"In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses holiness unto the Lord." (Zacharias 14:20)
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I have set you apart for this purpose says the Lord and it is that you would be holiness unto the Lord your God. There is not a single thing about you that I do not want to reflect that you have been called, chosen and sanctified and set apart as vessels fit for the Master's use.
For even as the "bells on the horses, say holiness unto the Lord--the very tools of the ministry, the methods and the very vehicles so to speak that you use, shall be but "horses" that one does not have to wonder about, for even from a distance I want them to ring and to jingle as it were with the sight and sound of my holiness.
Everything says the Lord thatyou own and that is a part of your lives shall be consecrated to My service and anything that cannnot shall be devoted, sanctified and set apart unto Me you shall disgard. What things you embrace, what attitudes you hold--all must be surrendered to Me, for I shall have a holy people.
I shall have a bride without spot or wrinkle or any such thing--And I shall have a people who are indeed a testimony of their holy Lord and soon coming King. ---A people who will preach My gospel without compromise or any such thing. For as it is written in My word of My church, the people of God:
"She perceived that her merchandize is good." (Proverbs 31)
Her merchandize and her hire shall be holiness unto the Lord, not as that Wicked One--that fallen "Son of the Morning, who used his brightness of his wisdom to amass riches and by his wisdom and the merchandizing and the trafficking his heart was lifted up against his God.
Not as she of whom it is said: "I will show you the great that sits upon many waters." And upon her a name was written "Mystery babylon The Great: The Mother of Harlots And the Abominations of the Earth."
For I have promised you My people in the pages My word that I will undo all that afflict you and I will take the cup of trembling out of your hand and put it in the hand of them that afflict you. But in order for this righteous - indignation for sin to rise up in you, I must do a separating work, my Beloved.
For when I say: Spare not! ---I do not want you to have sympathetic pangs for that which would exalt itself against Me, and My word, but you must have a readiness to avenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
I hear the sound says the Lord and it is a merry and a glad sound like that of the music of a wedding feast that rejoices the heart. For down the road comes a magnificant sight, and even from a distance they rung and spread their garments in My path. O your king is coming! Go forth daughter of Zion and behold My chariot. For it is paved with love and even the bells on the horses as it were say: Holiness unto the Lord.
I have compared you My bride to a company of horses, comely with rows of jewels, the neck with chains of gold, and studs of silver. For you put bits in the mouthes of horses and they turn in obedience wherever you want them to go.
Listen My Beloved: It is the prancing and the dancing of the very horses that draw the King's carriage. And their joyful chiming and ringing is singing out: Holiness--holiness--holiness unto the Lord. Be even as these, sanctified for the Master's use in every good work. For happy is the man who is not condemned in that which he allows.
Breakthrough Intl. 5214 South 2nd Avenue, Everett, Wa. 98203-4113