Video Game Odds & Ends
I know it was my fault from the start. And I had to wait forever to get the curse off because I was eyebrows deep inside a dungeon that I didn't feel like backtracking through.
Then, later on...
Oh hell no! I'm not falling for that. The shopkeeper is just trying to unload his cursed junk onto people by advertising its good attack power. But Midi was cursed once and she shall not be cursed again. Needless to say I didn't fall for it. :P
What's the use of putting cursed items in the shop anyway? I guess it would make more sense if the item description didn't say it was cursed. Then you could unsuspectingly buy it and maybe have a laugh. But outright telling players it's cursed? You're better off buying a slightly weaker weapon and waiting until better, not cursed stuff becomes available. I dunno. Maybe it helps to pad out the shop list or something.