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Then I answered and said to him, What are these two olive trees; at the right of the lampstand and at its left? And I further answered and said to him, What are these two olive branches that drip into the receptacles of the two gold pipes from which the golden oil drains? Then he answered me and said, Do you not know what these are? And I said, No, my lord. So he said, These are the anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth. (Zechariah 4)


This webpage contains information on James Hunt, who married Mary Ann Davys and settled in Preston County, West Virginia. James Hunt also married Jean Ayers the widow of Patrick Anderson, and Margaret McMillan.

Our James Hunt Sr. family originated in Ireland with the progenitor who was born there in abt 1750. He came to America as a child, perhaps as an orphan. He was a pre-Revolutionary War settler. He was crippled in his feet. He was a shoemaker by trade. The family settled in Maryland after the Revolutionary War. Later the trip was made from Maryland to Wheeling, Virginia, by boat on the Potomac, and by wagon and oxcart team. They decided to settle in Alexandria. James Hunt Sr. called his family around him and sang "How Firm A Foundation." He prayed the Lord's Prayer and gave thanks to God for a safe journey. They moved again near Newburg, Preston County, Virginia. Monongalia County records were destroyed by fire in 1796. Because of this, S.T. Wiley assisted by A.W. Frederick wrote "The History of Preston County."

The photo on the right is of my father, Galen Hunt, his younger brother Ivo Hunt and my grandfather, William Chester Hunt, the husband of Margaret Elizabeth (Maggie) Burger Hunt, who died when the boys were very young. I, Alana Campbell, am the great-granddaughter of Thomas Anderson Hunt, whose photo is at the bottom of this article. According to my father Galen Hunt, his mother and my grandmother Margaret Elizabeth Burger's family were from the Yellow Creek branch of the Church of the Brethren, in Virginia. Their church originated in Germany, a revival offshoot of the Pietist Movement of the 17th century. The Schwarzenau Brethren was founded in 1708 by Alexander Mack (1679-1735) of Schwarzenau, Germany, and seven of his followers.

They were the Schwarzenau Taufer or the Schwarzenau Baptists or the Schwarzenau Brethren, who rejected the unscriptural teaching of infant baptism. However they failed to institute baptism as outlined in the scriptures, "In the name of Jesus Christ," as the Lord Jesus own disciples and apostles taught. (Acts 2:38, Acts 6:10, Acts 10:46-48, and Acts 19:5) They later migrated through the New World using the label German Baptist. One of our ancestors, Johannes (Hans) Michael(micel) (also spelled Mussel in ships records) Burger, was born at Wertheim in 1745. He emigrated aboard the Alexander & Anne from Rotterdam, Netherlands, arriving in Philadelphia on Sept. 5, 1730. The Minutes of the Provincial Council printed in the Colonial Records Vol. III page 386, record the names of 46 Palatines who took the oath of Allegiance at Philadelphia on September 5, 1730, who together with their family members comprised a group of emigrants numbering 130 persons.

In Europe, Wertheim and Baden both played a significant part in our family history, with Jorg and Anna Catharina Dillis being married in Baden. The count of Wertheim accepted the Lutheran Reformation as early as 1524 but at the start of the Thirty Years War (1618-48), the county was split into the Protestant Wertheim and the Roman Catholic Kreuzwertheim. As a result, two centuries later at the Congress of Vienna, Kreuzwertheim became part of Bavaria while Wertheim joined the Grand Duchy of Baden. This division continues to the present with Wertheim despite its typical Franconian appearance and customs, officially not part of Bavarian Franken but rather in the German federal state Baden-Wurttemberg.

The bible clearly teaches that baptism is to be administered solely in Jesus Christ's name. (Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16, Acts 10:46-48, and Acts 19:5) These passages also teach the necessity of being baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking supernaturally in other tongues. This is termed "Pentecostal." During the early part of the 19th Century when Brethren, who ordinarily met for worship and fellowship in private homes, started building meeting houses for their growing congregations.

The Hunts who belonged to the Methodist denomination, settled in Virginia and later moved to Chequest Iowa, to Alberta where they purchased property and then to Iowa Falls for a brief time where they built a home.

As the story goes, William and Maggie Burger (photo: top- right) met and fell in love when he was a young bachelor teaching school in Iowa. WC Hunt's wife, Margaret Elizabeth is the young woman in the family photo of Joseph Madison and Selinda Jane Ridenour Burger. (top-right) Two sons were born to the couple, whom they named Galen (my Dad) and Ivo. Maggie died in Idaho Falls in January 1905, when she was in her early 20's.

The origin of the Hunt family surname is hundt, the German word for "wolf." The Hunt family and the Wolf family are closely related in historical records and as well as intermarriage in our family history. The Wolf family can be traced back to the Kraichgau, in Baden-Wurrtemberg, Germany. Kraichgau was yet another region hit hard by the succession of wars. The 30 Years’ War, 1618 – 1648, brought terrifying destitution and unimaginable suffering. The Peace of Westphalia signed in Munster in 1648 sealed the monastery’s destiny, which by that time had be re-Catholicized. The stones of the ruinous cloister walls became stone quarry used to rebuild the buildings. In 1674, this area witnessed the Battle of Sinsheim. Marshall de Turenne left from Philippsburg, marched through this area and met the German troops north of our city. 3000 dead and an entirely plundered city were what was left. The city’s suffering, however, had not yet reached its climax. In 1689, the city suffered the same fate as Heidelberg Castle when Ludwig XIV’s troops burned down every building. War after war followed (Orleans War through 1697, War of Spanish Succession 1701-14, War of Polish Succession 1734-38, War of Austrian Succession 1742-45, Seven Years’ War 1756-63 and the French Revolution).

From north to south, Baden spans approximately 200 kilometers, and is primarily situated on the eastern bank of river Rhine. Much of Baden is situated in the Rhine rift, which is protected by the Black Forest and the Vosges mountains to the west of Rhine, and is therefore one of Germany's warmest location. In the Northern Kraichgau, there were six market towns where there was a higher degree of freedom for the inhabitants. The citizens were either craftsmen or farmers who farmed the surrounding fields. Not all of the farmers actually owned land; many of them were laborers who worked for others. Physically, the towns and villages tended to be circular in shape and a wall would surround the village or town for protection. Very often a part of the wall which survives unto today is the watch tower where the entry gate was located.

A tax revolt caused the Zurich government to advance by force of arms in 1666, and to occupy Wäldenswil, the town north of Richterswil on Lake Zurich. In February 1647 the Anabaptists left the Zurich area in the direction of the Rhine River (Map of the Kraichgau). This was near the end of the 30 Years' War (1618-1648) which had left much of Germany depopulated.The region lying east of the Rhine and south of the Neckar, between the Schwartzwald (the Black Forest) and the Odenwald Forest was known in the Middle Ages as Kraichgau and from this region came many emigrants.

The Kraichgau region between Stuttgart and Heidelberg just west of Heilbronnis is currently part of modern day Baden-Wurttemberg. While most of Baden-Wurttemberg speak Swabian-Alemannic dialects, the people of the Kraichgau and the region immediately to the east of the Neckar speak High Franconian dialects to this day. Germans from north Baden-Wurttemberg, north Alsace, and the Rhineland Palatinate (all Franconian speaking) invited by the Russian empire to colonize the 19th century Black Sea region recently taken from Turkey (much like the earlier, more famous Volga Germans mostly from Hesse).

The citizen’s unbroken will to live was astounding and, despite all of the adversity, they rebuilt the city hall, now the City Museum, in the years 1712-14 with latticed framework.

Jeremiah Wolf born: 1708 in Steinsfurt, Kraichgau, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, who married Catherine Wetzel, born abt 1712. She was the daughter of Hans Martin Wetzel. (Note: Hans Martin Wetzel was born about 1700 in Preuschdorf (Bas-Rhin), France. He immigrated in 1731 to Maryland from Gerstorff, near Woerth, Alsace. He died on 2 August 1760 in Brocks Gap, Rockingham, Virginia) Jeremiah and Catherine Wetzel Wolf produced two sons who were named: Elias Wetzel Wolf and Jeremiah Wetzel Wolf. The FIRST U.S. CENSUS OF PENNSYLVANIA in 1790 records Elias Wolf, with a total population for the entire county of 3027.

The second son of Jeremiah and Catherine Wetzel Wolf, Jeremiah Wetzel Wolf; was born abt 1735 in Cocalico, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth, and three children were born named Jacob Wolf, born in Lynchburg, VA, Martin Wolf, born in Botetourt county, VA and Regina Wolf, also born in Botetourt County, Va. Jeremiah Wolf Sr died: abt 1786 in Botetourt County, Virginia. A will abstract for Lancaster County, PA, from 1729-1819, lists WOLF, JEREMIAH, Cocalico Twp, April 16, 1783.

Botetourt County was established in 1770 from Augusta County. The county is named for Norborne Berkeley, Baron de Botetourt, more commonly known as Lord Botetourt (1718-1770), who was a popular governor of the Virginia Colony from 1768 to 1770, when he died suddenly while in office.

In the 1770s and 1780s, when Virginia claimed most of the Northwest Territory which would later form all or part of six states, the land was divided between Botetourt and Augusta Counties.

During those early years, there were those with the Wolf surname, such as Church of the Brethren Elder Jeremiah (Jerry Wolf, who married Minnie Burger. Minnie Burger, was the daughter of Joseph Madison Burger (Born: 28 June 1850-Jefferson Co, Iowa) and Selinda Jane Ridenour. (Born: 24 April 1853-Wabash Co, In) She was the sister of my grandmother Margaret Elizabeth (Maggie) Burger, so Minnie Burger Wolf's husband Elder Jeremiah Abraham Wolf (Born: 8 Jan 1877 in Appanoose Co, Iowa. They were married 12 Jan 1898 in Appanoose Co, Iowa and their sons were Joseph Leonard-born: 9 July 1900 in Libertyville, Jefferson Co, Iowa, Warren Edward Wolf-born: May 2, 1904 in Udell, Appanoose Co, Iowa, and John Alvin Wolf, born: 4 Feb 1918 in Blackhawk Co, Iowa. Jeremiah Wolf was my grandmother's brother-in-law. This means that the Hunt family saw them frequently.

Another Wolf ancestor, Catherine Wolf married Andreas Schantz. My father, Galen Hunt told me that Jerry Wolf prophesied his future to him by the word of the Lord, saying "You will make your mark in science and in law but in neither of these will you be satisfied. You will only be satisfied in preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Dad had told him prior to this that he didn't want to be a preacher, he wanted to be a scientist. The prophecy hit home. It was for an appointed time, as God told the Prophet Habakkuk, and came to pass rather remarkably, just as God said. See article "The Sign of the Prophet Jonah Hits Chicago!) my mother, the daughter of an Anglican pastor and wife who once pastored in historic Virginia City, Nevada during the Comstock Lode, William Andrew Laughlin and Emma Amelia Laughlin, turned Presbyterian, gave me some prophecies as well. My mother is the adorable toddler in her mother's arms on the right, wearing black patent leather shoes. But it was also my father's discipling of me, and that of close family friends, Frank & Dorothy Kuklenski's teaching about water baptism in Jesus Christ's name, that has proven foundational in my own life, because it focuses upon total identification with the Lord and His people as "ONE" through One Lord, one faith, and one baptism as scripture says." Dorothy's favorite passage is that found in John 14:8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us.

14:9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou [then], Shew us the Father? 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. 14:11 Believe me that I [am] in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake. 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

I particularly like the original Greek text for John 17:20-22. That they all may be as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. 22 And the glory which thou hast given me, I have given to them: that, they may be as we are. 23 I in them, and thou in me: that they may be made perfect in one: and the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them, as thou hast also loved me." And I also love Revelation 1, in which the glorified Christ Jesus, appearing as "The Ancient of Days" Himself, clearly states "I am the Almighty!" And Rev. 21:22 in speaking of heaven, the apostle saw it in a vision from God and declared: And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. 23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the lamp thereof."

And that's what this article is all about: Seeing the Light! And Jesus Christ is the Light of the World.

The Church of the Brethren was impacted by the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit spoken of in the bible in I Cor. 14, through the Euphrata Cloister.

Catherine Wolf born in Boncouer, Germany 22 April 1713 married Andreas Schantz, the son of Johann Schantz, of Hochhausen, Franconia, Bancour. The Schantz's are in the Wetzstein family tree, where our lineage is traced through Jorg Wetzstein & Anna Catharina (Dillus, daughter of Stephen Dillus,and son Peter (Petrus) Wetzstein who married Elizabeth Kurtz. The surname Hunt is often times considered of Celtic origin, as British Hunt's use this anglocized spelling. But when ethnic Germans bearing the surname are found in places like Ireland, it's due to times of severe Persecution, when immigrant ships stopped off for water and supplies in the British Isles.

The fact is that ships of European origin and others stopped in Britain for water and supplies. There were refugee camps there where people ended up at times, for any number of reasons. Illness, lack of money, a change of plans. Our family has common ancestors surnamed Wolf, such as our family members, Abraham Wolf and Jeremiah Abraham Wolf, born: 8 JAN 1877 in Jefferson County, Iowa. He died: 7 FEB 1947 in Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa-Burial: Age: 70 years, 0 months, 30 days. As this family descends from Jeremiah Wolf, born: 1708 in Steinffurt, Kraichgau, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, who married Catherine Wetzel, I wonder if they are of the family tree of Catherine Wolfhardt born October 6, 1663 at Castle Steinberg, Germany. Or if the Wetzstein family is related to the Wolf's this far back in German history.

What happened concerning the translation of surnames is that immigrant ships coming from Germany, had to stop in England to take on supplies. If your money ran out, was stolen aboard ship because on most passages you paid when you arrived at the destination, not when you boarded ship, or one often became quite ill, or decided to pay your way to Britain and work till you had enough to journey on, you would then live for a time in Britain, where the name Hundt, meaning Wolf, was spelled and pronounced Hunt. Some ancestors who both began with the name Hundt, may have taken the name Hunt and the others Wolf, both surnames having been derived from one German surname. Catherine Wolf/Wolffzin born in Boncouer, Germany 22 April 1713 married Andreas Schantz, the son of Johann Schantz, (born: Sept. 1663) of Hochhausen, Franconia, Bancour, Germany and Susanna Catharina/Catharina Schantzin born 1633 in Boncour. The marriage took place 1721-1723 in German Coast Louisiana. Census 1724: German Coast, LA-Census 1731 Mississippi River, LA, Census February 1749 German Coast, LA. (Note: Many of those residing in Louisiana in these early years came to Louisiana during the Great Expulsion of the Acadien French) The children of Andreas and wife are as follows:

  • Marie Anne Schantz born before 1726 in German Coast
  • Jean George Schantz born 1723-26 in Hochhausen, Franconia, Boncour, Germany.

    Johann Andreas Schantz married 2) Susanna Maria Wirth born abt 1700 in Waldenburg Hohenloh, Wurttenberg, Germany.

There are also Schantz's in the family through Peter Wetzstein's parents Joerg Wetzstein (born: 1674) & Anna Catharina/Catharina Dillus/Dilli. Anna Catharina Dilli's father Stephen Dillus (born: 1588) married Christina Rapp 05 April, 1619 at Kehl, Germany. Christina (born: 1592-Mosbach) whose parents were Hans Rapp (born: 1566) and Barbara Schantz who married 26 Dec. 1592 at Kehl (born: 1572) who was the daughter of Andreas Schantz and Jacoba born: 1541 and married: 1562.

Andreas Schantzwas born 1698/99 in Hochaussen, Franconia, Boncouer, Germany, one of the five great stem, or Stamm (tribal), duchies the other four being Saxony, Lotharingia (Lorraine), Swabia, and Bavaria early medieval Germany. Today it is divided between Rhenish Franconia, now located in the (states) of Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Wurttemberg, and Hesse, and East Franconia, now in Baden-Wurttemberg and Bavaria.

The region is divided in three parts:

  • Lower Franconia, Ger. Unterfranken, 3,277 sq mi (8,487 sq km), is a hilly region in NW Bavaria, famous for the forested Spessart hills. It is traversed by the Main River. Agriculture is widely pursued, and industry is centered at WUrzburg (the region's capital), Schweinfurt, and Aschaffenburg. Bad Kissingen is a noted resort.
  • Middle Franconia, Ger. Mittelfranken, 2,941 sq mi (7,617 sq km), in N central Bavaria, is a hilly, fertile region located in the Franconian Jura Mts. It is drained by the Altmuhl, Rednitz, and Pegnitz rivers. Ansbach is the capital; Nurnberg, Furth, and Erlangen are important industrial and cultural centers.

  • Upper Franconia, Ger. Oberfranken, 2,896 sq mi (7,501 sq km), in NE Bavaria, is a hilly, forested region, drained by the Main and Pegnitz rivers. It includes the Frankenwald and the Fichtelgebirge near the Czech border. Bayreuth, the capital, and Bamberg, Coburg, and Hof are the chief cities and industrial centers.

Andreas Schantz died in German Coast Louisiana. He was an ancestor closely related to the Wetzstein/Diehls/Dillus lineage. The marriage to Catherine Wolff/Wolffine took place in 1721/1723 in German Coast, Louisiana. Her second marriage was to Johann Leonardus Gabel (Hans) born before 1686 in Franconia, Boncouer, Germany. The marriage took place in Obergimpern, Franconia, Boncouer, Germany.

The German Coast was a region of the early Louisiana settlement located above New Orleans on the Mississippi River specifically, in St. John the Baptist, St. Charles and St. James parishes of present-day Acadiana. Its name derives from the large population of German pioneers, who were settled in 1721 by John Law, and the Company of the Indies. When the company folded in 1731, the Germans became independent land-owners.

Despite periodic flooding, hurricanes, and the rigorous frontier life, the German pioneers made a success of their settlement. Their farming endeavors provided food not only for themselves but also for New Orleans' residents. Some historians credit these German farmers with the early survival of New Orleans.

Most of the German Coast settlers hailed from the Rhineland region of Germany and the German-speaking cantons of Switzerland, and at other places today bearing their name, Bayou des Allemands and Lac des Allemands ("Germans' Bayou" and "Germans' Lake," in French). However these areas were not solely settled by people from Germany or Acadia, in fact many of the "Germans" came from the largely German-speaking region of Alsace-Lorraine in France and some from Switzerland and Belgium.

Eventually, the Germans immigrants intermarried with the Acadians and their descendants, began to speak French, and were transformed along with the Acadians and other regional settlers into the Cajun culture. As an example, German settlers had introduced the diatonic accordion to the region, which would become a predominant instrument in Cajun music by the early 1900s.

With regard to family surnames, at times, portions of a name was simply lopped off by immigration authorities. How did the name originate? It may have been through various evolutions during the past several hundred years, such as the surname Wolford, which is not a family surname of ours. But an example of how a name can come about. One conjecture, is that it's a place name, or town in which a family resided in ancient times. People who lived near where the wolves crossed a stream and soon found themselves known by that (Wolf-fijord), which came to be derived as Wolford. When surnames became common they found themselves so named. That the wolves had something to do with it isn't far fetched. In very ancient times, we know that Vikings made their living along the North Sea or the Baltic, gradually moving down into Germany by the 1600s and emigrating to America in the early 1700s. This appears to have taken place with the Hundt, or Wolf family. Without understanding a few of these variables, it can be difficult to trace certain surnames. Abraham Wolford (spelling varies) who sponsored Abraham, son of Niklas Wolford and Catherine, October 28, 1750 in the same church at Trappe. We know Niklas didn't come to America until 1743 and was still living in 1775, but we don't know whether the older Abraham came a lot earlier or the relationship--father, brother, or some other relationship. An Abraham Wolford was on the New Jersey tax list in 1778, not very far away. The earliest Wolford we have found in Pennsylvania is Anna Catherine Wolfhardt born October 6, 1663 at Castle Steinberg, Germany (daughter of Johann George Wolfhardt born December 31, 1639, Castle Steinberg, Germany). Anna Catherine married Jacob Schwab and came to America with their children. They settled in the Conestoga Valley near Mill Creek, Lancaster County. This location isn't all that far from Johann Wolfhardt, who came to America in 1739 and settle in Tulpehoken, Berks County. His son, Johann George, born in 1725 and died in 1794 in Cocalico Township, Lancaster County. Johann Wolfhardt who came in 1739 was born in 1695 supposedly in Switzerland.

Wolves were once hunted, and hunters were paid a bounty. In Europe and Britain at one times wolves were so numerous and destructive that taxes were paid in wolves ears. In the middle of the seventeenth century, any English colonist in Virginia who killed a wolf earned a bounty of one hundred pounds of tobacco. Indians who performed the same service received a rather different reward. According to the terms of a 1656 statute, for every eight wolves' heads brought to the county commissioner, the native hunters' "King or Great Man" would be presented with a cow. This reward, Virginia's burgesses insisted, would "be a step to civilizing" the Indians "and to making them Christians." It would also dissuade them from attacking their English neighbors, since cattle-owning sachems would have "something to hazard & loose besides their lives" in any ensuing conflict. Each cow bestowed on Indians in this way thus served not just as a bounty but also as an emissary of English-ness. The burgesses' confidence in the civilizing power of cattle, however, reflected their general belief in English cultural superiority more clearly than their actual experience as livestock owners in the New World.

In Britain it was an English occupational name for a hunter, Old English hunta (a primary derivative of huntian "to hunt"). The term was used not only of the hunting on horseback of game such as stags and wild boars, which in the Middle Ages was a pursuit restricted to the ranks of the nobility, but also to much humbler forms of pursuit such as bird catching and poaching for food. The word seems also to have been used as an Old English personal name and to have survived into the Middle Ages as an occasional personal name. Compare Huntington and Huntley. Irish: in some cases (in Ulster) of English origin, but more commonly used as a quasi-translation of various Irish surnames such as Fiaich (see Fee). One of the earliest Hunt's apparently came to England from France in 1295, and resided in Nottingham. His his name is listed Adam le Hunt. The official motto of the Hunt family is "Semper Fidelis "Always Faithful."


West Virginia lies in the very heart of the Appalachian Highlands, and its predominantly mountainous terrain and picturesque scenery have led to its nickname as the Mountain State. The state's irregular boundaries, formed largely by rivers and mountains, give it the shape of a large pan with two handles, one in the north and one in the east. For this reason it is sometimes called the Panhandle State.

West Virginia was part of Virginia until 1863. Although Virginian revised charter of 1609 from the king of England left its boundaries open on the west, the mountain ranges the Blue Ridge and, west of them, the Alleghenies made an effective barrier to expansion. No concerted effort was made to cross them for more than 60 years.

In 1585, the first effort to establish an English colony in the "New Found Land of Virginia" was attempted by Sir Walter Raleigh and 108 men. Their settlement of Fort Raleigh was built on Roanoke Island. From this stronghold, a small group of metallurgists explored the coastal portions of North Carolina, and the area eventually becoming Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Portsmouth. Fear of the Spaniards to the south, and unstable relations with local Indians caused the effort to be abandoned after 10 months.

First Charter of Virginia - April 10, 1606, was granted by King James I to those who would endeavor to settle "Jamestown Colony" in Virginia. In December 1606, the Virginia Company's three ships, containing 144 men and boys, set sail. On May 13, 1607, these first settlers selected the site of Jamestown Island as the place to build their fort. When the settlers came to Virginia on December 20, 1606 there were thousands of Native Americans living in a land that they called "Pamahsawuh"G. Each Native American was a member of a specific tribe. In 1716 Governor Alexander Spotswood of Virginia led an expedition over the Blue Ridge to determine the feasibility of crossing and settling beyond the mountains. The Spotswood party brought back glowing reports of the fertile valleys that inspired people to cross the mountains. The first settlements in West Virginia were connected with the desire to establish a buffer colony between its plantations and the French and Native Americans to the west.

The first Native Americans in present-day West Virginia are known to archaeologists as Paleo-Indians and lived in the area 8,000 to 10,000 years ago. They were nomads who pursued buffalo and other large game animals, some of which are now extinct. Most Native American remains, however, are from the Adena and Hopewell cultures, or the Mound Builders, another name by which the Adena people were known. Remnants of the Mound Builders civilization have been discovered throughout West Virginia.

The Native Indians of Virginia included the Cherokee, Iroquois, Manahoac, Meherrin, Monacan, Nottaway, Occaneechi, Saponi and Shawnee tribesSeveral thousand Hurons occupied present day West Virginia during the late 1500s and early 1600s. When the first Europeans arrived, the territory was for the most part, an unpopulated area used by settlers and Shawnee, Mingo, Delaware, and other tribes as a hunting ground. As early as the 1670s, this location was being explored by explorers and fur traders, it's rugged mountains causing it to be isolated and uninhabited for more than a century after Virginia was being colonized.

The present Eastern Panhandle drew the first settlers, who were of Germans or Scotch-Irish descent, making their way down the valleys from Pennsylvania. The Germans established a settlement on the Potomac around 1730, naming it Mecklenburg. It's now called Shepherdstown, and is known as the oldest town in the state. Cabins soon appeared along the rivers, but the Allegheny Plateau was not crossed until after the British government, concerned about French claims to the Ohio valley, granted (1749) the Ohio Company large tracts of land in the trans-Allegheny region.


Settlers making their way over the mountains, came into conflict with the French, and a conflict ensued, which was the direct cause of the French and Indian War (1754-63. During this war, many settlers relocated, returning after the English captured Fort Duquesne in 1758 and broke the French hold on the Ohio valley. When the French-Indian War ended, England's King George feared that more tension would erupt between native Americans and settlers. With France removed from North America, the vast interior of the continent lay open for the Americans to colonize. The English government decided otherwise. To induce a controlled population movement, they issued in 1763, a Royal Proclamation that prohibited settlement west of the line drawn along the crest of the Alleghenny mountains and to enforce that meassure they authorized a permanent army of 10,000 regulars (paid for by taxes gathered from the colonies; most importantly the "Sugar Act" and the "Stamp Act"). This infuriated the Americans who, after having been held back by the French, now saw themselves stopped by the British in their surge west. The Proclamation was for the most part, ignored, with great numbers poured back over the mountains to settle on land in the region.

Our ancestor, Thomas Anderson Hunt's father James Hunt was one of the first settlers of this region. Thomas Anderson Hunt's father James Hunt the husband of Mary Davys/Davis/David is described in Morton's History as "a son of a pre-Revolutionary War settler." He died: 22 December 1844 nr Newburg, WVA. It's believed James Hunt's father, was also named James Hunt and was born in Ireland, but came to the U.S.A. as a child, perhaps an orphan, and died in America. He was crippled in his feet. The family settled in Maryland after the Revolutionary War. Later the trip was made from Maryland to Wheeling, Virginia by boat on the Potomac and by wagon and ox team. According to my father, Galen Hunt's diary, "they decided to settle near Alexandria, and his father called his family around him and sang "How Firm A Foundation." He prayed the Lord's Prayer and gave thanks to God for a safe journey. James Hunt was a shoemaker by trade. They moved again and settled near Newburg, Preston County in what's now known as West Virginia. Here, a home was hewn from the wilderness and a living wrested from it's soil.

The Monongolia County records were destroyed by fire in 1796. Because of this, S.T. Wiley assisted A.W. Frederick in writing "The History of Preston County in 1882." The book is now out of print.


The Catholic Church had for centuries held an iron sway over the populations of Europe and Great Britain. God was using the religious persecutions of these regions to restore the foundational truthes of His holy Word. There was a passionate hunger growing in the hearts of many to get "back to the bible." They suffered great persecution. But in the shackles of man-made tradition being broken, they were coming into God's presence through the new and living Way God has made.

The first settlers in Preston County were the Dunkards or German Baptists. The community was descended from the pietistic Schwarzenau Brethren movement of Alexander Mack of Schwarzenau in Germany. The Baptist Brethren movement came into being in about 1521, when the Zwickau Prophet arose in Saxony, preached baptism and prophesied the coming Millenium. Most of the early emigrants who came to America in the 1500s, 1600's and early to mid 1700s were Sabbath keepers, who were sometimes called "The Church In The Wilderness." The first split or schism which occurred the general body of German Baptist Brethren occurred in 1728, over those who wanted to celebrate Shabbat on Saturday. They were founded by Johann Conrad Beissel (1690-1768). Sabbath keepers were known in England from the time of Elizabeth 1 (1558-1601). Records speak of the celebration of the Fall Feasts, and Passover. In Russia these were called Sobotniki or Sabbotniki. They considered themselves true Jews. In the days of Constantine, Sunday worship was embraced during a time when the bishops under Constantines leadership wished to disassociate themselves from the Jewish apostles and prophets who had embraced Yeshua haMashiach/Jesus Christ as both their Lord and their God, especially at Jerusalem. This was a necessary phase for the Council of Nicea to formulate the trinitarian doctrine and to propagate it, because of the importance of "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord," in the minds of Jewish people. (Deut. 6:4).

In the 1600's Jews were emigrating from Armenia. Count Zinzendorf founder of the Moravians was astonished to find the hold Sabbatarian doctrine held upon the German population in Pennsylvania. You ask me why this would occur? It was because William Penn and George Fox, came into an understanding of the biblical and apostolic doctrine of the Godhead, and centuries of Constantinianism was being overthrown, as Europeans embraced the truth of salvation as seen in Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16, Acts 10:46-48, Acts 19:5.

Some Dutch Anabaptists embraced Sabbatarianism, and may have helped to introduce these practices into England. Since the Reformation Movement came out of the highly Catholicized religious structure of the day, the majority of the reformation movement churches were Sunday worshippers, because Emporer Constantine instituted Sunday worship in 325 A.D. God was doing a "new thing in America. The Lord's Word and wisdom are seen in the this Saturday Sabbath. Those who held the reformed truth of Acts 2:38, had no desire to mingle it with the Constantinian day of worship, which was Sunday! God was moving, and those hungry for truth were thus free to go to these Saturday services. The followers of John Traske (1585-1636) observed Shabbat, with Traske preaching a form of Sabbatarianism which embraced Mosaic Laws. Traskite Sabbath keepers were generally considered radical in their Jewish practices. There was also a very large segment of Quakers, such as William Penn, and Camisards who came into a biblical understanding of water baptism in Jesus Christ's name. This placed them more in the doctrine of the early Apostolic apostles and Apostolic church. (Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16, Acts 10:46-48, Acts 19:5)

George Fox who was a close friend of Will Penn, and held similar doctrinal views on the Godhead (Penn authored "A Sandy Foundation Shaken") and believed in baptism in Jesus name, also traveled and preached on the North American continent in Maryland, where he participated in a four-day meeting of local Quakers. He remained there while various of his English companions travelled to the other colonies, because he wished to meet with some Native Americans who were interested in biblical New Testament ways. Fox was impressed by their general demeanour, which he said was "loving" and "respectful". Elsewhere in the American colonies, Fox helped to establish organizational systems for the Friends there.

The Sabbath, or Shabbot in Hebrew literally means "to rest". The early Christians observed the Jewish Sabbath until the Council of Laodicea (A.D. 364) which banned the practice on pain of excommunication. Sunday worship was established as the norm. These Shabbat keepers in the American Colonies may have been German Jews who had become converts of Jesus Christ, or they could have simply read of Shabbat in scripture, and wanted to keep it.

In 1744 Alexander Mack Jr, the son of Pastor Alexander Mack, together with Israel Eckerlin and Samuel Eckerlin broke away from the Euphrata Settlement which was under Conrad Beissel's leadership, journeying toward Dunkards Bottom, on New River called Manahaim and the Setting of the Sun 7th Day Settlement. In 1753 Sabbatarians counted their hours after the Jewish fashion from the beginning of the day, so that "our six o'clock was their one."Samuel Eckerlin and some of his family members were part of a group which began in 1708 in Germany, emigrating to Germantown (Pennsylvania) in 1729, under the Sr. Alexander Mack's leadership. Alexander Mack Jr. did not stay long because he was given a prophetic dream regarding an upcoming Indian raid.

The Eckerlins left Dunkard Bottom and New River and moved on to the Monongalia River area on the West Virginia and Pennsylvania border. The first settlers on the New River land belonged to the generation that established the earliest American frontier. More than forty first-generation New River families who came into that border area between 1760 and 1790 have been identified through study of county land, tax, and marriage records, court cases, wills, and lists, as well as United States census and pension records. The majority of settlers did not come alone, but as members of large extended families, usually those of married brothers headed by a father-patriarch, or by a widowed mother.11 Further, an extended family of one surname was generally linked to two or more other families by intermarriage and by other associations that extended back in time over thirty or more years before the settlers arrived in the New River Valley. Thus their settlement on the southern frontier must be viewed in the larger context of the massive population movements of the eighteenth century.

Although the census of 1790 shows only five percent of the total population living west of the mountains, this group was the vanguard of a steady stream of western pioneers.

The Monongahela River also known as The Mon) is a river on the Allegheny Plateau in West Virginia and Pennsylvania in the United States. At Pittsburgh, it meets the Allegheny River to form the Ohio River. The Monongahela is formed by the confluence of the West Fork River and the Tygart Valley River at Fairmont, West Virginia. Here in this location where the Eckerlin brothers were, the Indians took them captive.


Preston County was visited by several trappers and hunters during the early 1700s, whose names were not recorded.

The Eckerlin (or Eckarly) brothers were the first English settlers to arrive in present-day Preston County. By the late 1700s, settlers, mostly Scotch-Irish and German, had penetrated the wilderness of the Allegheny Plateau. On the far western border, settlers arrived in Wirt County in 1796, and Wood County was organized in 1798. The first census reported 55,873 persons living within the borders of what would become West Virginia.

Seeking fertile soil and freedom of religion settlers entered the territory in 1750 and settled on Cheat River, the place since known as Dunkards Bottom. The Native Americans resented this encroachment on their hunting grounds, and their hostility was fueled by the often unjust treatment they received at the hands of settlers. The massacre of the family of chief James Logan provoked a series of attacks that resulted in Lord Dunmore's War (see Dunmore, John Murray, 4th earl of), in which the Native Americans were decisively defeated (Oct. 10, 1774).

In 1756 the little colony of German Baptists was running short of salt and ammunition. Dr. Samuel Eckerlin and his two brothers (probably Gabriel and Israel) were the first Europeans known to visit present-day Monongalia County with the intent of establishing a settlement. They left eastern Pennsylvania in 1751 or 1752 and arrived near present-day Morgantown. After exploring the area, they finally settled in present-day Preston County.

Samuel Eckerlin, who was one of their group returned east to the Shenandoah Valley with a pack of furs to trade for a fresh supply of ammunition, salt and clothing. On the way home, he stopped at Fort Pleasant on the South Branch of the Potomac River. The settlers imprisoned him, believing him to be a spy for the Indians. He was allowed to return from Fort Pleasant under guard. When they arrived at Dunkard's Bottom, all the members of the colony had been killed and scalped, and their homes burned. A survivor named Shilling stated that the settlement was attacked by a party of about 50 indians, led by a French priest. Shilling was made a slave and sent to an indians encampment on the Sandusky River. He later escaped and was eventually united with Samuel Eckerlin. In 1756, Thomas Eckerlin was killed by Indians. Samuel buried his brother.

After 1760 settlers arrived with increasing frequency and the Indians did not trouble them from 1775-1780. In the last part of the 18th century, the movement to create a state beyond the Alleghanies was revived and, in 1776, a petition for the establishment of "Westsylvania" was presented to Congress, on the grounds that the mountains made an almost impassable barrier on the east. By 1790s John Miller and Hugh Morgan laid out land which would later become the Preston County Seat. They laid out the town and offered the plots to settlers.

Enormous deposits of coal were discovered around Sand Ridge. In 1853 the Baltimore and Ohio railroads dug one of the longest tunnels in the United States. The Hunts of Preston County either purchased or settled on partly improved property on Sand Ridge. Possibly for this reason we have not located a patent or land grant for James Hunt.

Click To Hear A Beautiful West Virginia Tune - Ashakan Farewell


Dr. Samuel Eckerlin and his two brothers (probably Gabriel and Israel) were the first Europeans known to visit present-day Monongalia County with the intent of establishing a settlement. They left eastern Pennsylvania in 1751 or 1752 and arrived near present-day Morgantown. After exploring the area, they finally settled in present-day Preston County.

During the fall of 1758, Thomas Decker established the first settlement in present-day Monongalia County. He led a group of settlers to Decker's Creek, in present-day Morgantown. The settlement was destroyed the following spring by a party of Delaware and Mingo Indians. All but one of the original settlers, including Thomas Decker, were killed or captured in the attack.

Most historians believe that David Morgan and his younger brother Zackquill Morgan were the next Europeans to attempt a permanent settlement in Monongalia County. They left Delaware and reached present-day Morgantown in 1766 or 1767. Zackquill decided to build his home near Decker's Creek. David continued down the Monongahela River and settled in present-day Marion County. Other accounts suggest that Brice Worley and his brother, Nathan, arrived in the county the year before the Morgans arrived.

Most historians credit Zackquill Morgan as Monongalia County's second permanent settler, citing as evidence Colonel William Crawford's sworn deposition. Colonel Crawford indicated that Zackquill Morgan, James Chew, and Jacob Prickett moved into present-day north-central West Virginia in 1766, and that he personally visited Morgan's farm, near Decker's Creek.

Zackquill Morgan, son of Morgan Morgan, served in both the French and Indian War and in the American Revolutionary War, rising to the rank of Colonel. He received a legal certificate for 400 acres of land in the Morgantown area in 1781. In October 1785, at Colonel Morgan's request, the Virginia General Assembly specified that 50 acres of his land was to be laid out in lots of a half acre each, and a town, named Morgans-Town, established on the site. The lots were to auctioned off and the proceeds given to Colonel Morgan. Initially, the land deeds required purchasers to build a house of at least 18 square feet on the lot within four years, but because of Indian hostilities the four-year time limit was extended in 1789 by the Virginia General Assembly an additional five years.


Colonel Zackquill Morgan was a son of Welsh-born Colonel Morgan Morgan, the first known white settler in what would become the U.S. state of West Virginia, and his wife, Catherine Garretson. Colonel Morgan Morgan is believed traditionally to have founded the first permanent white settlement in present day West Virginia at Cool Spring Farm, although a German town was discovered to have been in existence prior to Morgan's arrival. Morgan was born in Wales. His brother David entered the area of Virginia.

Zackquill Morgan settled the area about 1772 by establishing a homestead near present-day Fayette Street and University Avenue. Morgan fought in both the French and Indian War. The French and Indian War is the common U.S. name for the war between Great Britain and France in North America from 1754 to 1763. In 1756 the war erupted into the world-wide conflict known as the Seven Years' War and thus came to be regarded as the North American theater of that war.

By 1783, following his wartime duties, Colonel Morgan commissioned Major William Haymond to survey his land and divide it into streets and lots. Colonel Morgan then received a legal certificate for in the area of his settlement near the mouth of Decker's Creek. Fifty acres were appropriated for Morgan's Town by the Virginia General Assembly. The Virginia General Assembly is the legislative body of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The Commonwealth of Virginia is a U.S. state on the Atlantic Coast of the Southern United States. Virginia is nicknamed the "Old Dominion" and sometimes the "Mother of Presidents" because it is the birthplace of eight U.S. presidents. Thomas Decker, led a group of settlers to Decker's Creek, in the present site of Morgantown, during the fall of 1758. The settlement was destroyed the following spring by a party of Delaware and Mingo Indians. All but one of the original settlers, including Thomas Decker, were killed or captured in the attack.

There is conflicting accounts concerning who arrived in the county next. Some accounts suggest that David Morgan arrived at the current site of Morgantown in 1768 and gave his settlement right to Zackquill (or Zackwell) Morgan. Other accounts suggest that Bruce Worley and his brother, Nathan, arrived before them, in 1766. Most historians cite the sworn deposition of Colonel William Crawford and credit Zackquill Morgan as the next settler in the county. Colonel Crawford indicated that Zackquill Morgan, James Chew, and Jacob Prickett moved into the area in 1766, and that he had visited the Morgan farm, near Decker's Creek.

Colonel Zackquill Morgan, son of Morgan Morgan, received a legal certificate for 400 acres of land in the Morgantown area in 1781. In October 1785, at Colonel Morgan's request, the Virginia General Assembly specified that 50 acres of his land was to be laid out in lots, and a town, named Morgantown, established on the site. Purchasers of the lots were to build upon them within four years, but because of Indian hostilities the four year time limit was later extended an additional five years. In 1793, the Pittsburgh Gazette began delivering its paper to Morgantown and opened a road to it. The opening of the road helped the town began to grow , especially during the early 1800's as many pioneers heading west stopped in Morgantown for supplies. The city was incorporated on February 3, 1858.

In 1790, when the first national census was taken, Monongalia County had the sixth largest population (4,768) of the nine counties that were then in existence and fell within the current boundaries of West Virginia. Berkeley County had the largest population (19,713), Randolph County had the smallest population (951), and there were a total of 55,873 people living within the present state's boundaries at that time.


Based on the marriage of James Hunt to Jean Ayers, and their daughter Mary Ayers Hunt's birthdate of 9 August 1789, James Hunt was born around 1750 and died on 22 Oct. 1811, James Hunt's marriage to Mary Ann Davys was in 1811 and they produced 5 children, whose births concur with this 1811 date. This places his age at death on Dec 1844, as 94 or somewhere close to 100 years.

The Morgans married into the Hunt family in Wales. Dafydd Dafydd/David David married Mawde/Maude Morgan, in 1594 in Lantwidvoyde, Glamorgan, Wales. See: Morgan History

The photograph on the right was taken by Galen Hunt of his father William Chester Hunt, standing in front of the cabin on the Old Hunt Place in 1933. William Chester Hunt is a descendant of James Hunt who died: 1844. On this ground is the Hunt Family Cemetery where James Hunt is buried. I do not know the exact location of James Hunt's grave, but in the 1930's, folks at Newburg told my father they must have been buried in the Hunt Cemetery in unmarked graves. He died on December 22, 1844 (Morton's History-Gravestone records date as December of that year.)
He's buried in the Hunt Cemetery, near Newburg, WVa. Source: A History of Preston Co. Vol. 1 By Oren F. Morton.

Children of James Hunt

The Children of James Hunt (born abt 1750 and died: 22 Dec 1844 and is buried in the Old Hunt Cemetery near Newburg, WVA. with wife Mary Ann Davys/Davies Hunt

  • James Findley Hunt. He married Parthena Loretta Downing, the daughter of John Herdman Downing and Nancy Mustard. She was born 4 June 1865 and died in California.
  • John Wesley Huntborn April 22, 1813. He married Marie Gandy on July 12, 1832 in Newburg, West Virginia, daughter of Levi Gandy and Mary Watson. She was born 6 June 1815 and is buried in Chequest Cemetery, Davis Co; Iowa. John Wesley Hunt died about 1896 and is buried in Jackson Hall Cemetery, Davis Co; Iowa.
  • Matilda Hunt Towner and her husband John Towner, lived near Central Station, Doddridge County, West Virginia.
  • Elizabeth Hunt Wheeler married James Wheeler, and made their home in Charleston, West Virginia.
  • James A. Hunt lived and died in Calhoun County, West Virginia.
  • Mary Ann Hunt Jeffries lived with her husband in Waverly, Ohio
  • Thomas Anderson Hunt was born 27 July 1826 in Preston Co; WVA. He married Sarah Swaim, the daughter of Elias Swaim,(born 12 Nov. 1832 in Monroe County, Ohio) and Rachel Foster. She was born 12 Nov 1832 in Monroe Co; Ohio and died 6 Feb 1881. He married wife #2: Jurusha Brown 10 June 1895.

Marriage #2

Wife #2: Margaret McMillanThere is little information on this wife of James Hunt. My father, Galen Hunt recorded her in his genealogy together with James Hunt.

* The LaRues (Originally de Larue)were of French Huguenot descent. Posten LaRue whom my father spoke of, was the son of Edgar S LaRue (born: 30 Oct 1884) and Abbie Moore born: Sept 1860 at Preston Co, Va. They had 6 children. About 1850, David Moore and family came to Preston CO. Va from Rockingham Co, Va and may have settled at Newburg. The family consisted of David Moore, Abbie Tusinger and sons Isaac and Phillip. Philip married and had 4 children. The Moores married into the Hunt family, so were very close. My Dad would talk about the old Moore Place, which was not far from the Hunt family farm.


  • Rachel who married John Leese
  • Julia who married a Towner
  • James who married a Caldwell
  • Maggie who married a Shelton and lived in Grafton
  • Lina who married a Sennet
  • Melinda who married a deMoss
  • Willie who was the youngest child.
  • Florence; deceased
  • Dona, who married a LaRew
  • Nellie who married a LaRew

The Orrs, with whom the Hunt family had a long standing friendship, lived near the Old Hunt Place. James Hunt and Mary Ann Davys/Davis/David of Preston County's children are as follows:

Mary Ann Davis/David's who married James Hunt was the daughter of John Orr Sr who arrived in America 1758 and married Mary Dale, two years later.


The MORGAN FAMILY MOTTO: Heb. dduw-"Without God we Have nothing."

History 500AD - 1080AD
The region originated as an independent petty kingdom named Glywysing, believed to be named after a 5th century Welsh king called Glywys. The name Morgannwg or Glamorgan ('territory of Morgan') reputedly derives from the 8th century king Morgan ab Athrwys, otherwise known as "Morgan Mwynfawr" ('great in riches'), although some have argued for the 10th century ruler Morgan Hen. It was at times united with the neighbouring kingdoms of Gwent and Ergyng. By virtue of its location and geography, Morgannwg was the second part of Wales, after Gwent, to fall under the control of the Normans and was frequently the scene of fighting between the Marcher Lords and Welsh princes.

Buildings of note 500AD - 1080AD

The earliest buildings of note included earthwork dykes and rudimentary motte-and-bailey hillside defences. All that remains of these fortifications are foundations that leave archaeological evidence of their existence, though many were built upon to create more permanent defensive structures. The earliest surviving structures within the region are early stone monuments, waypoints and grave markers dating between the 5th and 7th century, with many being moved from their original position to sheltered locations for protection. The most notable of the early stone markers still in its original place is on a high mountain ridge at Gelligaer. Of the later plaitwork patterned standing crosses the finest and best preserved is the 9th century 'Houelt' stone at Llantwit Major.

David David married Maude/Mawde Morgan, (born: 1594) Maude Morgan was the daughter of Watkin Morgan born: 1565 in Bassaleg, Monmouthshire, Wales and Gwenllian Powell born: 1548 in Liantilo Pertholey, Monmouthshire, Wales Their sons were

  • Hywel Gethin Ap Dafydd b: 1399 in Fforest, Breconshire, Wales
  • Lewis DAVIS b: 1594
  • Howell David b: 1620 in Caerynwch, Merionethshire, Wales
  • Morgan David b: 1622 in Lantwidvoyrde, Glamorgan, Wales
  • Thomas David b: 1624 in Ciltalgarth, Wales
  • Evan David
The father of David David was Ieuan Dafydd/David born 1555, who was the son of Jenkin David, born (1555 in Wales.


Schneider (German for "tailor"; literally "someone who cuts," from the verb schneiden "to cut") is a very common family name in Germany.[1] Alternate spellings include: Schnieder (a German variant), Snyder, Snider, Sneider, Sneijder (Dutch variants), Schnyder, Schnider (Swiss variant), Sznajder (a Jewish variant) and Znaider Taylor (a Polish variant).

Henry Snider Jr was born 1778 in Fauquier, Virginia. He was the son of Henry Snider Sr. born 1740 in Hanover, Germany and died March 26, 1805 in Sand Ridge, Preston County, West Virginia. He lived near his father's settlement. Henry Snider Jr is buried in Old Baptist Cemetery, Scotch Hill, Preston County, WVA. The family of Sarah Mary Margaret Browning can be traced through her father Nicholas Browning born 1726 Culpepper, Va died 1774 at Fauquier County, Va at age 48 -a farmer, and mother Sarah Washburn (daughter of John Washburn & Susanna) to forefather Capt. John BROWNING, the son of Giles Browning born 1557 at Shipton Moyne, Gloucestershire, England died 27 June 1626. He married Eleanor Wood on 24 may 1582 at Fairford, Boxwell with Leighterton. Capt John Browning was born in 1587 in Willisham Hall, Suffolk, England and died in 1635 in Browning Manor, York, VA. He married Joan Tovey born 1587 in Oveston, Gloucestershire, England. She died 2 June 1587 in Wedmore, Somersetshire, England.


On a Dunkard Creek hillside in Cass District, Monongalia County, [West] Virginia, where scattered field stones mark the site of the old SNIDER burying ground, one sandstone slab [now missing] was reportedly inscribed: "A. SNIDER, May 3, 1759 - Aug. 27, 1796."

From Oren Morton's History of Preston County, WVA:

"The Sniders were German and had considerable land and owned many acres that were first purchased for coal development by Newburg-Orvel Coal Company. These Sniders were Henry Snider Sr. and wife Mary Browning Snider. They came from Fauquier County Va about 1800."

Alana Campbell Note: Although this Preston County History states that the Sniders were of German descent, the progenitor is Rudolph Snider who married Corical Coblence, and they were both born in Lorraine, France. Their children are as follows:

  • George SNIDER b: ABT 1670
  • John SNIDER b: ABT 1670
  • Jeremiah SNIDER b: ABT 1670
  • Corcia SNIDER b: ABT 1670
  • Catharine SNIDER b: ABT 1670
  • Cassender SNIDER b: ABT 1670
  • Rudolph SNIDER b: JUN 1677 in Alsace, Lorraine, France

Rudolph Snider, son of Rudolph & Corical Coblence Snider married: Wife #1. Elizabeth Moreland born: 1680 in Alsace Lorraine, France. Since the 12th Century, Lorraine was divided into many states among which the Duchy of Lothringen, the Republic of Metz and the Bishoprics of Metz, Toul and Verdun were the most important ones. All these states belonged to the Holy Roman Empire. In 1648, according to Treaty of Westphalia, Metz, Toul and Verdun became French cities. 1648-1766:

The Duchy of Lothringen, then surrounded by French territories, was repeatedly occupied by the French troups. When the Duke Stanislas Leszcynski died in 1766, the Duchy of Lorraine became a French province. *Parents of HenrySnyder/Snider Sr: Michael Snider b: Abt 1707 in Philadephia, Philadephia County, Pennsylvania, USA and Susanna Baisfield b: Abt 1715 in Philadephia, Philadephia County, Pennsylvania, USA

Wife #2 Mary Elizabeth Morgan born: 1749 in Bunker Hill, Frederick, Virginia. She was the daughter of Evan Morgan, and Margaret Potts, Radnor, Wales; the daughter of John Potts born: 1666 in Llanidloos, Wales and Alice Croasdale born: 1649 in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. John Potts was persecuted because of his Quaker faith. His wife Alice Croasdale was the daughter of Thomas Croasdale, and Agnes Hathornwaite, both of England. Evan Morgan was the son of Col. Morgan Morgan born: 1 NOV 1688 in Glamorgan, Wales died: 17 Oct 1766 in Berkley County, Virginia and Catherine Garretson born 16 May 1692 in New Castle, Delaware. Died: 16 May 1773 in Berkley, WVa. Col. Morgan Morgan's parents were Charles Morgan born: 1635 in Wales and Susan [Morgan] born: ABT 1640 in Wales. Colonel Morgan Morgan (November 1, 1688 — November 17, 1766) is believed traditionally to have founded the first permanent white settlement in present day West Virginia at Cool Spring Farm[citation needed] Col. Morgan Morgan and his descendants are intertwined with the history and development of Virginia and West Virginia. Morgan Morgan held military and civil positions in colonial VA which entitled his female descendants to membership in the Colonial Dames of America. Without this branch of the Morgan's, there would likely be no West Virginia, no Marion Country, and no Fairmont or Morgantown.


Col. Morgan Morgan is credited with many firsts:

  • First permanent white settler of present-day West Virginia
  • First civil officer
  • First judicial officer
  • First commissioned military officer
  • First licensed tavern keeper
  • First engineer of roads, as well as builder of the first road (about 12 miles long)
  • First militia organized, 1735, now the 201st National Guard

Whether by design or through indifference to ancestral lore, the latter being a well known family trait, Col. Morgan Morgan, who was well educated for his time and destined to take an active part in the early life of Colonial America, left no record, official or otherwise, so far as is known, which has been preserved or remembered by any of his many descendants, of his connection in his native Wales with the old Glamorganshire family there of the same name, which reaches back of through Anglo-Saxon into the days of the Ancient Celts. If the early Episcopal Church had not been strict about the recording of dates, we wouldn't have known when Colonel Morgan was born. The record of Morgans Chapel at Bunker Hill recorded the following: "Colonel Morgan died November 17, 1766 aged 78 years November 1st." No record has been found of where he was born or when or how he came to America. The only information comes from the bible of David, the grandson on David Morgan, the Indian Fighter, and the second son of Col. Morgan. Morgan was born in Glamorganshire, Wales during the reign of William III. According to tradition, Glamorganshire was the home of King Arthur--and Arthur was of the House of Morgan. He was educated in London, England. He emigrated to the United States a single man at the age of 24 during the reign of Queen Anne, or probably about the commencement of the reign of George I. So, he must have arrived in Delaware in 1712 or 1713 and soon after got married, but no record of the date has been found. He commenced business as a merchant at the place now known as Christiana. Hopewell Quaker files from Hinshaw's Encyclopedia of Quaker Genealogy gives added information. Col. Morgan Morgan was educated at Cambridge University and went to Delaware as Crown Council. In 1713, he married Catherine Garretson in what is now New Castle County, Delaware. Their first child James was born in the fall of 1715 and so recorded in the church recorder. He evidently arrived with some money and very respectable social standing, for the early records list him as a merchant and tailor and in 1717 was appointed executor of the will of Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania. At that time what we now know as Delaware was a part of Pennsylvania. Since the trade guilds were very strong in England, one wonders if he learned the tailoring trade in London, from his father, or if he bypassed the law in the new country and started a combined mercantile and tailoring store. As well as being employed there as a merchant he was also a magistrate. He is said to have been an ordained Church of England clergyman, and it is said he set up a church in Westminster County, in 1727 but there is no evidence to support this. He is often incorrectly cited as having arrived at present-day West Virginia in 1727, though he was still living in Delaware at that time, acting as the coroner of New Castle County. His first land transaction that is know was of November 20, 1723 for 245 acres for which he paid 70 pounds. Now he is also a farmer, and since the land is practically all tillable in the locale, he either had to hire help, rent it out, or run it with slaves. Nothing is known as to how he handled it. He arrived in what is now West Virginia in 1731. In January of 1734, Morgan Morgan, among others, was appointed one of the 'Commission of the Peace.' According to English Duplicates of Lost Virginia Records, p. 118, he received a Patent for 1000 acres. 'In the Forks of the Rappahanock River & Westwood of Sherrando River' on 12 Dec 1734. In 1735, he 'presented unto Court his military commission and was sworn tereto'. He engineered the first road in West Virginia. The road went from Mill Creek to Winchester, Virginia and was some 12 miles long. Morgan Morgan constructed Mill Creek Church. It was the first church of the Blue Ridge Mountains. However, Morgan did help in the establishment of Mill Creek Church, which was West Virginia's first church. He became a community leader serving first as Justice of the Peace and Captain of the Militia. He later acquired the title "Colonel". He opened the first Inn for Pioneer travelers. He is reported to have consulted with George Washington. Morgan Morgan was the Presiding judge when the first Frederick County Court met in Winchester in 1742. Also in 1742, he 'presented another, promoting him to the rank of Major.' He died at Bunker Hill, Berkeley County, in what is now West Virginia.

Catherine Garretson Morgan was buried: 20 May 1773 Morgan Chap, Berkeley Co, WVa. They were the parents of the following children:

  • James Morgan born 22 August 1715
  • David Morgan born: 12 May 1721 - David Morgan, son of Colonel Morgan Morgan, was born in Delaware. David married Sarah Stevens: they had eight children. Sarah was a Quaker. David was known as "The Indian Fighter" because of the many Indian battles in which he participated. He was a skilled surveyor: historians recorded that David Morgan and George Washington together surveyed several areas. David was a Revolutionary War soldier; he served in the Virginia militia. He died near what is now Rivesville, West Virginia. The State of West Virginia erected a monument to David Morgan at Rivesville.
  • Charles Morgan born: 20 Mar 1724. Charles left Berkeley Co WVa after selling his land in 1754.
  • Anne Morgan born: abt 1727. Wife of Nathaniel Thomas. After his death she married Reuben Paxton and moved to South Carolina.
  • Evan Morgan born: 25 Nov 1731 in New Castle, Delaware. Remained unmarried and died 25 Nov 1791, Berkeley Co; WVa.
  • Zackquill Morgan born: 1735-1 NOTE Zackquill was the founder of Morgantown, WV; County Lieutenant of Monongalia Co., WV; and an officer in the Revolutionary War.

    "Col. Zackquill Morgan was born in 1735 and came from the eastern panhandle (Berkley County, WV) in 1766-68 with his brother, David, to settle in the Monongahela Valley. His stout log cabin became Fort Morgan and the nucleus around which grew Morgan's Town, now Morgantown, West Virginia. He died January 1, 1795 and is buried in the Prickett Cemetery at the site of the old Prickett Fort in Marion County, WV.

    Zackquill was made county lieutenant of Monongalia County, WV February 17, 1777 and was the military and civil leader of the community. After the Revolution he laid out the town of Morgantown which was established by act of the Virginia Legislature in 1785. He maintained an inn. His home was on University Avenue, north of Fayette Street, until torn down to make way for a filling station."

Catherine Garretson was the daughter of Henry Garretson and Ann Powell. Margaret Potts was born: ABT 1680 in Wales. Mary Elizabeth Morgan died: 1805 in Monongalia, West Virginia. Her mother, Margaret Potts was the daughter of John Potts born: 1666 in Llanidloos, Wales-died:1698 in Wales, and Alice Croasdale born: 1649 in Germantown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. John Potts was the son of Thomas POTTS born: 1632 in Lindidloes, Montgomeryshire, Wales and Elizabeth BASET born: in Llandiloss, Montgomeryshire, Wales.

The children of Rudolph & Elizabeth Moreland Snider are:

  • Asa Barton Snider b: 28 DEC 1789 in Perry, Greene, Pennsylvania
  • Elizabeth Snider b: 20 JUN 1777 in Monongalia, West Virginia
  • Rebecca Snider b: 19 MAY 1785 in Monongalia, West Virginia
  • Hannah Snider b: 05 MAR 1780 in Monongalia, West Virginia
  • Moses Snider b: 27 JUN 1773 in Monongalia, West Virginia
  • Margaret Snider b: 14 JUL 1787 in Dolls Run, Monongalia, Virginia
  • John Snider b: 03 JUL 1791 in Monongalia, West Virginia

"Michael Snider" was the father of Henry Snider Sr. Michael & Susanna Baisfield Snider were the parents of 4 sons:

  • Rudolph "Dol" Snider born: 1745 Lorraine, French Terr. Died: 10 feb 1796 in Doll's Run, Monongalia, Wva. (Earl L. Core "Chronicles of Core" 3rd ed. p. 16) "A 9-year old boy, son of Rudolph Snider, was carried away by the Indians, who were followied by the settleers down Dent's Run and along the Monongahela River as far as the mouth of Robinsons's Run, where they lost the trail. Nine years later the boy returned, but his mother who had long since given him up as dean, refused to recognize him until she had identified him by a scar on his foot sustained as a lad before his capture by the Indians."
  • George Snider born 24 Oct 1744-Married Catherine Lemley Wells, sister of Robert Dowdell's wife. "George was the third son of Michael and Susanna Baisfield Snider and grandson of Rudolph and Elizabeth Moreland Snider of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and was born in that Quaker City on October 24, 1744. When George was one, the Michael Snider family settled in Cumberland County, PA (five years before that county was organized) Settled in Dunkard's Creel George and Catherine Snider's children are as follows:

    • Ruhama SNIDER b: 18 MAY 1785 in Monongalia Co., VA
    • Jeremiah Jack SNIDER b: 8 JUN 1786 in Lookout Point, Dunkard Creek, Monongalia Co., WV
    • Sarah SNIDER b: 19 MAR 1787
    • Mary SNIDER b: ABT 1790
    • Elizabeth SNIDER b: ABT 1790
    • Margaret SNIDER b: ABT 1790
    • Dorcus SNIDER b: ABT 1790
    • Rebecca SNIDER b: ABT 1790
  • Henry Snider born 1740 Virginia
  • John Snider born April 1743 in Richmond, Va-He married Dorcas Evans born 9 July 1755 in Hagerstown, Md. Settled in Dunkard's Creel. John Snider died: 13 May 1830 at Fort martin, Monongalia, Wva.

    Henry Snyder and Sarah Mary Margaret Browning were married in Culpepper, Va. They were the parents of 13 children. Henry Snider had a brother named John Snider, born 24 Feb, 1737 in Philadelphia, Pa. He married Mary Gilchrist, first cousin of Isobel Randolph, wife of Zachariah Martin.

    John & Zachariah Martin erected a cabin on the site of Chief Tall Tree's village on Crooked Run near Green County, This home and fort became Fort Martin, with many taking shelter in it during the raids of 1774.

    The names of Henry and Sarah Mary Margaret Snider's children the 13 children are as follows:

    • 1. Nimrod James SNIDER Born in 1775 at Fauquier, Virginia. He married Catherine Hall in Fauquier County, Va. Wife 2. Victoria Sims
    • 2. Henry SNIDER Jr. Born in 1778 at Fauquier, Virginia. The original inhabitants, the Siouan Manahoac tribe, were subdued and driven off around 1670 by the Iroquois (Seneca), who did not resettle the area. The Conoy camped briefly near The Plains, from 1697 to 1699. The Six Nations ceded the entire region including modern Fauquier to Virginia Colony at the Treaty of Albany, in 1722.

      Fauquier County was established on May 1, 1759, from Prince William County. It is named for Francis Fauquier, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia at the time, who won the land in a poker game, according to legend.

      Henry Snider married Mary Ayers Hunt in Monongalia County, Va on March 1, 1811. Some sources state marriage date as 13 AUG 1803 in Monongalia, West Virginia, USA. Henry Snider is buried: Scotch Hill Cemetery Preston, Virginia. Children were as follows:

      • 1. Ann Snider b: 1813 in Preston Co., West Virginia, USA
      • 2. Jane Snider b: About 1815 in Preston Co., West Virginia, USA
      • 3. Enos Browning Snider b: 1816 in Preston Co., West Virginia, USA
      • 4. Arnold Snider b: About 1820 in Preston Co., West Virginia, USA
      • 5. Thomas Snider b: About 1822 in Preston Co., West Virginia, USA
      • 6. Harmon Snider b: About 1824 in Preston Co., West Virginia, USA
      • 7. James Snider b: 25 January 1827 in Preston Co., West Virginia, USA
      • 8. Mary Snider b: About 1828 in Preston Co., West Virginia, USA
      • 9. Elizabeth Snider b: About 1831 in Preston Co., West Virginia, USA
      • 10. Henry Jackson Snider b: About 1833 in Preston Co., West Virginia, USA

    • 3. Asene/Asina (Cenia) SNYDER Born in 1782 at Fauquier, Virginia. She married Job McGill born in 1781 at Monongalia, West Virginia. They married at Monongalia 13 August 1803. Children are as follows:

      • Mary McGILL b: 1804
      • James McGILL b: 1805
      • Jane McGILL b: 1806
      • Adam McGILL b: 1807
      • Eli McGILL b: 1810
      • Job McGILL b: 1812
    • 4. Elizabeth SNIDER Born in 1784 at Fauquier, Virginia. Married Hiram Menear the son of John Menear and Catherine Fortney. She lived to be 100 years old.
    • 5. Lucille (Lucy) SNIDER Born in 1786 at Fauquier, Virginia. Married William deMoss 4 January 1801 in Monongalia.
    • 6. Sarah SNIDER Born in 1786 at Fauquier, Virginia. She married #1 Eli Matthews. #2 Hugh Pierce.
    • 7. Caleb SNIDER Born: In 1788 at Fauquier, Virginia. Died in youth.
    • 8. Harmon SNIDER Born: In 1790 at Fauquier, Virginia. Married Ann Diaamond.
    • 9. Jesse SNIDER Born: In 1772 at Fauquier, Virginia. He married Leanna Haddix at Fauquier 13 June 1792. Died: 1842
    • 10. Frances SNIDER Born: In 1781 Thornton, Taylor County, West Virginia. Married James deMoss born July 1805 in Monongalia. Died: On 1 Mar 1853 Taylor, West Virginia Buried: At Payne Cemetery, Thornton, Taylor, West Virginia - The Payne surname derives from the Penn surname, and James Hunt married Frances Penn.
    • 11. Mary Jane SNIDER Born: 1768 at Fauquier, Virginia. She married James Bell who was born 1776. They married in Monongalia, WVA Died in 1852 Taylor, Virginia
    • 12. Jane SNIDER Born on 28 Apr 1784 at Fauquier, Virginia
    • 13. John SNIDER Born on Jun 1773 at Fauquier, Virginia Married Nellie Corder Died: In 1842 at Fellowsville, Preston, Virginia.

    The Henry Snyder family lineage is through Rudolph SNIDER born Jun 1627 in Lorraine, French Territory and Corical COBLENCE born Bet 1629 and 1639 in Lorraine, German Territory. Their son Rudolph Snider Jr born 1677, and died in Philadelphia, Pa; was the father of Michael Snyder who was the father of Henry Snyder Sr. born 1740.


    Henry Snider born in 1778, was the son of Henry Snider born 1740 who died at Sand Ridge, Preston County, WVa. Henry Snider's His father was Michael Snider born in 1707 in Philadelphia, PA Michael Snider settled in Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania in 1745. Lived there until Spring of 1748. Burial place is now in Washington, D.C. In 1755 he was a gunner in Edward Braddock's Army, and took part in the march on Fort Duquesne (Fort Pitt). General Edward Braddock (January 1695 – 13 July 1755) was a British soldier and commander-in-chief for North America during the actions at the start of the French and Indian War (1754–1763). He is generally best remembered for his command of a disastrous expedition against the French-occupied Ohio Country in 1755, in which he lost his life.

    Appointed to a command against the French in America, he landed in Virginia on 20 February 1755 with two regiments of British regulars. He met with several of the colonial governors at the Congress of Alexandria on 14 April and was persuaded to undertake vigorous actions against the French. A general from Massachusetts would attack at Fort Niagara, General Johnson at Crown Point, Colonel Monckton at Fort Beausejour on the Bay of Fundy. He would lead an Expedition against Fort Duquesne at the Forks of the Ohio.

    After some months of preparation, in which he was hampered by administrative confusion and want of resources, the Braddock expedition took the field with a picked column, in which George Washington served as a volunteer officer. The column crossed the Monongahela River on 9 July 1755, and almost immediately afterwards encountered an Indian and French force. Braddock's troops were completely surprised and routed, and Braddock, rallying his men time after time, fell at last, mortally wounded by a shot through the chest.

    Braddock was borne off the field by Washington[citation needed] and another officer, and died on 13 July 1755, just four days after the battle. Before he died Braddock left Washington his ceremonial sash that he wore with his battle uniform. Reportedly, Washington never went anywhere without this sash for the rest of his life, be it as the Commander of the Colonial Army or with his presidential duties.

    General Braddock's burial near Great Meadows, PennsylvaniaHe was buried just west of Great Meadows, where the remnants of the column halted on its retreat to reorganize. Braddock was buried in the middle of the road and wagons were rolled over top of the grave site to prevent his body from being discovered and desecrated. George Washington presided at the burial service, as the chaplain had been severely wounded.

    Michael Snider born abt 1707, to Rudolph Snider & Elizabeth Moreland Snider,married Susanna Baisfield born 1715 at Philadelphia, PA. Susanna Baisfield Snider settled in Cumberland County, PA and lived there until spring of 1748. Michael was buried in Baltimore Colony, Long Meadows, Frederick Co., Maryland. Susanna Snider died in 1759 at Long Meadows, Frederick County, MD.

    John Snider, who was the son of Michael Snider and Susanna Baisfield was born February 24, 1734-37. In early life he was interested in sheepherding and became known as "Shepherd Boy." He learned the tanning trade, and began to exhibit a strong desire to explore the frontier regions of the colony. He was captured by the indians (probably the Shawnees) when he was out hunting at 10-11 years of age, according to his grandson. He was returned, following Colonel Henry Bouquet's defeat of the western indians. According to the treaty, all white captives had to be returned. In the summer of 1763, during Pontiac’s War, Fort Pitt was under siege. Bouquet was given the responsibility of delivering troops and supplies to the fort. On August 4, he left Fort Ligonier and set out about 450 men. They brought with them packhorses that carried large bags of flour as well as other provisions.

    The post at Bushy Run lay between Fort Ligonier and Fort Pitt. Bouquet’s strategy was to march 18 miles to Bushy Run. Then, after a few hours’ rest, he and his men would cross Turtle Creek under cover of darkness. Bouquet believed that Turtle Creek was the most likely place for an ambush, and that his plan would be the safest.

    But the American Indians had been watching General Bouquet, and instead of attacking at Turtle Creek, they attacked about a mile from Bushy Run on August 5th. By then, Bouquet’s troops were tired and thirsty.

    It's uncertain as to the number of indians attacked by late afternoon 50 Bouquet's men had been wounded or killed. Bouquet and the troops made a makeshift fort of flour sacks. That night Bouquet decided on a plan. On August 5, 1763, the Colonel and the relief column were attacked by warriors from the Delaware, Mingo, Shawnee, and Wyandot tribes near a small outpost called Bushy Run, in what is now Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. In a two-day battle, the tribes were defeated by Bouquet's force and Fort Pitt was relieved. The battle marked a turning point in the war.

    The following year, in 1764, Deputy Commander Col. Henry Bouquet marched a large army west of Fort Pitt. His mission was to stop any American Indians still fighting the British. He was to make peace with any nations that were ready to make peace. The nations he met were ready to make peace, even though it was hard on them. One of the things the American Indians were required to do was to give up all their European captives. This included any children born.

    Tradition states that when John Snider returned to the whites from his captivity, his father was dead and his mother looked at him and didn't think he was her son. She said: If he's my son, I can tell. She then looked for a scar on his arm created by some incident she knew of and when she saw it claimed him as her own. John Snider remained in captivity for 8-9 years.

    When he moved to Monongalia, he took with him his future father in law, John Evans, who had been residing in the Cononcheague Settlements of Washington County. John Snider married Dorcas Evans, daughter of John Evans (born 9 July 1755 Hagerstown, Frederick, MD) and Sarah Denny (born 1739 Forward, Allegheny, PA). He was probably buried on his own property. A stone inscribed with his name was placed at the Fort Martin Methodist church cemetery by DAR, but is not buried there. The son of John Snider and Dorcas Evans Snider was John Snider Jr born 1778, who married Peggy Margaret Price (born 1780) This Henry Snider died 1823.

    I inherited a number of Price family photographs from my father, Galen Hunt. Margaret (Peggy) Price was the daughter of Richard price & Nancy Dallas (born 1758) They married in 1794 in Alexandria, Fairfax County VA. Richard Price father was William Price who married Mary Moore (born 1735) Orange, Virginia. the father of William Price was Arjalon Price born in 1697 in Richmond, Henrico, Virginia, United States who married Joyce Barber born: 9 Jun 1712 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond, Virginia, United States. Arjalon Price is buried in the Arjalon Price Cemetery in Orange County, Virginia. The plot if marked by a big rock located on River Road off Clark's Mt Road.

    Richard Price served in the Revolutionary War, No. 12067. According to ser vice records and his pension, he enlisted at Leesburg, Virginia, and served from January 1777 for one year as a private under Captain Payton Harrison and Colonel Spottswood. In 1780, he spend two months under Captain Francis Russell, and in May 1781, he served under Captain Cleveland and Colonel Ma tthews. In 1781, he guarded prisoners form Cornwallis' captured army. During his s ervice, he was engaged in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown and the skirmi sh at Bacon's branch.

    In 1794, he moved to Monongalia County, Virginia. Earlier, he had married his first wife, Nancy Dallas, said to be of the same line as George M. Dallas, Vice-President under James Polk. She died in 1800. It is generally assumed that Nancy Dallas w as the mother of the four oldest children and Eleanor Pritchard was mother of the two youngest.

    Michael Snider, the father of John Snider (and the husband of Susanna Baisfield) died 3 May 1759 in Long Meadows, Frederick County, MD. Long Meadows, in 1776 1776 was the property of General Henry Bouquet. It was in Frederick County, Maryland. Long Meadows Enlarged was the name of a tract of 4163 acres granted Henry Bouquet in 1765. He had command of two companies of maryland troops from Frederick County. This county was formed into Washington County in 1776. The Long Meadows was the name of a large body of land extending across Maryland.

    The Snider family is listed in Monongalia Deed Books Records, and also settled 400 acres at Dunkard Creek. George Snider was the third son of Michael and Susanna Baisfield Snider and grandson of Rudolph and Elizabeth Moreland Snider of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and was born in that Quaker City on October 24, 1744. When George was one, the Michael Snider family settled in Cumberland County, PA (five years before that county was organized) and lived there until the Spring of 1748. They then went to a tract of land in Baltimore Colony, near the plantation of Col. Thomas Cresap at Long Meadows, in now Washington County, Maryland - seven miles North East of Hagertown. Here the Michael Snider family lived the lives of the pioneers, surrounded by other pioneer families of old Frederic County, of which Washington County was set off of.

    The Michael Snider family lived in this homestead in 1755 when the father, Michael Snider, joined the Maryland Militia, and joined General Edward Braddock's Army as a "gunner", then on his way to demolish the French Post of Fort DuQuesne. In 1772, George Snider raised the first wheat ever grown in Monongalia County. The Snider burial ground is located at the foot of Indian Ridge, overlooking Dunkard Creek and the Mason Dixon Line.

  • 5) Sarah Hunt who never married.

    (*Researcher Notation: Records state James Orr arrived in America in 1758. Within 2 years, he married Mary Dale, daughter of a prominent slave holder of Hartford and Baltimore Counties, Maryland. James and Mary had 9 children. Of these was John Dale Orr, born in 1765 in Baltimore County, Maryland before his father moved to Pennsylvania. John Dale Orr did not move from Pennsylvania to Ohio, but came with the rest of his family to Sand Ridge in 1798 and took land adjoining his sister, Mary Orr Davys/Davis. John Orr - After the Revolution, the son served under Crawford at Harmar's, St. Clair's and Crawford's Defeats. He was wounded in Crawford's disastrous defeat at the hands of the Indians in Pennsylvania.

    John Dale's son, John Dale Orr, substituted for his father in military service in the Revolutionary War. John Dale Orr had sons named 1) Hiram Orr,(born 1804 and died 1855 who had a son Uriah M Orr.

    The families of Orr, Dale and Johnson were all early settlers of Upper Node Forest, Hartford County, Maryland......Baltimore area.



    Hartford Co., Md. Wills Liber AJ#2, Vol. 144 (WK 828-829) Hall of Records, Annapolis, Md. In the name of God Amen. I John Dale of Hartford County in the State of Maryland being weak in Body but Sound and perfect mind and memory blessed be God do this Day make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner following viz- - First I give to my loving wife Mary Dale all the Estate that I may Die Seized of for and during her natural life or widowhood. She yielding and paying yearly and every year the Sum of five pounds to my Daughter Mary Orr. Secondly I give and Bequeath to my Grandson John Dale Orr the Sum of fifty pounds Common money at the or marriage of my wife Mary. Thirdly I give unto the Children of Mary Orr who Shall Survive their Mother one hundred pounds to be equally Divided between them Share and Share alike. Fourthly I give unto my Grandson Richard Colegate Dale my Negro Ben and forty punds Common money at the or marriage of my wife. Fifthly I give unto my Grand Daughter Nancy Dale my two female Negroes Dinah and Pricilla and forty pounds Common money at the or marriage of my wife. Sixthly I give to my loving Brother William one Suit of Clioaths and ten pounds Common money. Seventhly I give to my Nephew Joseph Demster one Suit of Cloaths and ten pounds Common money. Eighthly and all the remainder and residue of my Estate I give unto the Children of my Daughter Mary Orr to be equally Divided between the Survivours of their Mother Share and Share alike. And Lastly I make ordain and appoint my true and trusty friend James Clendinen to Execute this mylast will and Testament and he is hereby appointed Sole Executor. In witness where of I the said John Dale hath to this my last will and Testament set my hand and Seal this Second Day of April 1778. In presents of us- - John Dale (SEAL) James Amos Senr. Joshua Amos Hannah Amos James Clendinen the within named Executor proves this to be the will and Testament of John Dale the Testator and that he knows of no other. 1778 July 4th came James Amos Senr. and Joshua Amos Son of James and made oath on the Holy Evengils that they did see John Dale the Testator herein named Sign and Seal this will and that they heard him publish pronounce the Same to be his last will and Testament and he was to the best of their apprehention at the time of Sound and Disposing mind memory and understanding and that they subscribed their names to this present writing in the presence and at the request of the Testator herein named and in the presence of each other and in the presence of Hannah Amos who subscribed her name as a witness at the Same time. Certified by J. Geo. Bradford, Regr. of wills for Hartford County

  • ------------------------------------------------------

    During the Civil War he was a major in the 173rd West Virginia Militia. In 1800, Major Orr was elected Preston County representative in the West Virginia House of Delegates. His name frequently appears as a participant in records of county meetings after the Civil War period. Uriah had a son Judd Orr, who was 70 years old in 1933, when my father Galen Hunt did his history. Judd Orr gave my father much of his information, on this part of the family. Mary Orr died in 1810 and James Orr in 1815.

    In 1758, James Orr immigrated to Baltimore County, Maryland and from there to Fayette County, Pennsylvania, near Uniontown in 1782. A family history of ours, states that a James Hunt married Miss Mary Dale. She was the sister of a military officer named Commodore Richard Dale, a naval officer of Revolutionary fame. Richard Dale was born in Norfolk County, Virginia, on 6 November 1756. He went to sea at the age of twelve and had command of several merchant vessels before his twentieth birthday. After the outbreak of the American Revolution, Dale became an officer in the Virginia State Navy. Taken prisoner by the British, he joined the Loyalist forces but was subsequently captured by the Continental Brig Lexington. That vessel's Commanding Officer, John Barry, persuaded young Dale to return to the American cause.

    He was an officer on Lexington from mid-1776 until she was taken by the British cutter Alert on 19 September 1777. Imprisoned in England, Dale twice escaped, finally making his way to France. His next position was as a Lieutenant on board the Continental warship Bonhomme Richard, commanded by John Paul Jones. He performed valiantly during her desperate fight with HMS Serapis on 23 September 1779. For the remainder of the war, Dale served in the frigates Alliance and Trumbull, and was Commanding Officer of the privateer Queen of France.

    After the Revolution Dale was again a merchant marine officer. When the United States established its Navy in 1794, he was one of the first six men appointed to the rank of Captain, though the Navy's lack of ships ensured that he was primarily employed in commercial trade for the next four years. In 1798, after undeclared war began with France, Dale took command of USS Ganges, in which he cruised in search of enemy shipping. Returning to the merchant marine, he made a cruise to China in 1799. In 1801 Captain Dale was given command of a U.S. Navy squadron and sent to the Mediterranean Sea to confront the piratical states along the North African coast. Relieved of this command in 1802, after a successful cruise, he resigned his commission shortly afterwards.

    Dale spent the rest of his life in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he was a prominent citizen and was active in local defense efforts during the War of 1812. Richard Dale died in that city on 26 February 1826.

    The following is an excerp from history.

    By the time Thomas Jefferson was appointed president (1801) the situation had changed: a treaty had been signed ending naval war between the US and France, and the American ship George Washington, transporting the yearly tribute to Algiers, had been ordered to sail on to Constantinople to deliver the money directly to the Ottoman sultan. (To add to the humiliation, Captain William Bainbridge was instructed to fly the Ottoman flag whilst in harbour at Algiers.) America had, by this time, paid over $2,000,000 in tribute and ransom to the Barbary States - but this was only one-fifth of what was expected.

    Angered by delayed and undersized payments the Barbary State regents demanded more. The escalating situation was finally brought to a head by the Pasha of Tripolitania, Yusuf Karamanli. On May 14, 1801, he ordered the flag staff (flying the 'Stars and Stripes') standing in front of the US consulate to be cut down. This symbolic act was taken as a declaration of war against America.

    A squadron of four ships were being made ready at that time in the US. Under the command of Commodore Richard Dale they were dispatched to the Mediterranean. On the 17th of July, 1801, a blockade was imposed on the harbour at Tripoli. Although there were a few naval successes against the corsairs, the squadron proved too weak to effectively control the situation.

    A family history note from one of the Dale descendants, states the following: The Dale family bible records that John Dale was in the British army. He fought in the American Revolution.

    John Dale had at least 2 sons:

    Records state Mary Dale was born abt. 1747 in New Castle, Delaware, and married James Orr Sr. who was born before 1739 in County Derry, Ulster Province, Northern Ireland in Northern Ireland. They were married in 1761 in Baltimore, Maryland. He died in 1815 in Orrsburg, Georges Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania.

    Mary Dale was the daughter of John Dale who was born in 1710 in Dublin, Ireland, and Mary Jones-Brownborn abt 1710 in Welsh Tract, Pencador, New Castle, Delaware. Mary Jones-Brown was the daughter of David ap John Jones born 1668 in Altgoch, Cardigan County, Wales and Esther Morgan born 1678 in Altgoch, Cardigan County, Wales. Esther Morgan was the daughter of Morgan Rhydderch and Jane. John Dale was the son of John Dale, born April 1644 and died in St. John's Parish, Dublin, Ireland. Mary Jones Brown's 2nd marriage was to George Brown before 1747 and their children were 1) Thomas Borwn 2) John Brown 3) William Brown 4) George Brown) He died before 1748.

    The children of Mary Dale and James Orr were as follows:

    Mary Dale Orr died in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.


    Marriage #1 Wife: Mary Ann Davys/Davis/David was the daughter of Solomon Davys/David/David.

    James Hunt born abt 1770 married Mary Ann Davys/Davies of the Davy/Davies/Davis/David line. Five children were born to them.


    (1) James Hunt, the son of James Hunt Sr and Mary Davies Hunt.

    Thomas Anderson Hunt, known to his friends and family as "Tommy Hunt" was born on 27 July 1826, in Preston County, West Va. His parents names were James Hunt who was born in Granville, North Carolina 1789 and Mary Ann Davys/Davis/David born 1753 in Virginia.The marriage of James Hunt & Jean Ayers Anderson Hunt who came to America with her parents from Ireland, took place on 22 October 1811 in Monongalia, West Va. Jean Ayers Anderson was a widow. Relatives of the family Henry Snider Jr and Mary Ayers Hunt (who was born 9 August 1789 in Virginia, and died: 5 December 1861 in Preston Co., West Virginia/ Buried: Scotch Hill Cemetery Scotch Hill, Preston Co., West Virginia) were married the same year, on March 1, 1811.

    Children of Mary Hunt and Henry Snider are as follows:

    The origins of the Ayers surname is French, Le Ayer/Le Eyre/Le Heyr. Humphredi Le Eyr is said to have fought with Richard the Lion-Hearted in the Third Crusade. The famous Le Heyr ancestor is reputed for having had his name changed to Truelove Le Heyr, for saving the Richard's life. He's the first recorded Eyre in Wiltshire, England. He supposely came to England with William the Conquer and was granted land in Wiltshire as well substantial land holdings in Derbyshire.

    During the years 1605-1697 religious persecution became to difficult that 200,000 French Huguenots fled France and settled in Ulster, Ireland. The Edict of Nantes, that had granted religious freedom was revoked in 1685. The Huguenot names in Irish parish registers include the surname Ayres.

    William Eyre was a Jacobite prisoner transported to Maryland on ship "The Friendship," May 1716 and arrived August 1716. John Ayer of Haverhill, Mass arrived from England on ship "The James" in 1635 with wife Hannah and 4 children. Increase Mather wrote that fierse winds drove the ship into the Pascataquack rocks till their lives were given up for lost. Then in an instant of time God turned the wind about and on Aug 13 1635 the James made it into the Boston Harbor with her sails rent assunder and split in pieces like rotton rags.

    Census records list James Hunt as residing in East Monongalia in 1840. Henry Snider, who married Mary Hunt was born in 1778 at Fauquier, Va. He died 2 Apr 1847. Mary Ayers Hunt born 1782 in Virginia and died Dec 1851 in Preston Co. VA was of French Huguenot descent.

    Cemetery is on Grassy Creek Road, on the left near the road in a grove of trees. It is a little less than half a mile north from the road on the right that leads to a house with a marked entrance This year was fairly close to the time that Thomas Anderson Hunt was presumed born, i.e. 1789.

    When Thomas Anderson Hunt was an infant of just 3 monthes old, his mother died. His father, James Hunt brought Thomas Anderson Hunt to Iowa in 1845. In about 1847, they moved to Vernon in Van Buren County, and in 1849, each of them homesteaded, or bought a quarter section of land in David County near Chequest, about five miles from Troy. Chequest had disappeared as a town before now. This property also has the name the Old Hunt Place. James Hunt died in 1844. Young Thomas Anderson Hunt was probably 19, when the long journey was undertaken by covered wagon to Iowa. The main reason for settling in the hills of Davis County was the availability of logs for building purposes and to secure land with natural drainage.

    Thomas Anderson Hunt followed his older brother John Wesley Hunt a year or so later. John Wesley Hunt married Maria Gandy, the daughter of Levi Gandy and Mary Watson, on 12 Jul 1832, before the trip was made. Levi Preston was the son of Samuel Gandy and Rachel Combs.

    After spending a year or two each in Lee and Vernon Counties, during which Iowa became a state, they reached their destination of Chequest, in Davis County, Iowa. Shortly after the home was built in Davis County, young Thomas A. met and married Sarah Swaim.Preaching, farming and raising the family were the routine order of the day. Thomas was noted for a clear strong musical voice and members of the family claim his voice could be heard, and every word distinctly, more than half a mile away.

    When the Civil War broke out, Thomas enlisted on April or May 1862. Fall wheat had been sown, and mother and Jim and John harvested it after he was gone. Jim cradled the wheat, and mother and John bound it. Thomas Anderson Hunt enlisted in the Union Army at Troy, Iowa, in the Seventh Iowa Infantry (or Calvary) I Company, and was assigned to military units in the northwest. The Seventh Iowa Infantry Volunteers was organized at Burlington, Iowa, in 1861. The first companies were mustered into the United States service on the 24th July, and the last company, I, was mustered in on the 2d day of August. Thomas Anderson was later transferred to the Medical Dept. and became a nurse for wounded soldiers. For a while he was stationed at Keokuk, Iowa. Company I, was recruited partly in Keokuk and partly in Washington County. Captain Elrod, a Methodist minister, and lieutenant Lynch, were principally instrumental in recruiting this company.

    The following is an excerpt which describes those closing days of the war for the Seventh Iowa Infantry (or Calvary in 1864. The regiment moved from the front of Atlanta, and struck the West Point railroad near Palmetto, and from thence to Jonesboro, supported Kilpatrick's cavalry in driving the enemy, and was with the command under Gen. Sherman, which compelled Hood to evacuate Atlanta. The regiment went from East Point by rail to Rome, Ga., where it arrived about the 20th of September. The regiment was ordered to Allatoona on the 4th of October, but from to the cars did not arrive in time to take part in the fray of the 5th, but arrived there just after the repulse of the enemy. Returned to Rome on the 7th of October, where we remained till November 11th, then took up the march through the heart of Georgia, and entered the city of Savannah, Dec. 21st. For particulars of march, &c., I refer you to my report accompanying this paper, which brings the regiment to the close of the Georgia campaign.

    Thomas was never home on furlough. Eventually he was honorably discharged from his military duties. John Wesley Hunt and Maria Gandy/Gandee Hunt, had a son named Levi Fletcher Hunt. John Wesley Hunt's wife Maria died 25 January 1885 in Chequest, Davis County, Iowa.

    Thomas Anderson Hunt married Sarah Swaim, who was the daughter of Elias Swaim of Pennsylvania and Rachel Foster Swaim, born 12 November 1802 in Monroe County, Ohio. The marriage of TA Hunt and Sarah Swaim took place on November 12, 1832.

    Elias Swaim was
    born: 25 March 1787-92, in PA/New Jersey
    Married: Rachael Foster Yost Swaim who was born November 12, 1832, and died Sept. 24, 1872, at age 70 years 11 monthes.

    Sarah Swaim Hunt died on the Old Hunt Place: 10 Sept. 10, 1863 in Salt Creek Twp. Davis, Iowa

    Sarah SWAIM born in Monroe Co., Ohio. They married on May 8, 1851 Sarah Swaim Hunt died She is buried in Heidelbaugh Cemetery, Davis County, Iowa. Sarah Swaim's father: Elias SWAIM b: 25 MAR 1787-92 in NJ
    Elias Swaim is listed in the Ohio Census of 1850 as 63 years of age at the time and his birthplace is listed on the census as Pennsylvania. He died: 1863, at age 71 years. Thomas Anderson Hunt's mother: Sarah Swaim's mother:Rachel FOSTER was born: 12 NOV 1802 in Monroe Co., Oh, and married Elias Swaim on July 5, 1820. He died on 10 Sept 1863 and is buried in Heidelbaugh Cemetery, in Davis County, Iowa. Rachel Foster died 26 October 1873.

    Their children were as follows:


    Thomas Anderson Hunt and Sarah Swaim's children are listed as follows:

    • Martha Emilene HUNT Archer born: 26 FEB 1852. She married John Franklin Archer 16 September 1880. He was the son of Montezuma Saunders Archer and Sarah Ann Gaylord. Martha Emilene Hunt Archer died 26 Dec 1938.
    • James Elias HUNT born: 22 FEB 1853 He married Alice Rogers, daughter of George Rogers & Bridget McKeevey. She was born 8 April 1870 and died 31 March 1947. Their marriage date: 2 December 1889. James Elias HUNT died 1928.
    • John Wesley HUNT born: 17 NOV 1854 and died 10 Sept 1878.
    • Rachel E HUNT Erskine born: 21 AUG 1859. She married Frank Erskine. She died 19 December 1933.
    • William Chester HUNT born: 6 SEP 1868 at Chequest, Davis County, Iowa. He married Margaret (Maggie) Elizabeth Burger, daughter of Joseph Madison Burger and Selinda Jane Ridenour Burger. Maggie Burger was born December 27, 1879 and they were married on May 19, 1897. She died in her early 20's on January 17, 1905 Idaho Falls, Idaho. WC Hunt died on May 29, 1937.Married ALice Rodabaugh 30 May 1906.
    • Ermina Finandes Hunt Sloan (Minnie HUNT) born: 15 MAY 1869 She married James Butler Sloan, son of WIlliam Simonson Sloan and Susannah Vorhis. He was born 6 April 1870. Marriage date 17 September 1894. He died 25 Feb 1946
    • Mary Olive HUNT
    • Deborah HUNT Sutton


    Wife's name: Jerusia Brownborn: 27 July 1826, Preston County, WVA. Married: Van Buren, Iowa.

    Thomas married Jerushia Brown after his return from military service in the Civil War, on 10 June 1895. When they married, his mother's name is recorded as Polly Davey and his father's name as James Hunt. Jerushia Brown was 59 years of age at the time they wed. Thomas was pensioned by the Federal Government. They were married only a short time. He died in the home of his son William Chester Hunt, who was my paternal grandfather.

    During his lifetime, Thomas A. Hunt was licensed by the Methodist denomination, to preach in Troy, Iowa. Preaching, farming, and raising a family were the natural order of the day, until the Civil War broke out. He enlisted in April-May 1862, in the Seventh Iowa Infantry, I Company. While Thomas was away at war, and Sarah was left with the 4 small children, southern bushwackers raided the home. Bushwacking was a form of guerrilla warfare during the American Civil War that was particularly prevalent in rural areas where there were sharp divisions between those favoring the Union and Confederacy in the conflict. The people doing the attacks were called bushwhackers.

    Bushwhackers were not, generally, part of the military command and control of either side. While bushwackers conducted a few well organized raids in which they burned cities, most of the attacks involved ambushes (hence, the term) of opponent individuals or families in rural areas. In areas affected by bushwackers the actions were particularly insidious since it amounted to a fight of neighbor against neighbor and the attacks bordered on vigilante justice. Since the attacks were non-uniformed, the government response was complicated by trying to decide whether they were legitimate military attacks or criminal actions.

    My paternal grandfather, William Chester Hunt wasn't born yet at this time. The ages of the Thomas Anderson and Sarah's children at the time of this raid ranged from about infancy to age 8. It was not totally unknown for the southerners who raided their cabin to be deserters, raiding to obtain food, clothing, horses, supplies, or other valuables. Somehow Sarah and the children fought off their attackers and survived, and Thomas came home in another year or two. The bushwackers that raided Sarah and Thomas Hunt's home, were probably looking for money. They killed a neighbor named Benee. During military service, letters from home sometimes alarmed the soldiers so much that they deserted to protect their families. These men that preyed on helpless women and children, seemed not to be sympathetic of families with children.

    Thomas was later transferred to the medical unit, and cared for wounded soldiers. He was honourably discharged, and returned home, yet with some sight impairment.


    Organized at Davenport April 27 to July 13, 1863, Companies "A" to "H." Thomas was in 7th Iowa Infantry, Company "I," organized as Sioux City Cavalry November 14, 1861, and three Companies organized for 41st Iowa Battalion assigned as Companies "K," "L" and "M." Regiment moved to Omaha, Neb., June, 1863, and assigned to duty at various points in Nebraska and Dakota, as garrison, guarding lines of telegraph and travel, escorting trains and protecting Emigrants, having frequent combats with Indians in the Departments of Missouri, Kansas and the Northwest. Sully's Expedition against hostile Sioux Indians August 13-September 11, 1863. Actions at Whitestone Hill September 3 and 5. Niobrara December 4, 1863 (1 Co.). Sully's Expedition against hostile Sioux Indians July 25-October 8, 1864. Actions at Tah kah a kuty July 25. (Cos. "K" and "M"). Two Hills, Bad Lands, Little Missouri River, August 8 (Cos. "K" and "M"). Scout on Smoky Hill Fork, Kansas, August 1-5 (Co. "H"). Smoky Hill Crossing August 16 (Co. "H"). Operations against Indians in Nebraska August 11-November 24, 1864. Fort Cottonwood August 28 and September 18 (Co. "B"). Near Fort Cottonwood September 20. Detachment of Company "C." Operations against Indians in Nebraska and Colorado Territories September 29-November 30 (1st Battalion). Cow Creek near Fort Zarah December 4 (Detachment). Julesburg, Indian Territory, January 7, 1865 (Co. "F"). Rush Creek February 8 (Co. "D"). Mud Springs February 8-9. Rush Creek February 9. Boyd's Station June 3 (Co. "E"). Cow Creek Station, Kansas, June 12 (Co. "O"). Horse Creek, Dakota Ter., June 14 (Cos. "B" and "D"). Tongue River August 29 (Co. "F"). Duty on the plains till June, 1866. Mustered out June 22, 1866. Thomas Anderson Hunt died on 4 October 1899 and was buried in Heidelbaugh Cemetery, Davis County. Sarah Swaim Hunt died on the Old Hunt Place in Davis County, Iowa, October 4, 1881 at age 48 and is buried in Heidelbaugh Cemetery a few miles away.


    William Chester Hunt was born to Thomas Anderson Hunt and Barbara Fortney on 6 Sept. 1868 in Chequest, Davis County, Iowa. William Chester Hunt, whose photo is at the top of this page, was born in Chequest, in the log cabin on the Old Hunt Place. In those days, plowing was done with a team and a walking plow. Oaken walnut logs were split into fence rails and the fences made by piling up the rails. The farmers still hunted with an old muzzle loading rifle with it's smoothe bore. Wild turkeys, rabbits, and small quail were still quite common. Work on the farm was plowing, harvesting grain by the old fashioned hand cradle and tying sheaves so that the shocks could be made of them. This was the process used for hundreds of years.

    Young William finished the grades and entered the Southern Iowa Normal School at Bloomfield, a distance of some ten or twelve miles covered as often as not on foot. It was here he became acquainted with such men as B.F. Carroll, who later became governor of Iowa, and Smith Brockhart with whom he "batched," one winter, who later became United States senator from Iowa.

    After he graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree he began to teach school. His first school was located between Elden and Selma on a spot the indians used for a camping ground. Here 17 year old Maggie Burger came to school, and she eventually became his wife on May 19, 1897. Margaret Elizabeth Burgerwas born on December 27, 1879 in Russell County, Kansas. Maggie Burger's father was Joseph Madison Burger who was the son of Christian Whetstone Burger, and Sarah Brown was born on the Old Burger Place on June 28, 1850, in Jefferson County, Iowa. Her mother was Selinda Jane Ridenour, daughter of Samuel Ridenour and Phoebe Murphy, born 24 April, 1853,in Wabash County, Indiana. My father stated that my grandmother Maggie Burger's family came from the Yellow Creek Congregation of the Brethren, which was organized as early as 1796. Samuel Uhlrich was pastor there prior to 1876. Present ministers are Replogles.


    • Almira Jane Burger born: 18 April 1872 Washington County, Iowa, died: 19 Nov. 1918 in Washington County, Iowa
    • Samuel Malachi Burger born: 7 March 1873, in Washington County, Iowa, died: 12 JUly 1955 Modesto, Calif. He married: Fannie Wagner 14 February, 1894 in Washington County, Iowa.
    • Minnie Ann Burger born: 26 March 1877, Appanose County, Iowa, died: 6 April 1959 Harnett County, NC, She married Jerry Abraham Wolf.
    • Margaret Elizabeth Burger born: 27 December 1879, Russell County, Kansas, died: 17 January 1905 in Idaho Falls, Idaho, She married William Chester Hunt
    • Joseph Warren Burger born: 14 October 1883, Washington County, Iowa, died:23 May, 1892 in Washington County, Iowa
    • Cora Iva Burger born: 19 November 1886, died: 17 August, 1899
    • John Irvin Burger born: 3 July 1889, Libertyville, Iowa, died: June 11, 1980 in Udell, Appanoose, Iowa. He married Verna Whistler.
    • Sadie Belle Burger born: 3 October 1891, in Jefferson County, Iowa, died: 30 June, 1971, Modesto, Calif. She married: John H. Price

    In 1860's, the old square cut nails had just come to take the place of wooden fastening pegs. The square cut nails were still very expensive and it was impossible to get them in larger sizes so they were avoided in favor of wooden fastening pegs whenever possible. The barn at present on the place (1930s) was built entirely of native wood and it's rood was oak clapboard shingles. This farm thus became what we call the Burger Place and it was in the hands of Burger descendants for many years.

    Selinda Jane Ridenour, born in Wabash County, Indiana, and came to Iowa at age 11 years, the daughter of Samuel Ridenour, and Phoebe Murphy. Sam Ridenour had come from Illinois to Wabash County, Indiana and later to Iowa. He moved to a place in Jefferson County, Iowa, where he married Augusta bent and these children were born to he and the second wife: William, Alice, Sadie, Elizabeth (Lizzie) and Margaret (Maggie) Sam then sold his place near the Burgers and moved to California where his second wife, Augusta Bent Ridenour died. After that Sam Ridenour moved to Dutch Ridge in Van Buren County and married Mary Nedrow. There were two children born: Samuel who died in early childhood and is buried on Dutch Ridge and Mary Ridenour who married a Simpson. She lived in Oakdale, California. Mary Ridenour Simpson was born on Dutch Ridge and was small when her father died.

    In 1879 Joseph Madison Burger with his family of 3 children moved to Kansas and lived for some time near his sister Sarah Ridenour, who had been previously married to David Daniel Ridenour, the brother of Selinda Jane Ridenour.

    When William Chester Hunt married Margaret (Maggie) Elizabeth Burger they lived on the Old Burger Place. Their two sons were born here, Galen (Born: May 22, 1898) and Ivo. (January 10, 1902) The same Spring, the family moved from the Chequest locality and established themselves about 3 miles southeast of Batavia. After a year at this place, they moved to Udell in Appanoose County, Iowa. At Udell, the older son was first put to school. After 2 years there, there was a family exodus to Idaho Falls, Idaho. The white structure on the right is the home they built at Idaho Falls. Those who went to Idaho were Joseph Madison Burger, William Chester Hunt's wife's father, with the two minor children, John and Sadie; Sam Burger, the brother of Joseph; Sam Burger the oldest son of Joseph, Jerry A Wolf with his wife, Minnie Burger Wolf, and their children; and William Chester with his wife Maggie Burger, and their two children. Tragedy followed and Margaret Elizabeth Hunt died from an attack of appendicitus at age 23, leaving behind a grief stricken husband and their two young sons, age 6 and 2. William Chester Hunt buried his sweet young wife Maggie there near Idaho Falls, at New Sweden Cemetery. About a year and a half later, William married Alice Rhodabaugh whose ancestors on both sides were early settlers in Jefferson County, Iowa. William Chester Hunt died May 1937 at Batavia Iowa.

    These 3 photos are of the son of William Chester Hunt and Margaret Elizabeth Burger: Galen Otto Hunt.

    Galen Otto Hunt was born 22 May 1898 in Davis County, Iowa, and he graduated from the University of Chicago and became an attorney. One photo is when he returned from the war. He is buried in the military burial place of the Pacific in Honolulu. The photograph on the right is he graduated from the Chicago School of Law, and became Attorney Galen Hunt.

    Galen's little brother,Ivo Leroy Hunt, was born 10 January 1902, in Davis County, Iowa; and was orphaned when his mother died when he was a very small child, as Galen was. Ivo graduated from the gradeschool in Jefferson, highschool in Batavia, and from business college in Ottumwa. He married Mary Ann Pratt, who was born 23 Nov. 1907 in Green City, Mo. on 16 August 1926, in Marengo, Iowa. They lived on a farm in Batavia, Iowa, and had 3 children: Juanita Ruth, Rose Marie, and Margaret Ann. Ivo Hunt died: 12 August 1990 in Ottumwa, Iowa. Marion Prat died: 17 Dec. 1990 in Ottumwa, Iowa.

    William Chester Hunt's #2 Marriage
    Mary Alice RodaBaugh born: 1877-8 (Daughter of Daniel E Rodabaugh (born: Dayton, Montgomery Co, Ohio) & Elizabeth Glotfelty (born: Jefferson Co, Iowa The wedding took place on 30 May 1906 at Liberty Township, Jefferson, Iowa. W.C. Hunt was 37 and the bride was 28 years old.

    William Chester & Mary Alice Rodabaugh Hunt's Children :

    • Helen Vivian Hunt, who married Lloyd Carter, and a son was born named Leonard Alvin.
    • Elvena Hunt who married a widower by the name of McIntyre with one daughter, and they live in Fairfield. To them was born a daughter in late 1935 whom they named Martha. The older daughter was named Regina.
    • Van Hunt, who graduated school at Jefferson Co, and from high school in Batavia, and attended McPherson College at McPherson, Kansas. He became a medical doctor.
    • And lastly, there was a tiny son who died in infancy at 2 days of age.

    After returning from Idaho Falls, where WC Hunt's wife, Maggie Burger Hunt, died in her early 20's, they rented a farm southeast of Libertyville, Iowa. A year later they purchased a farm three and one half miles southeast of Batavia where they resided for many years.

    In 1911, William Chester Hunt and Samuel Burger, his wife's brother, bought a section and one half of land (960 acres) near La Comb, Central Alberta, Canada. They operated this extensive place in common, but the joint enterprise did not prove satisfactory, and the Hunts returned to Iowa in the Spring of 1913. Sam Burger lived in Alberta with his wife and his children settled there.

    Notes on the James Hunt Family: Based upon genealogical information supplied by work done by my father, Attorney Galen Hunt, the son of William Chester Hunt & Margaret Elizabeth Burger Hunt, our ancestor James Hunt was the son of James Hunt. This is confirmed in John Penn Hunt's Book of January 30, 1845 and transcribed by the following sources:

    John Penn, Chapter DAR; G&LH microfiche PS 241. Marriage: Brent H Holcomb, Marriages of Granville County-1753-1768 Will of 1791: Granville Wills 2: 260

    James Hunt I was born in Ireland.

  • James Hunt II born abt 1750. He married Jean Ayers and they produced five children. He married Mary Davys/Davies on 22 Oct 1811 in Monongalia, WVA. They were married for 33 years. James Hunt died on 22 Dec 1844 and was buried in Preston Co Virginia. Mary Ann Davies/Davys was born in Virginia.

    The surname David is Hebrew, David, from dowd, to love, and is translated "Beloved." The etomology of the surname "Davis" originally derives from the surname David.

    King David,(c.1037 BC - 967 BC) reigned Judah c.1007 BC - 1005 BC. He was the second king of the united Kingdom of Israel. He was the first person on record to have the name "David." David rose from the status of a poor shepherd to become the greatest leader of Israel, wittily defeating the terrifying giant Goliath, and composing poetry and psalms, the latter ones being traditionally presented in the Bible.

    Following the religious direction, the second historically known David is a 6th century saint from Wales.

    The Davys/Davies/David/Davis name in Wales: Among the most common Patronymic surnames found in Wales today are: David/Davies/Davis - from David or Daffyd/dDAVIES (British). Meaning: "Son of David" - Davies is the typical Welsh spelling. It means 'the son of David', from the Hebrew male given name meaning "beloved". The name is not recorded in any part of Britain before the Norman Conquest of 1066, and is regarded as being a 'Crusader' introduction.

    Coat of Arms: A red shield with a silver bend on which there is a black lion passant. Crest: A lion's head. Motto: Heb Dhuw heb ddym, Dhuw a digon. Motto Translated: Without God without anything, God is enough. Davies - Davis: Jewish Origins.

    Alana Campbell is married to Tom and the couple has 6 children, Anthony, Robbie, and David, Lisa, Ami and Zani. Tom Campbell's family history also includes numerous colonial names, including an early governor of Connecticut.

    The Campbells both have family members supplied genealogy for them, on both sides of their family, providing a place with which to get started in compiling their own family tree.

    Impacted by the death of his young mother, Maggie Burger, Alana's father, Galen Hunt and his father WC Hunt took a trip back to WVA where they interviewed many of the old settlers. Thomas Hunt and Barbara Fortney Hunt were Galen's great grandparents. In researching these names, Alana discovered the Fortineaux surname and others of European origin. You can check out your own family roots on Family Search
    or RootswebYou can check out Skylark Studio, and Alana Campbell's paintings here.

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    Skylark Art Studio Newsletter
    The Sound of Music in Germany & France
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    The Sign of the Prophet Jonah
    Galen Otto Hunt
    Page 7
