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Course Exam Number 21
Dance of Manahaim Study Course

Copyright 2001
T.C. Campbell
Breakthrough Intl.

As an eagle stirs up her nest, flutters over her young, spreads abroad her wings, takes them, and bears them on her wings, so the Lord alone did lead him..." (Deut. 32:11-13)

Native Americans see dance as what to God?


Which dance pantomimes the grandeur of a winged creature of the sky?

From Deut. 32:11-13, God chronicles relationship between His people and Himself, under the figure of the eagle teaching her eaglets to fly. From the life of the eagle, show each of these steps from the bible.

1) The eagle stirring her nest._______________________________________________



2) Fluttering over her young.




3) Spreading her wings abroad.



4) Taking them.




5) Bearing them on her wings.




The Lord alone leading the, showing God's sovereign guidance in the life of the believer.



Native Americans worship "The Great Spirit," but this does not of itself appropriate the way God made for salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. Nor God's will is to be worshipped through His Son.

Give scripture references for this, using the way in which you would explain slavation Native Americans.



An intercessor that I know described an "eagle dance" which God gave her by the Spirit, as she was in a church group. As she spread her arms forth as wings, in a gathering motion; she declared the verse which the Heavenly Father gave to her: "The Spirit and the bride say come." (Rev. 22:17) From every nation, God will gather people to Himself in these last days. He accomplishes this, as His people work as "one" with Him. He has made us "joint-heirs" together with Christ Jesus. From your syllabus material, what scripture states that if you don't have the Son, you don't have the Father?


Which Pacific Northwest Native American chief prophesied events that would befall his people on the latter days?


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