Sent in by Andrew Fairgrieve -ex Radio Officer-BI Steam Navigation (
One day on the menu was Roast lion of pork.
First trip cadet: "What's this roast lion of pork?"
Asst stwd: "Sorry, it's the Steward's typing error."
2nd Mate: "Yes it's roast lion OR pork. Roast lion for me please."
Others: "Roast lion for me." "Lion please!" "You can't beat roast lion."
Cadet: "I'm not eating lion. I'll have the cold meat and salad"
Soon, cadet eating his salad, "I don't know how you can eat lion."
3rd Eng: "We always have it when we're on the coast. Great African delicacy."
Later.... Cadet writing letter. "Dear Mother, today we had roast lion. It's a great African delicacy and Sparks says it puts lead in your pencil....."
Letter from shipping company to Captain. "Dear Sir, Our Chairman has received a complaint from an MP complaining of the serving of lion in the saloon. Will you provide an explanation and ensure that this outlandish practice ceases forthwith."
Dear sir, It was roast loin, not roast lion, Your obedient servant, Capt.
Basically a true story.
Quo Vadis ... where do you want to go??!!
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