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Why do we need to study mikveh or water baptism? Or what does the bible reveal to us about the importance of studying bible doctrine?

Read II Timothy 2:15.




Read John 14:15:

If we love God, we will what?


Also read Luke 6:46 with I John 5:1-3.

Read Acts 5:29.

Peter and the apostles knew what we ought_________,

for they had been with Jesus. What did the apostles believe here?



According to Matthew 15:3, 7-9; with Galatians 1:7-10 and Romans 3:3-4, should the believer follow "man's tradition" or God's Word?


In carefully reading Galatians (especially 1:7) what is the danger of blindly following the doctrines, ideologies, and teaching of men, which are contrary to the express teachings of the bible?





Read I Thessalonians 5:21:

Because there are so many who mis-represent or pervert the gospel of Christ, we need to:





Scripture teaches us to study the bible so that we will learn and obey the commandments of God. God wants us to have a solid doctrinal foundation. Regardless of how ancient or sacred the traditions of men; we are NOT to obey them, if they are inconsistent with the teachings of God's word, as seen in the bible.

b) What does the word "baptism" mean?


The term "baptism" comes from the Greek "baptizo," which means "immersion" or "to immerse." Baptizo is a form of the Greek root "bapto;" literally, to "dip" or "plunge under."

The use of the word "baptism" in the King James Version and other English translations, is a transliteration, rather than a translation, of the Greek into English.

A transliteration is the forming or developing of a new word into ones native language using equivelent letters and vowel sounds of a word from a foreign language. Thus "baptism" derives from baptizo.

Consequently, much confusion and false doctrine regarding the rite of water baptism has arisen. According to the original Greek, it is evident that where the words baptism and baptize are used in the English, the more proper and accurate translations would be "immersion and immerse." In no case is either of the above words used as a translation of the Greek term RHANTIZO, uded in Hebrews 19:9, and meaning "to sprinkle."

Old Testament examples of "immersion," include 2 Kings 5:14, where Naaman is "immersed" in the Jordan for the healing of his leprosy. Obedience to God's command brought forth healing and wholeness in Naaman's life.

In the Old Testament language of the prophets, cleansing with water was used as an emblem or symbol of the "purification of the heart." (Zechariah 13:1)

According to Acts 18:8, Crispus, the chief ruler of the synagogue believed on the Lord with all of his house; and many of the Corinthians hearing believed and were baptized. The word for "baptized here, is "BAPTIZO" meaning "to immerse." This leader of the synagogue together with a multitude of Corinthians were baptized by immersion in water.

The Lord spoke a word to Paul in the night, saying: Be not afraid: but speak and don't hold your peace. For I am with you and no man shall assault you to harm you, for I have much people in this city."

Reading Acts 9, we see that the Christian church was under persecution at this time. It took holy boldness to stand up and to publicly be baptized in "Jesus name," for this was a statement that a person was declaring Jesus Christ to be the Messiah.

Read Acts 22:16.

The Apostle Paul in describing his own conversion, tells the way in which Ananias told him of his need to be baptized. What did Ananias say to "Brother Saul, about baptism and what Saul needed to do here?"




Read John 3:23:

In connection with baptizing by "immersion" rather than "sprinkling," we see from this verse that John was __________________

in __________________ near _________________________

for what reason?


The point is that you do not need this in order to "sprinkle" a person. Baptism is correctly administered "by immersion," and the person is then raised up out of the water, to walk in "newness of life" in Jesus Christ." c) Why should we be baptized?

As many as have been baptized into Christ, have what?


When we become joined to Christ, we become part of the body of Christ. See I Corinthians 1:13-18 and Galatians 3:27. *Note The implication is that those who have not been baptized into Jesus Christ, have not. The believers obedience to the command of the Lord is crucial as it forms the very foundation of the believers walk and life in the Lord.

Read Galatians 3:27; and tell what happens when you are baptized into "Jesus Christ."


According to Colossians 2:12, through whose power are you raised to newness of life in baptism?



I Peter 3:20-21 dwells on the obedience of one man, and how his entire household was saved because of this. Who was this man?


What is the "like figure"spoken of in connection with this testimony of Noah's obedience to God's express command?


I Peter 3:21 tells us that baptism now does what?


How does baptism effect this in our lives?


In I Peter 3:22, God ties in the fact that Jesus Christ has been raised from the and has gone into heaven, where ______________ and __________________

are subject to Him. It is wise for us to also subject ourselves to the word of God concerning baptism.

According to I Peter 3:21, the "profession of faith" that Jesus Christ is the "promised Messiah," is made through the very act of one's baptism in Jesus name. This is the answer of one's ________________________

toward God, by _____________________________________

When you are baptized, you are baptized into something positionally. This is the very "authority" of Jesus Christ, for His name "signifiesHis power or authority and all the Jesus Christ is, for Colossians 2:9 teaches us that "In Him dwells all of the fulness of the Godhead bodily, and we are complete in Him."

Water baptism also baptizes us into our very position in the Body of Christ. Read I Cor. 12:13. For by (how many) __________________ Spirit/s we are baptized into ____________________________________________________

This is echoed in Ephesians 4:5. One ____________, one _______________________ one _______________________.

d) When should we be baptized? Read Matthew 28:19, with with Acts 2:38, and Acts 3;19. According to these two verses, when should water baptism occur?




According to Jesus Christ's words found in the Great Commission, to:

"Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," teaching them to observe whatsoever things I have commanded you; this was not a "baptismal formula," as seen in the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ's own 12 apostles did not baptize in this way. Rather it was a statment of Jesus Christ's Messianic identity of God manifested in the flesh; as Colossians 2:9: For in Him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

Read Acts 8:12:

When were the Samaritan believers baptized?



Read Acts 9:17, 18 with Acts 22;13-16:

When was Saul of Tarsus (Paul) water baptized?



Read Acts 10:43-48:

When was the Gentile Cornelius (together with his household and servants baptized?



When should every new believer be baptized in water?


f) Into whose name should we be baptized?


Read Matthew 28:19:

How many names did Jesus Christ tell His disciples to baptize in? Read this verse carefully.


Does the scripture indicate what this name/names are? ____________________________________________________

Into what name did the apostles baptize?


In Acts 2:38


In Acts 8:16


In Acts 10:46-48


In Acts 19:3-5


*Note: These people in Acts 19:5, had already been baptized to a different kind of baptism, but the Apostle Paul required them to be re-baptized according to the Word of the Lord and the will of God, which was "in the name of Jesus Christ."


Into what name did the apostles baptize?


In Romans 6:3-4, describe what is seen in ones obedience to submit to baptism.


On the Subject of Infant Baptism:

The bible tells us that baptism is the "answer of a good conscience toward God." The New Testament definition of sin is not based on the original sin of Adam and Eve, which sin nature has passed to all mankind. Rather, the New Testament defines sin as "transgression of the law." (I John 3:4) Since the infant is too young to "transgress" in this way, the baby needs no "baptism."

When your child is old enough for you to talk with him or her about sin, and wilful disobedience, and he or she is able to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and be saved; your child can be baptized with the full knowledge of the decision that he has made to live for Christ.

It is certainly scriptural to bring your baby to the house of the Lord to be dedicated to God, as Jesus Christ Himself was, (Luke 2:28,36) and in this case, it is for the purpose of your own vow in the presence of witnesses to "raise your child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." (Ephesians 6:4)

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