Episode 9
Squall of the Century


Frederick! Hurry up with that camera!

Frederick: -_-;;

Ahem! Set it up yet?

Frederick: "I'm on it! Stop nagging!"

What was that? >>

Frederick: "Umm... I mean all set up, my lady!"

That's what I thought you said! ^^
Anyway, we are here in Dollet! Today's bishie is on a very special mission here to prove his worth and become a full fledged SeeD! And he has a scar! Scars are so sexy! ^_^

Frederick: "Then why are we here to bother him?"

'Cause it's our job! ^^

Frederick: "Should have guessed..." -_-

As nature show hosts we have a responsability to the public to bring them quality programming about the lives and habitats of bishies everywhere!" ^_^

Frederick: "What about the prime directive?"

Bah! That's only for Star Trek! This is science! ^_^

Frederick: "Yeah... The science of annoying people...." >>

No! The science of hunting and tagging bishies to prserve the knowledge for future generations! Let's go! I hear some commotion in the town square!

Frederick: "Which doesn't involve us... Not that it matters to her anyway...." -_-

*rushes to the square*

Quick! There he is!!!! <3

Frederick: "Stop yelling! They'll hear you!"


Frederick: -_-

"Did you hear something?"

Seifer: "Shut up, chicken wuss!"

Zell: "Don't call me chicken wuss!"

Squall: "..... Whatever."


Zell: "That's it! I definitely heard something!"

Seifer: "That's funny... All I can hear is the sound of a chicken wuss!"

Zell: "Don't call me chicken wuss!"

Quistis: "Did you hear anything, Squall"

Squall: "....."

Quistis: "I'll take that as a no..."

Ow! I have an earache!

Zell: "I DEFINITELY heard something that time! And before you say it, Seifer..."

Seifer: "Say what? Chicken wuss?"

Zell: "That's it...."

Ooh! A fight! wonder if it's over Squall?! *runs into the middle of the town square* Get it all on camera!

Frederick: "Oh for the love of Shiva..." -_-

Seifer: "What's going on here? Who are you? Don't tell me this is part of the test..."

Squall: ".... Whatever."

Ooh! I love the silent type! ^_^

Zell: "Hey, are you hurt or something?"

Seifer: "She probably caught chicken wussitis from you!"

Zell: "Dammit Seifer!" *fight commences*

Ooh! *points to Squall all excited* Look at our fine subject... All calm and cool and collected! Isn't he great! ^_^

Frederick: "Really? I think he's just a jerk..."

*smacks frederick upside the head*
Watch it! you'll provoke our subject!

Squall: *ignore ignore*

Isn't he the coolest?! ^_^
This species is known for it's stoic and reserved nature. A true introvert. Look at the calmness under pressure. Look at that sexy scar! <3

So Squall...

Squall: ".....?"

Frederick: "Oh yeah... I can see how chicks really did that...." -_-

*ignores and casually points the camera at the still fighting Zell and Seifer*
You are so cute! ^^
Quistis, do you think he's cute? ^^

Quistis: *blush*

*mumblemumble*Teehee! Let's do a bit better...*mumblemumble* Hey Zell! Do you think Squall is cute?

*suddenly Zell and Seifer stop fighting*

Seifer: "Oh you mean Chicken Wuss here? Oh he just loooooves Squall! You should read his diary!"

*Zell goes insane on Seifer*

Teehee! Isn't this fun! Oh no! I totally forgot! We are doing a nature show! I hunt and tag wild bishounen! And I've chosen you to be next! Isn't that great Squall?

Squall: "Whatever... Look... We are busy and-"

*clings to Squall* Look how calm he remains!

Squall: *pries Adrastia off*

Ow... My ear... I have an earache... Do you have any cure spells stored, Squall?

Quistis: "I have some..."

But I want em to be from Squall! ^_^

Squall: "But I don't have any-"

Well then ok... *gets healed by Quistis*


Well I came all this way with a bad earache and I wanted to be healed by you...

Squall: "What do you want me to do about it?"

Isn't he the coolest! <3

Frederick: "Oh dear lord...."

And we wouldn't want him to get lost now would we?

Squall: "....?"

That's why I brought this handy tag with me! *hops on Squall and tags his ear* Whee! Now I can track you anywhere!

Squall: "Ahh! That hurt!"

*Quistis starts casting cure*


Frederick: "That's it... We're outta here! Let's go my lady!"

Aww man... No way! :P

Frederick: "Yes way! *casts sleepel and drags her off apologizing to everyone*

*later that day at the infirmary at Balamb*

Squall: "What do you mean the tag WON'T come off! And my ear is still bleeding!"

So concludes episode nine