, or involved in gnosticism, they may rise up in envy or strife when a person dances in the presence of the Lord. What Old Testament scriptural reference alludes to a religious spirit of this sort opposing worship in the dance?


How did this opposition take place? ____________________________________________________


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