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Now this is where we become all soppy and mushy.....!!
From An old issue of the Training Ship Rajendra's year book....I think so!! Click the heart to stop it from moving

Round House,
Abeam of the Sheet Bend
Snatch block

Miss Nickey
"Ocean Greyhound House"
Abaft Riding turn
Lubber Land

My Dear Miss Nickey,

With Love in bulk

Truly, I was Not under Command when my scanner took your first bearing at LMT 0830 hrs, when you were making way through the passengers at the station(s). You were looking so beautiful and coloured, that I fell Flat in Love with you. Your beautiful eye, flashing from behind the awning, created a deep impression in my heart, thsu causing my hull to list towards you. From noon to noon, my heart kept rolling and pitching at VHF and I could'nt sleep even after the last post. I myself don't know how I drifted towards you.

The next day, I kept on steering for you, beacon after beacon, constellation after constellation, till the last point of aries. At last I plotted your tumblehome addresswith the assistance of the lady of the gunroom. Your occulting glimpses from your porthole are scanty for me and I don't want to be lashed by your father. Therefore, I not longer will be anchored within the visible horizon of the old man, and will sail off soon.

So, Please berth alongside me. I really love you from the keel of my heart. My love is so splice d to you that if you fail to muster with me, the link of my heart will be chaffed and I will be forced to commit suicide by jumping overboard from the Bridge.

Then, in the dead man's eye, you will read my unfathomable love for you.

Therefore , Pleasse don't keep me in doldrums and set your course towards me. I will be standby wearing a smoke helmet with a sounding pipe near the companion way in the middle ground.

Hoping that by paying out the cable of your love, you won't let me capsize,

With shackles of love,

Captain Haddock

Quo Vadis ... where do you want to go??!!

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