Random Writing No.15 (Turnip patch on the bad side of town)


There once was a turnip patch. A lowly, lonely turnip patch on the bad side of town. This was my town. And I lived near that turnip patch. My name's Elaine and this is my story.

This town... It was nowheresville. A real dive. I was working the night shift at a diner near the train station. We got a lot of vagrants and lowlifes there but for the most part it was smooth sailing. Easy money pouring coffee and listening to sob stories about lost jobs and cheating wives.
Of course that was nothing compared to the blabbering and bellyaching that went on at the local bar. But that wasn't my gig anyway. I was a waitress.
Just a lowly waitress waiting for my ship to come in.
And then he had to come in here.
Of all the diners in all the trains stations in all the lousy little towns in the world he had to walk into mine.

And I said, "What are you doing here? After all these years you have the nerve to come back?"

And he said, "Look, baby. I was in town and I thought I'd drop by for a cup of joe. That's all!"

So I said, "Look, we're through ok? Through! You got that! Now get outta here before I sick the boss on you. He don't like anybody messin' with his girls, see!"

So he says to me, 'If that's the way you want it, fine! Who'd want a washed up broad like you anyhow!"

And as he stormed out of the diner he dropped something. I picked it up.
I couldn't believe my eyes! It was the famous Jade Turnip! A priceless treasure smuggled here from the orient during the cival war. And it was mine! All mine!

I didn't need this lousy joint! I could sell this here Jade Turnip for a mint! I'd be living the high life up on park avenue. Diamonds, furs, limousines! I'd have it all!

But then I realise who am I kidding? All that fancy stuff ain't for me! I'm no one from nowhere and that's just where I belong.

I threw the Jade Turnip in the garbage. Let somebody else find it. The high life wasn't for me. I was fine just the way I was. Scratchin' out a living near a turnip patch on the bad side of town.
