Sephiroth's Diary

So today I got the Black Materia from Cloud. It was just too easy. I wasn't even challenged. I can't say I'm not disappointed. But at least I got it over with before Days of Our Lives came on. I mean, I know I can just Tivo it. But it's just not the same.

I confronted Tseng in the Temple of the Ancients. I'm still mad at him for not adding me on Facebook. Things got a little out of control and I stabbed him and left him for dead. I really need to stop doing stuff like that. My therapist says I do this because I have abandonment issues. She says that since I grew up without a mother, deep down I've always felt abandoned by her. So I stab people and leave them for dead as a way of dealing with my problem. By abandoning their mortally wounded bodies I'm roleplaying as my mother leaving me feeling dead inside because she wasn't around.

I can see where my therapist is coming from. But ever since I found Mother I think I've been doing a lot better. It's taken a few years but the changes have really become noticeable. For instance, last week I only stabbed 12 people. I usually average at least 15.

I still feel kind of bad that me and Tseng could not be friends. But we don't even like the same bands. He even suggested that I dye my hair black after Labor Day. I thought that whole rule about not wearing white after Labor Day was out?

Speaking of hair, my shampoo didn't ring up at sale price. I didn't even notice until I got home and looked at the receipt. I'm thinking about going back and stabbing that dumb cashier right through the heart. But I know I have to stay centered. It was only a two gil loss. However, had it been buy one get one free...

But I digress. I need to get to work on that whole reunion thing at the Whirlwind Maze. But Dancing with the Stars is on tonight. Decisions, decisions. I could Tivo it but I've been waiting all week. Plus I planned to wash my hair tonight too. What the hell? I deserve a nice quiet evening to myself once in awhile. Mother will just have to understand.
