Random Writing No.9 (Washu's Mako Cappuccino Machine)


Look! Washu gave me a mako cappuccino machine! Let's try it out!

*pours in the plutonium and nitrogen fuel*

*plugs it into the atomic generator*

*pours in the cappuccino ingredients*

*hands everyone safety goggles and lead aprons*

*mimicks washu's trademark nasal laugh for sheer effect*

Everybody ready?

*flips the switch*

*sparks begin to fly as the mako cappuccino machine rattles and catches on fire*

AHHHHHH!!!! Take cover!!!


*looks up from her hiding place*

Umm.... We are going to need a new counter.... And new stools... And new tables..... and a new western wall.....

*a piece of plaster falls on her head*

Oh.... and a new roof too...