Random writing no.1 (tavern scene)


*Walking into the bar she orders the special and then takes her place, in the back, in the shadows. She thinks of her life and it's meaning, her past. Bittersweet memories, they always seem to come when you don't want to remember. When you want to forget. When your heart aches and your soul bleeds, that's when they come. That's when memories come back to haunt you, to crucify you with the pain and regret they bring until even the most comforting part of those memories is swallowed up by the pain. She tries not to let this happen, especially tonight. But as she chokes back the tears she can't help but let it happen. Release can feel good but it can also tear at your soul, ripping the fragile spirit and mangling the delicate heart. Letting go of her pain she wipes her eyes with a napkin and sets her empty glass on the table. She leaves the bar, and standing outside in the cold and empty night she looks to the starry sky and wonders what might have been, what could be. Maybe things will change.... maybe.*