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 Archive -- Week 18: 10/27/02 - 11/2/02
Song of the week: "Wise Up'" by the Aimee Mann
Most site visitors have just one crush. (6 votes)
October 28, 2002 - is that the case?
Well, today was a pretty good day for me. I did really bad on an english test, and I made my Physics project. Ah well, maybe I'll re-focus on academics sometime soon. Aside from that,  I haven't updated a lot the past couple weeks. I feel very busy. As far as college goes, I did a complete 180 and my number one school is now Case. 

Will it change again? Find out next week on.... therosser.com!
Image of the Day 

I've been getting a lot of my pics from the cellar lately, but this one I couldn't pass up. Check out "Alabama" -- AKA Mississippi. I mean, I know there are dumb people in this country, but this is ridiculous.

Song Lyric of the Day - "Closing Time" by Semisonic

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.
October 30, 2002 - a breath of fresh hair
Man, I suck at this updating thing. I feel like whenever I finish one thing, there's ALWAYS something else I have to do. And usually what gets neglected is my school work. Not that it really matters to me, anyway. But still, I feel like I'm being pushed around by the giant bike of life and it won't be long until I fall back and get caught in the spokes... Ooh, good analogy, eh? Not really. Anyways, the indoor band concert's tonight, yippee. I'm glad to get marching band all over with. It's one less thing I have to worry about doing! And tomorrow's Halloween, which is always fun. I'm going to Fright Fest at Six Flags, which is SURE to be packed. Unless of course, EVERYONE thinks it's packed so they all don't go, and no one is there... in which case everyone probably would have thought that since it was gonna be so packed, no one else would be coming, so no one would be there, and then everyone would be there anyway. Either way, it's gonna be packed.
Image of the Day 

I did a Google search for "Cousin It", and this is one of the returned images. Personally, I think it's more like the love child of Cousin It and a wookiee (should "wookiee" be capitalized?)... I mean, it's hair isn't straight enough to be pure Cousin It.

Advice of the Day - Euclid High School Parent Newsletter

At some point, all teens get their feelings hurt. It could be a breakup or even a put-down from a classmate. You can't solve your teen's problems, but you can help him/her work through them. How?

  • Acknowledge her pain. Example: "I can tell things are tough for you right now." 
  • Encourage your high schooler to talk about his feelings. If he doesn't want to talk to you, suggest he speak to someone else he trusts. 
  • Reach out more often while she sorts things out. ("Want to catch a movie?" "How's softball practice going?") 
  • Brainstorm solutions with him when he's ready to talk. ("What if you told your friend how you feel?") 
October 31, 2002 - All Hallow's Eve
DAH!! What a day yesterday. I was so off-center. I couldn't think straight, I couldn't write, my head kept hurting, I stuttered, my peripheral vision faded in and out, and everyone thought I was high. Everything is just getting to me lately. Like, I don't care about school, yet I feel that I should do my homework because I don't want to let my teachers down. I don't want to let anyone down. That's why I usually just say "Sure, I can do it!" when anyone asks me to do something, and then everything gets conflicted and I let EVERYONE down. Hell, lately, my only SANE moments are those with Betsy. Around her I just feel comfortable I guess. Blah, I don't feel good. I have a million things to do for tomorrow... and a million more to do for monday. Anyways, Happy Halloween!
Image of the Day 

Exactly two years ago, Joe, Trevor, and I went out on the town in search for free candy, as I spent the whole night pondering the question, "Where am I?"

Halloween Joke of the Day

Q: Why do witches fly on brooms? 
A: Because vacuum cleaner cords aren't long enough.
Song of the Week: Aimee Mann - Wise Up
November 1, 2002 - rabbit rabbit
Man, I am having issues. I've been like flipping out the past two days, so I decided to take a step back and evaluate the situation, and I came to the following conclusion. I think it's not that I'm too stressed, I think it's more like I have a lack of balance... I have so much stuff in the "things to do" pile, and so little stuff in the "things i have time to do" pile... and that leaves me no time for the "things i want to do" pile. I mean, granted, I do spend time doing things I want to do, but it's hard to even enjoy those times when all that's on my mind are the things I could be doing that I HAVE to do and don't want to do. Ah well, that's all for now, I have things to do.
Image of the Day 

Not a great IOTD, but it's the shirt I got for my birthday from my sister and wore yesterday as my Halloween costume. (From explodingdog.com)

Quote of the Day - Andy Warhol

"They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself."
November 2, 2002 - going wacko
I can't take this anymore. I'm sick of feeling like I'm letting down EVERYONE. I can't keep the house clean enough for my parents sake, I can't keep my grades up enough to make my teachers happy, I spend too much time with Betsy according to my friends, I "am going to need to put my job first sometimes" says my boss, and I take it all out on the girl I love most. I feel like I'm doing everything WRONG all at one time, and my head has hurt uncontrollably. People keep telling me to "relax" but how am I supposed to relax when I have a million things do to and am just feeling the brunt of losing a connection I never knew I had in the first place. And I'm sure no one knows what I'm talking about, because I haven't really talked about it because I haven't had time. I just am feeling like I want to cave in. And I don't know how much longer I can take it. And like all situations, something's got to give, and I'm afraid that it's gonna be me. Why does everyone expect me to be so smart all the time? I just want to live a normal life where I don't stutter and twitch whenever I try to focus. I don't know what's wrong with me, but my head hurts. I feel like my brain is gonna explode. And I want people to be able to count on me, that's what I'm here for. But I feel like no one can count on me these days, and I just ramble on and on at this pointless website for no reason when I could be actually trying to do something about it. My head hurts so much right now and I can't think. I feel like a disappointment and a burden. And god, I don't even think I should post this because people are gonna read it and probably try to "cheer me up"... well, I don't want to be cheered up, I just want all of this crap to go away. Dah. I must sound crazy.
Image of the Day 

The IOTD is the logo I have at the top today. I collected my sanity and basically, it symbolizes me, and how i'm losing it and being pulled under, and soon "therosser" won't even be visably any more because it won't be long until i lose control of my own life. What a depressing update today. Granted, I'm not depressed... I thought I was stressed. But I don't even know what I am anymore. Maybe I just had some bad meat or something. (That was a joke.)

Excerpt of the Day - Kirk Israel's "Mortality For Skeptics"

"So figure out what makes you happy, and do it; be content in the fact that you can do things to make you happy, and don't worry that time is wasting or that you don't have forever to waste time in; you have your own lifespan, and that's all anyone will ever have or has ever had."