

This is a fanfiction section. I think that goes without saying. Looks like it's mostly Final Fantasy 7 at the moment. But I do have other things I am working on/can put up later. I mostly do the comedy thing. But I write other genres too. Not everything here is new. I'm looking to see what I can dredge up to pad out the content a little.

Of Immortality and Cockroaches
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Humor
Summary: Reno muses about what it would be like if he were a vampire. No sparkles jokes. I swear! Apologies for this being hastily written. But my PC died and I have to use a tablet for now. Everything's weird on Android. Also, I was gonna call this one My Immortal Reno. But I thought that was just too much. XD
Warnings: Vampires! Scary!

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Snow Babe
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Humor
Summary: Reno recounts his horrible encounter with a snow babe in a cave near Icicle Inn. Don't you dare touch her with that filthy hot springs tainted hand! You'll pull back a frozen stump, you jerk!
Warnings: Mild sexual content and naughty humor

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Down The Stairs
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Friendship
Summary: Reno's clumsiness succeeds knocking Rude down a flight of stairs and destroying a precious item. But Reno is more concerned about Rude's injuries.
Warnings: Moderate injury causing accident alert!

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A Christmas Wish
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Love Confession/Fluff
Summary: This one hails from 2009 and was only published this December (2018). Christmas is just days away and Reno is feeling strangely awkward about confessing to Elena. He doesn't want to fall into old habits and give her the wrong idea.
Warnings: None. It's just a cute Christmastime story.

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Everybody Farts
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Humor
Summary: Reno just wants Elena to know that everybody farts. Even Tseng. You can imagine how well this goes over. A weird, random idea that I had while riding home on the bus. I nearly burst out laughing. Thank the gods I didn't.
Warnings: Toilet humor. Literally. It's about farting, guys. Come on! XD

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Behind The Door
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Humor
Summary: A very silly fic about the perils of eavesdropping. Reno overhears Reeve having a rather romantic time in his office with Elena and drags Rude into it. The inevitable occurs. This one is all the way from back in 2007. Warnings: Moderate explicit humor.

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Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Friendship
Summary: After a mission Rude tries and fails to hide a hand injury from Elena because he doesn’t want her to see him in pain. It’s really a friendship fic. But you may interpret it as slight implied Rude/Elena if you wish. It's from 2008 and for some reason never got uploaded. No idea why since it's been finished since then and I had edited and read it over several times. So it's not like I had forgotten about it.
Warnings: None.

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Religion Talk
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Humor
Summary: All you do to me is talk talk. Reno and Rude again. They're talking about religion. Reno keeps bringing up a lot of inconveniences that come with being too much of a holy roller, including having a dozen kids. Amongst other things. This one is from 2010. And also wasn't posted elsewhere before now. If you haven't seen it then it's new to you!
Warnings: Moderate explicit humor.

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Bar Talk
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Humor
Summary: More talk. But I guess it fits what's going on. Reno and Rude are drinking at 7th Heaven and talking about girls. Sometimes it pays to be picky. This was written in 2009 but until now it has never been posted anywhere.
Warnings: Pervy language. But nothing too bad really.

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Jan, Jan, Jan
Series: The Brady Bunch
Genre: Tragedy
Summary: This is bad and I should feel bad. Shame on me. o.o
I got the idea from someone's Live Journal. They had an entry about The Brady Bunch and said that all Jan's problems could be solved if Marcia got hit by a bus. And thus this fic was born. It's twisted and dark. It's a very Brady tragedy.

I don't ever intend to write any more Brady Bunch fanfiction. This won't become a habit. If it hadn't been for that LJ entry I never would have even thought to write this one. And I hesitated to even post it here although I had posted it elsewhere. But here it is. Enjoy. If you enjoy this kind of thing. If not then go read something else. That's what I would recommend.
Warnings: The only two certainties in life. Death and Bradys.

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Train Of Consequences
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Humor
Summary: Tseng just wants to go home. But it's the train ride from hell. He has a migraine and people keep bothering him. Poor Tseng.
The title of this fic comes from a Megadeth song. But it's not a songfic and the two have nothing to do with each other.
Warnings: Minimal sexually suggestive themes.

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Office Talk
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Humor/Very Mild Romance
Summary: Reno is driving Elena out of her mind. So she seeks shelter in Tseng's office. But she's nervous. Especially after Tseng gives her a fancy pen.
Warnings: A little suggestive in the beginning. Nothing major.

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Wintry Interlude
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Drama
Summary: The party is staying at Icicle Inn and Cloud can't sleep due to a certain indecent. This prompts a talk with Yuffie about her memories of her deceased mother.
Warnings: MAJOR spoilers concerning the end of disc 1/section after The Temple of the Ancients.

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Gongaga Interlude
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Humor/Friendship
Summary: Reno and Rude are in the jungle after the events at Gongaga. They're talking about the effects of having Elena as part of their team while they wait for her to rejoin them. Not a sequel to Wintry Interlude.
Warnings: Takes place after Cloud visits Gongaga. But there are no major plot spoilers.

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Marriage Talk
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Humor/Friendship/"What If" Romance
Summary: Reno and Rude are eating pizza and talking about Rude's crush on Tifa. Reno imagines a humorous scenario where Rude and Tifa get married, have six kids and grow old and senile together. Not a sequel to Office Talk in case you were wondering.
Warnings: None.

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Can Tab
Series: Final Fantasy 7
Genre: Humor/Friendship
Summary: Reno and Rude are on duty, so they're drinking soda instead of alcohol while walking through an alley. Rude starts to twist the tab on his can. Reno thinks he's playing a schoolyard game and is hoping it will twist off on "T". The title was a working title but it ended up sticking. Now I'm stuck with it. Oh well.
Warnings: None.

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Questing In Valtessa
Series: Atelier Iris 3
Genre: Adventure/Mild Humor/Reminiscing
Summary: While I'm using OC's in this fic (based on me and my friend Joe who I wrote it for on a whim), the story comes from in game info about Crowley based on what townspeople say about him and writings from his diary. Two friends are on a run of the mill quest in Valtessa when one of them starts talking about a quest with a Raider a few weeks prior.
Warnings: It's got some spoilers.

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The Cape Incident
Series: Sailor Moon (classic anime Japan version)
Genre: Humor
Summary: Someone has accidentally ripped Kunzite's cape. It's totally NOT Zoisite. Now someone is going to have to pay the price. But NOT Zoisite. He's totally innocent here. Honest. I vaguely remember an ancient piece of fanart where Zoisite accidentally rips Kunzite's cape. That's where I got the idea from.
Warnings: Nothing really. Kunzite and Zoisite are a couple. But it's general enough for the main section.