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SSnS2's Friends Continued......

Meet some more of my friends....
TIGGGGGGGGGGGGGY!what'cha wearing sweetie? :P This is my LONG time best bud...can talk to this man about anything..he is so sweet and a wonderful SO glad to have him in my life! That voice of his...OMG....drools! I love you sweetie! Wouldn't know what to do without you hun!!
Belle & her are some great people to know! Just recently met them at the chat party in St. Louis...and we had a ball! Will neva forget her doing the munchin dance while I was trying to pee..LMFAO! Is glad that I can call them my friends!
Mah Beyotch..aka Wyfe (Jamie)...what a sweet lady...she's hilarious..and always there when I need to talk...thanks for being there for me sis...hopes that everything works out for you!
Scorp...da giggler! Also just recently met her...gawd is she a riot! She giggles an awful lot while tryin to knock on someone's door @ 3am and run though! LMAO!! She isnt afraid to tell you like it is..I love that about her!
Duckie...met her too..and what fun we had! Is so happy for her n Res...they deserve each other..and to be happy! Is glad they made it to the party!
Res...duckie's new hubby...what a sweetheart! He also has a great singing voice! Thanks him for taking the "rap"...winks ..he knows what I mean by that! LOL
Fuk...TL...Whiteknight..hell he changes names so often...I just keep calling him T.L. LOL! Met him at the party too..and OMG he's just like he is in chat....Laffs.
Nipplewasher...he's an old room 10 reg from way back..doesnt see him much...sometimes pops into 1 and catches up with everyone. Isnt his boys adorable?
Noizzz....the resident PERV...LOL He's a sweetie though..and quite good looking!
Okwithmemale...he's a fairly newbie to room 1...but is very sweet. Hope's some of the regs dont corrupt him too much..LOL
Studdly...doesnt know him too well...seems like a very sweet n funny guy though!
Here is a guy that can always make me so amazed that he remembers what name I love to be called!He usually makes me laugh or smile when I am in a bad mood
or just needs cheering up!Thanks hun...luvs ya

She is a sweetheart...has known her for a few years. Don't let what others say bother you girlie...just tell them to kiss that "sweetbadass" of yours..LMAO! Hugs sis!

Thanks for visitin my site...

If you aren't on these pages and you are a friend of mine that's because 1. I don't have your permission to put your picture on here...or 2. I don't have your picture!

You can email me your picture and any information that you would like me to put on here by clicking on this image....

Also dont forget to visit my links page and my poems page!

Special Thanks!!!!

For the graphics provided for my pages...(Sorry I'm blonde and can't remember exactly whose graphics belongs to who, but they are all great sites..and do wonderful work!!!!)

Dreamy's Graphics

Wizard of Draws

HippieLady's Graphics

Julie's Homegrown Graphics





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Well for now that is all...Thanks again for visiting my site..and please be sure to sign my guestbook! And remember I NEED your picture and permission to put you on here!