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Magical Love Spread

Magical Love Spread

Price: $15 AUD
This spread is for people enquiring about their love life, and the potential for them to have a future for their true love or their "soul mate". Questions that this spread explores are:
1. Will I ever find true love?
2. Will I feel safe and secure with this person?
3. Is marriage a potential for me?
4. Will this new love be similiar to my past lovers?
5. Will commitment be possible with this new love?
6. Can the magic last between us?
7. What can I do to make this person part of my life?

This spread is a general spread, and is not suitable to answer a specific question. It can, however, be adapted for those who wish this spread to be used to explore their current relationship. If you are enquiring about your present love relationship, please note so on your orderform.

Spirit Paths
© Taliana WolfSpirit 2002