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The Gash Online

First Entry- October 1st, 2003. There ain't no place I can run, there ain't no place I can hide...

I hate my internet. It is so god damn slow all of the time. Curses to my internet service provider (who I will not name in case of lawsuit).

Any how, this is the first post to my wonderful new online journal, "The Gash Online." Here I will post, hopefully on a regular basis, everything that is Gash related. Gash being me.

So what's new? I'm listening to my new Nine Inch Nails CD, "And All That Could Have Been." It rocks. I have tons of NIN stuff already but I don't have this, Halo 17, live CD. What a good purchase to go along with another great purchase of mine, the huge Trent Reznor poster that looks over me as I type. Wow. He's a beautiful man.

Oh yes...I love you Trent...

And here's another...

Trent looks much better with long hair. For the past little while he has been sporting a shorter 'do and I just don't like it as much. Judge for yourself-

See??? Long hair=much butter on Trent Reznor! Although, he still I can't lie. I love him long hair or short!

Any see what music I really love (besides and including Nine Inch Nails) go to this link-

The Gash Online Top 20

Any how. What has happened to me recently? Well...the other night I was taking the bus home a a skunk...(you fill in the missing words!) this crazy old man started talking some weird sign language to everyone on the bus, including me. And when you wouldn't pay attention, he'd start clapping his hands at you or poking you really hard. Man...I was flipping out, hardcore. I am surprised I made it home,...I was so trashed. That crazy old guy didn't help much.

That's it for today.

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October 30th, 2003.

Yeah so I said I would try to post on a regular basis, but no deal it seems.

Oh well...

So what's up with me? Life has been pretty crazy lately. Remind me to never ever ever drink and smoke up before any class taught by Veysi Kondu. Yikes is all I have to say. Luckily I have a nice housemate who got her boyfriend to drive me home afterwards....or else I might have had another run in with the crazy old man from the previous post.

So it's Hallow-freakin-ween tomorrow! I'm supposed to be going to this party...I don't know if it's still on. Meh. I am playing some football with good'ol Tom, Matt "Radio" Spencer, Matt Stella, Alex, and some other people...I'm the QB...Man, my skills are amazing. Hahhahaahaha yeah right.

Sooooo I have like fifty million term papers to do in the next month. I've already handed in one, but it was by far the easiest.....they are just going to get harder as I go along. Frick.

Here's a funny quote:

Lisa: Dad! You can't just leave us by ourselves, we need a babysitter! Homer: Lisa, haven't you seen Home Alone? If some burglars come it'll be a hilarious situation...

What did I tell you? It's hilarious. Gotta love Homer Simpson.

Are there any movies that I want to see that are coming to theatres soon? Hell yeahs. Lets see...there's Matrix Revolutions which comes out NEXT WEEK...Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, of course...Party Monster with Macauly Frickin Culkin, Love Actually with the man I would love to make out with, Alan Rickman. Watch Sense and Sensibility, you'll fall in love with him too...Ooo and Dogma, and Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, and every other movie he has done which I have ALL seen. *UPDATE* Saw Love Actually, it was super good. :D

Any how...I'm spent.


November 2nd, 2003

Picture of the day....

Yeah...You better believe that's Legolas...and that picture is a still from the upcoming Return of the King. You know what sucks?? I can't go and see it on opening night because I HAVE AN EXAM...bastards.

So what's new with me? Well I went to this PC Party of Canada caucus reception last night at the Chateau Laurier. It was cool. Loads of good people there.

I have another PC Party function to attend this week...Thursday a bunch of my Tory pals and I are taking a bus to Toronto for a Leader's Dinner. It will also be good times...

So how was my Halloween? Pretty uneventful. I was supposed to meet someone for lunch, but there was some miscommunication there. Bah, oh well. Men suck. Sooo...after that I went to my friend Daddy's (it's his nickname) and drank some beers and smoked some j-doobers...and of course, my usual cigarettes were enjoyed.

The weirdest stuff has been happening to me downtown Ottawa lately. On Thursday, on my way to a friend's, TWICE I was approached by a guy who wanted my phone number for a friend. Of course I said no,...I have principles. God. On Halloween, I'm walking down Bank Street, and all I hear is "TASSHHHHHAAAAAA" really loud coming from a passing bus. Who the hell was that? Oh...and to top it ALL off...Last night I was walking to the bus stop on Slater street after midnight and this van pulls up beside me...The guy rolls down his window, and proceeds to ask me where I was going..."Home," says I. He then motions to the back of the van and tells me to get in. Yeah freakin' right. It was so creepy. Luckily he didn't pursue me further after I told him to get lost.


I'm listening to a lot of music I used to listen to in like...grade 7. Remember Rusty? Probably not...But they rocked! I suggest downloading two songs: Empty Cell, and Misogyny (which was used in a porno! cool!). "My skin crawls, I'll kill him...I'd do it again if I thought that I could spend the rest of my life with her....of my life with her." Awesome.

I'm also listening to a lot of Sloan, another fave of mine from grade 7....and Tool...but I listen to them all the time any way.

I used my credit card to buy myself a hot new outfit on the weekend...But did I get any? Noooo...

I'm also supposed to be writing an essay on the Book of Revelation right now. It's due on Tuesday and worth 50% of my mark. How far am I? Second paragraph. BOO YEAH.

Perhaps I should go...but I will leave you with another picture....

Wheels RULES!

Ta ta for now, folks.


November 10th, 2003.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my friend IPMoore. I don't have much to write...but I am adding another part to my page- the Lyrics section. Ooo fun. Click Here To Investigate


November 16th, 2003.

Some people write in their online journals every day. Ha. Not me! Hmm...

So...What's new? Not a lot. Sorry I didn't post so much the last time. I'll try to do better.

So I have a lot of work to do. By work, I mean essays. I have three due next week- one Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Fuckitall. I HAVE started one of them, and another isn't too hard at all. But fuck...the one for my LEAST favourite class is going to have to be sooo long. I hate it, and I hate that class

Speaking of classes and stuff I hate...I have decided that I hate political science. What's that you say? But don't you want to be a politician, Gash? Yes....but I learn more about REAL politics by being active in my party, not by learning about how "politics" are a science and all that similar bullshit. So what am I going to do? Maybe a double concentration in history and poli-sci, or perhaps communications, seeing as I want to be a journalist. Who knows!

This weekend has been alright so far. Friday I went to the mall with my housemate and friend Katie. She bought a Stitch stuffed animal from the Disney Store. All I got was a crummy book (The Prince by Machiavelli). Thennn....I went to Nick, Kristen, and Sarah's...and we went out for a drink later that night. Saturday....I did some school work...and then that evening I went to my friends Daddy and Bossko's place....which had the usual high flying results. Ahem.

Today I did school work...and watched The Wizard of Oz with my other housemate, Jen.

I'm not looking forward to this week...or the next for that matter. Honestly...I have nothing to look forward to until December. Welcome to my own, personal hell.

That's it...I need sleep.

By the way, men are confusing....and...more often times than not, they suck.


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PS I love Trent.