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 Archive -- Week 17: 10/20/02 - 10/26/02
Song of the week: "All My Life'" by the Foo Fighters
The poll was down this week.
October 20, 2002 - 7 days...
Sheesh! Right smack dab in the middle of my 8 straight days of working was Sweetest Day! It was great, I thought about Betsy all day... oh wait, I do that EVERY DAY! But we had a fun night, I went there for an hour and saw her really cute senior pictures, and then she, Paul, and I went to see a movie. We had a great time... I'd talk more but I have to get ready to go to work for the fourth day in a row... But yeah, I have lots to ramble about, so I'll probably talk about some of it in tomorrow's update.
Image of the Day 
(click for bigger)

With this War with Iraq brewing, I thought about this picture from explodingdog.com that I downloaded in October 2001. I think it's kind of appropriate for now since we're basically sacrificing the basic American ideals for this stupid act of agression. 

I hate Bush.

Movie(s) of the Day
Well, last night I saw "The Ring" with Paul and Betsy... and it actually scared me. Typically scary movies don't scare me... but I was coving my face up during this one. It was very well put together (in a creepy way), although some parts were predictable. My rating is as follows: Entertainment 9/10... Direction/Filming 8/10...Story 7/10...Character Development 6/10...Unpredictibility 7/10... Overall 7.5/10

And today, I woke up early and watched "Magnolia"... It was a very cool movie, with a bunch of seperate stories that were all intertwined, some on very subtle ways. But there were a lot of parallelisms in it, and I really liked how it was set up... A very "Ross" kind of movie. Entertainment 9/10...Direction/Filming 10/10... Story 10/10... Character Development 9/10...Unpredictibility 10/10... Overall 9.9/10

October 22, 2002 - happy birthday to me
Well, it's been a pretty good birthday for me overall. I don't really value birthdays that much. Like I've told a few people today, my birthday is no different than any other day except that people are exceptionally nice to me. Today, I was greeted by my english class with a "happy birthday", I got a sucker in Mrs. Withers' class, my lunch table sang "Happy Birthday" to me, and for the fourth year in a row, I have succeeded in avoiding the band playing "Happy Birthday" to me... Then I went to work, which was pretty boring. I think tomorrow or Thursday I'll put up the pros and cons of working at the library and working somewhere good like Grass Is Greener. I really want to get a job there, but aspirations tend to fall through with me and that place.
Image of the Day 

Since I put up a picture when it's anyone else's birthday, I figure I might as well do the same for myself. Man, I am a STUD.

Birthday Card of the Day

"Okay, so you just turned 18, and the world is this vibrant place full of possibilities, and amazing stuff to experience, and things you maybe couldn't do before but you can now and you intend to immediately, if not sooner, and no one gets to tell you, "No, you can't can't do that," because this is your life, and your destiny is calling."
October 24, 2002 - teachers, shirtless men, and secrets
Has this become a tri-weekly updated website or something?!? Sheesh, I need to start getting back on track here. Yesterday I talked to Miss Amato, Mrs. Withers, and Mr. Kelly about where I should go to college. Miss Amato and Mrs. Withers said that I should go somewhere more "prestigious" than Bowling Green... They said I'm not living up to my potential if I go there. Mr. Kelly however, told me that it doesn't matter where I go for undergraduate work, it's really gonna make a difference where I go for graduate school. I also told him I had an interest in Quantum Physics... he told me it's interesting, but there's no money in it. So I might as well major in Mathematics and Computer Science, and minor in Physics. And as for going to Case, it'd be cool to live will Larrold and the gang, but it's still so urban and so close... but then again, I change my mind every 3 days anyway, so we'll see. That's all for now.
Image of the Day 

A little more from my birthday, this is the card Steve and Larry gave to me, as you can tell.

Quote of the Day - Louis Pasteur

"Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal.  My strength lies solely in my tenacity."
October 25, 2002 - revolución de langostas
In light of Derik's guestbook message, I've come to the realization that the only thing keeping me from going to Case was that I wouldn't be "getting out of here"... But then I thought about why I wanted to go to Bowling Green, and I realized a big reason was because people I know from around here will be going there. Basically, I make no sense. I think my best bet is to look at both schools at the campus and just figure out if I want to go like 25 minutes or 2 hours and 25 minutes out of the way, and whether I want to go somewhere rural or urban, and most of all, what I'm gonna want to be majoring in so I can figure out which one has a better program for me. Nonetheless, my top two are now BGSU and Case... we shall see where I decide to go.
Image of the Day 

This is Pierre J. Thompson, the leader of the lobster and crab revolution... 
join the cause at http://www.lobsterandcrabrevolution.com.

Lie of the Day

A recent study has shown that 9 out of 10 accordion players are
struck by lightning before their 30th birthday.