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  • SLL is open to translations of texts into English if they are accompanied by appropriate critical commentary emphasizing the relevance of liminality to the work.
  • SLL may print critical editions of primary texts deemed relevant to the debate on liminality.
  • SLL is also designed as a venue for the results of an ongoing research project on ‘Threshold and Text’.
  • Selections of lectures presented at the biennial Seminar on Liminality and Text (UAM) will also be appearing in this series.
  • Contributions to SLL will be considered from within Spain and abroad in accordance with the above guidelines.
  • Submissions will be accepted on the basis of a rigorous selection procedure by independent readers. An international advisory committee is being set up for that purpose.
  • Because a wealth of journals already exists inside and outside Spain catering to scholarly work in article format, SLL is offered rather as a forum for longer studies: monographs, books, thematic collections of articles.
  • All submissions should be sent to our editorial address


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Last Update: 25 October, 2004