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My Missouri Pictures

About Me

My Pictures
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My Poems

OuR ScHeDuLe
June 2005

Lone Journey

First Arrival

Cedar Creek Therapeutic Riding Center
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Equine Presentation

Fayette Large Animal Clinic

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Jefferson City and Food Animal Wet Lab
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Mule Team Presentation

Twilight Festival

Rollinghills Veterinary Clinic and the Humane Society
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Dissecting Mice

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Suture Lab


          Hey there everyone.  It was a privilege to be accepted to the Gateways/Threshold Program of the University of Missouri-Columbia along with great individuals.  We got to do some interesting stuff together as was scheduled in our program binders.  But the most rewarding experience was being with all of you.  We've shared many laughs and share the same fond memories.  It was an honor to spend six weeks with:

Gateways Participants:
Sheila Bernardo
Dovah Dorsey
Qianna Gamory
Danisha Garner
Brittany Hines
Kelly Hunter
Kalina Irizarry
Tung Le
Stephanie Matos
Erin Moses
Erika Ortiz
Marta Rivera
Joshiah Sanabria
Yessenia Torres

Threshold Participants:
Mallory Amis
Joanie Scott

          So to all you folks, I give my thanks!!  I hope you like the pictures.  I only have one regrets.  I wish I've taken more pictures.  So if anyone has good pictures that they would like me to add to my website, just send it to me through my email at  I will specify 'who' I got the picture from.  Just click on the links below to view the pictures...Enjoy!