The Gash Online- Good Music
Yeah...I know, another picture of Trent. But I couldn't resist! I swear! I think I may have a problem...besides my internet problem...any how.
So here is a list of 20 songs that I absolutely love and could probably sing all the lyrics to until you ran away because my singing is so bad. Nahh..not really. My singing isn't that bad.
PS. They're in no real particular order.
Gash's Top TWENTY Favourite Songs
- Disarm- The Smashing Pumpkins
- Perfect Drug- Nine Inch Nails
- One- U2
- Hurt- Nine Inch Nails
- 3 Libras- A Perfect Circle
- That Song- Big Wreck
- Terrible Lie- Nine Inch Nails
- Bullet With Butterfly Wings- The Smashing Pumpkins
- Infected- Bad Religion
- Bodies- The Smashing Pumpkins
- What's This?- Danny Elfman, from The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Crucify- Tori Amos
- Something On- The Tragically Hip
- Always- Bon Jovi
- Stone Temple Pilots- Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart
- Tomorrow- Silverchair
- We're In This Together Now- Nine Inch Nails
- Sour Girl- Stone Temple Pilots
- Caught A Light Sneeze- Tori Amos
- Moon River- Frank Sinatra's version
Go home.