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HISTORIC SUFFOLK COUNTY Participant Registration

If your organization plans to participate in the Historic Suffolk County event, please complete this form.

This information will help us plan space and make your event experience go more smoothly.

Organization Name

Contact Person

Organization Street Address

City State Postal Code

Organization Phone Fax

Contact Person Phone Email

Please describe the materials you will display

Will your organization provide its own display table? (y/n)

If Yes, give measurements (length/width)

Will you require any special equipment? (y/n)

If Yes, please list

Will your organization be announcing this event in its newsletter? (y/n)

Will there be two representatives of your organization on hand throughout the day? (y/n)

Will your organization be hoping to attract new members through participation in this event? (y/n)

Will your organization be hoping to attract visitors to its historic site(s) through participation in this event? (y/n)


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