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 Archive -- Week 20: 11/10/02 - 11/16/02
Song of the Week: Quantum Leap Soundtrack - Scott Bakula - Imagine (John Lennon cover)
Five people have made two or three online quizzes.
November 11, 2002 - My site. My thoughts.
Well, for those of you who are avid site viewers, I apologize for my lack of updates. And I think you all deserve an explanation. For a while, I've been feeling like this websites purpose is being changed. I wanted it to be an outlet for my true feelings, a way to express my thoughts in a concrete form. But I feel like I have to censor some stuff based on people's input, and I end up talking about things I don't want to talk about.  I have plenty to talk about, and I talk about it when I'm in the mood to and when it's at the top of my head. But to denounce the content is to denounce my thoughts. So therefore, I will continue daily updates from here on... and if you don't like the subjects I discuss, simply don't read it. I'm not putting up things to appease people anymore. So if I want to put the definition of lobster up, I will! In fact, I'll do just that!!!
 n. 1. Any of several edible marine crustaceans of the family Homaridae, especially of the genus Homarus, having stalked eyes, long antennae, and five pairs of legs, the first pair of which is modified into large pincers. 
So there! Sorry, that's just my somewhat lightheartedness going into action. Speaking of going into action, I applied at Case the other day, and I registered to take the SAT II in Chemistry, Math IIC, and Writing in order to apply to Harvard. Where will life take me?? We shall see... we shall see.
Image of the Day 

Wow, it's only been a bit more than a month since homecoming... Time is going by so slowly! Things were really great with me and Betsy for a while, and then they got shaky, but now they seem to be picking up again. Still, our schedules conflict and we don't see each other as much as we used to, but I certainly don't love her any less because of that. She drives me absolutely crazy!!!

Speaking of love and lobsters, here's the

Poem of the Day - lobsters (Posted on the loveblender June 29, 2002)

would we still be in love
if we were lobsters?
would we gaze in each others eyes
and know that we'll always have each other?
would i think about you when you were away?
would you think about me?
would we still love each other?
something tells me we would.
but we probably wouldn't hug as much
(with the claws and all). 

Man, I made the title of the song of the week seem really long.

November 12, 2002 - back on track
Man, I'm tired today... I work for the next three nights from 6-9. She's been scheduling me for just 6-9 for the past 2 weeks. My boss is just probably just trying to sabotage my social life! Anyways, things are looking up in school and in my relationship. Stress is going away, I feel like I'm really doing well in my English class for once, and I'm comfortable in my writing and interpretation skill. The other subjects are going okay as well, but physics is almost beginning to lose me. I'll figure it out soon enough. Speaking of figuring things out, I figured out my AP score/college credit info for Case. I have 8 credit hours from chemistry already. If I get 4s on my AP English, US History, Calculus, and Physics, I'll get 3, 3, 4, and 4 hours of credit respectively. A 3 on my Spanish will grant me 3 hours and an unlikely 4 will grant me 6. Hopefully, I'll end up with 25 credit hours from AP credit... I'm not exactly sure what exactly that all means, but it's good.

Ooh! And take my new quiz. (Created 11-11-02)
Image of the Day 

No explanation needed.

Quote of the Day - Lois McMaster Bujold

"I am who I choose to be. I always have been what I chose…though not always what I pleased."
November 13, 2002 - vanilla sky, dustfilled sky
I watched "Vanilla Sky" last night... man, what a cool movie. I'm really starting to like this weird unpredictable plot twist movies. I think it just goes along with the fact that I think anything is possible and I believe that the imaginary idealistic world is more true than the rational real one. Sounds like I'm talking about numbers now... "imaginary".."rational".."real". Well, speaking of somewhat nerdy stuff, the physics classes are going to the science center today. I used to love science centers as a kid. When my family would go on vacations, I'd always want to stop at a science place. I guess my favorite museum was the Cleveland Natural History Museum. I just like the dinosaurs, I guess. More tomorrow.
Image of the Day 

Here's a shot from an Australian dust storm... That's a huge bitch!.

Mini-Dedication of the Day

Paul's going into surgery today for a chest condition he has... 
I wish him the best and hope for a quick recovery!!
November 14, 2002 - take control
Uncertainty. That's what my life is based on right now. Am I living how I'm really want to be? What am I gonna make of my life? Am I doing the right thing? What does the future hold? 

Now to answer my own quandry. Someone once said "Have no fears of what the future holds, for God holds the future." Going along with my beliefs, I'd probably say "Have no fears of what the future holds, for you hold the future." The world is at your command. I mean, if you're truly not happy with something, you can change it. The quote I use most is this one from Quantum Leap... "You will only do this as long as you want to…What's the catch? The catch is that you have to accept that you control your own destiny." And maybe I should take my advice for once. I'll only live like I am as long as I truly want to. I DO control my own destiny. And right now, I think I'm actually happy with most parts of my life. I'm still feeling overwhelmed, and it's hard for me to talk about it, and I don't know why. For the first time in my life, I can't put something into words.
Image of the Day 

Going along with my feelings as of late, here's my latest piece of art from the Computer Sign-Up desk at work. What's really gonna get you is the meaning behind it. I'll put it in the rambles sometime.

Quiz of the Day - Emode's Inkblot Test
If you take it, let me know what you get in the guestbook, via AIM, or by e-mail!
I took this test, and my results are as follows:

Ross, your unconscious mind is driven most by: Curiosity 
This means you are full of questions about life, people, and the potential of your future. You spend more time than others envisioning the possibilities of your life - things that others are too afraid to consider.

Your curiosity burns with an almost physical need to know and do more. It's only through new experiences that you feel a greater understanding of yourself or the world - which ultimately is the greatest way for you to feel satisfied.

It is possible that the underlying reason for your drive towards curiosity is a deeply rooted fear of boredom. That means that you are probably more susceptible than others to feel like you're falling into a rut when life slows down into a comfortable routine.

You need to make sure you have stimulation in your life - that makes you feel like you're innovating or being exposed to the ideas and experiences that truly inspire you.

With such a strong orientation towards curiosity, you're also prone to a rebellious quality that shows up when you feel you are just going through the motions, and are unable to really influence the world around you. But interestingly enough, your drive towards novel experiences also indicates an openness others don't
have, but wish they did. 

Unconsciously, your curiosity presses you to learn more, experience more, and get the most out of life.

November 15, 2002 - the secret of the ooze
Man, the WEIRDEST thing happened yesterday. I was semi-joking yesterday when Steve-o came over after school, but I wrote a letter addressed to "time traveler" and put it in an envelope and sealed it, just to see if anyone from the future would come back. I wrote that I wanted them to contact me at 3:20 (it was 3:15 at the time). Five minutes later, no time travelers appeared, but Steve-O noticed something completely bizarre. The lake was purple. We went down to explore, and we discovered that the purple fluid that was causing the lake to turn purple was coming out of a sewer a ways down the beach. I just think it's interesting that it happened just as I was expecting the visitor. A sign from the future, maybe? Nah, probably not.

Anyways, back to real life. Things feel good today. My relationship feels good, I'm in a very "I love Betsy" kinda mood. My friendships feel good, because I'm kinda talking to my friends a bit more than I did a month ago. My job has become bearable. School is...well, 3 out of 4 ain't bad. 

5 days til my one year anniversary...
Image of the Day 

The purple river flowing out of the sewer reminded me of that river of ooze underneath the ground in Ghostbusters II...

Poll of the Day

Should Larry re-dye his hair?
Yes, the same color (Starry Night, which is a midnight blue)
Yes, but a different color
Yes, but do something with it this time (IE: gel it or something)
November 16, 2002 - on the other side
Not much news today... Tonight's the Chinese raffle for band, how fun. As far as my life goes, the biggest news as of late is that I may start working at grass is greener sometime soon. I mean, it's only natural that the day I say that I can tolerate my job ("My job has become bearable."), Matt Carpenter calls and offers me a new job that actually is something more than manual labor. So that's pretty sweet. I've decided to not be retarded anymore and be completely anti-Harry Potter. From what I hear, it's not the kiddie thing that I thought it was. So I'm bout to rent the first one and then go see the second one. Anyways, that's all for now.

Image of the Day 

Unfortunately, my campaining to keep Danquan and Adam in AP Physics failed. Look on the bright side, I did get the chance to put hair onto Mr. Torelli's picture.

Lyric of the Day - "I Want You" by Third Eye Blind

An open invitation to the dance, 
Happenstance set the vibe that we are in, 
No apology because my urge is genuine, 
And the mystery of your rhythm is so feminine. 
Here I am and I want to take a hit of your scent,
'cause it bit so deep into my soul, 
                 I want you.