This is update may make no sense, but here it goes
anyway. The only way to get through life is to take all the things that
happen, and deal with them in their respective ways. Sometimes, there is
no easy way to deal with something, and it must be put on the shelf to
be dealt with in time. That 'shelf' is the back of the mind, and whatever's
on the shelf will remain there and in the mind. As time progresses, life
will throw many things at you, and some of those things can be used as
tools to clear off that proverbial shelf. And a lot of times, the people
around you can be used as tools, too. But first you have to take a look
at what life's throwing at you and what people are doing. And when you
look at life and at people's actions, you can see psychological reasons
for those actions, and realize the true message given by the actions. Actions
may speak louder than words, but ultimately, the psychological motivation
for those actions speaks louder than the actions themselves. (How's that
for a Mr. Wensing sentence?) Nonetheless, the psychological motivation
is the real tool that can be used to help sort out life and cope with all
that you are dealt.
Image of the Day
That's the tail and blast emitted from the Minuteman III rocket. So
while it's a weapon of war, I think I'll relate it to today's messge. The
motivation for an action is what shoots off the rocket. The blast is simply
the action itself. Without the initial ignition, there is no blast; and
without the motivation, there is no action. But also, if there is no blast,
then the ignition wasn't even noticed... just like without the action,
the motivation is useless. |
Life Definition Quote(s) of the Day -
A Chinese Proverb,
"Life is a search for the truth; and there is
no truth."
"Life is a partial, continuous, progressive,
multiform and conditionally interactive self-realization of the potentialities
of atomic electron states."
"Life is what you make of it... kinda like Play-Doh."
"90% of life is just showing up!"
"Life is either a daring adventure... or nothing."