Random writing no. 13 (Red XIII's When I Was Your Age Stories


Red: "When I was your age I had to walk 15 miles through a blizzard to kill sephiroth! We didn't have shoes back then! I ate turnips for breakfast, turnips for lunch and turnips for dinner! And did I complain that grandpa wouldn't buy me a Playstation 412? Hell no! I was lucky that the cardboard roof of my one room shack where I lived with 15 brothers and sisters didn't collapse in the rain!"

Red: "Then, back in 06 Ma found a shoe in the garbage and I had to share it with my big brother Red XII, and he had five legs on account of Pa drinking so much during the war. So I had to wait five days until it was my turn to wear the shoe! One day on each foot! and let me tell you sonny, you never heard me complain!"

Red: "When Ma had the triplets there was no room for me in the shack so I had to sleep outside in the rain and eat dirt! And I was damn grateful that I had that dirt to eat junior! Let me tell you! I didn't beg for no ice cream and cake! No popsicles shaped like Mickey Mouse! If I found a rock in my clump of dirt then that was dessert and I was damn grateful!"