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 Archive -- Week 26: 12/22/02 - 12/28/02
Song of the week: Simple Plan - I Won't Be There
Gandalf, Gimli, and Legolas are all equally sweet, with 3 votes to each of them.
December 22, 2002 - da bomb
So many thoughts are running through my head, it's ridiculous. I saw Two Towers last night after pep band... and it goes without saying that it was a glorious film. I had such a good time just hanging out with my friends and stuff; for the first time in a while, I felt like I was actually funny, because I wasn't trying to be. I saw Brittany from my driving class, too; she works at the movie theater. But hell, I felt like such an ass, because here I was a dick to her, and yet she comes over and gets me and Steve-O free popcorn. What a dumb story. But still, I was in a rather good mood yesterday, and I was being quite personable. I like talking to lots of people, I don't really know why. But when I got home, I just was listening to music, and I got the weirdest feeling. I wish I knew how to explain it. So I guess I won't try to... Anyways, tonight I'm going to Christmas Spectacular with Betsy, so that should be pretty fun. And tomorrow is the Euclid Pops Quartet performance at Richmond Mall. I hope that goes well. I'm not in a very excited mood right now. Probably because it's 3 AM and I'm tired. More tomorrow...

There is finally a new poll!
Image of the Day

Retardedness of the Day - via twotowersprotest.org

"We believe that Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema's actions are in fact hate speech. The movie is intentionally being named The Two Towers in order to capitalize on the tragedy of September 11. Clearly, you cannot deny the fact that this falls under hate speech. We believe that if they will not willingly change the name, the government should step in to stop the movie's production or to force a name change."
Some people didn't know there is an archive on my site... so I've added a link at the bottom of the main page, as you can see below.
December 23, 2002 - jesus christ
As I said yesterday, much has been on my mind lately. The biggest thing that's going on right now is that the Euclid Pops Quartet performs today at Richmond Mall. COME CHECK US OUT!!!!! It's times like this when I wish I had a digital camera, because then I could take pictures of things that are going on and put them on my site the next day. Nonetheless, since I don't have the camera, everyone who reads my site habitually with have to come see me. Speaking of which, I think I may have lost some avid fans of therosser.com during the times I stopped my frequent updates (and by "avid fans", I mean people who get bored online and have nothing better to do than come here). 
Image of the Day

Who could be without there very own Jesus action figure, especially during this time of Christmas? The text on the front of the box reads "with poseable arms & gliding action!" Could it get any better??? I especially like how the action figure has a slight halo in this picture.

Link of the Day - 1001 Things To Do With Liquid Nitrogen
If you look toward the bottom of the page, you'll see a few things submitted by none other than Steve Rohl himself. Von always did know the best things to do with Liquid Nitrogen.

December 24, 2002 - la nochebuena
Well, big news in the life of Ross. Not good news, but big news. After quite some time being with Betsy, we've decided to call it quits. I think she's an awesome girl... but we are quite different when it comes to lots of things, and like I've said, opposites attract, but that doesn't mean they're right for each other. I did have many great times with her, and they are times I'll never forget... but maybe, just maybe, things will be better this way. I feel like her heart is aiming at someone else, and if that's where it's taking her, then so be it. The worst thing a person can do is not follow their heart, you know? And letting go is a hard thing for me to do. I mean, no one wants to admit that the life he's been living or the path he's been on is the wrong one. And I don't think I'll ever totally get her out of my heart, no matter what comes in the rest of my years. But this time, it doesn't feel like one of those "break up and get back together" kinds of things. Whatever it is,  I'll miss what we had... But I'm sure that we'll still talk and stuff. I guess all I can do is hope everything turns out okay for both of us in the end.

One day until Christmas.
Image of the Day

"Goodbye Moon" by Robert Stephens.

Poem of the Day - "In Emptiness" by  TJ Holland via the loveblender

I will say nothing and in that emptiness all will be revealed. Such a secret, that it would be
kept by unwilling lips. To speak amid the noise of my mind...all words rushing to escape. Held
back by the darkest eyes. I'll not pretend a glance or smile would send the warmest weather, so
I will pray for rain or snow, but a tempest would be better. 
December 25, 2002 - Merry Brandybuck Christmas
My Christmas Eve went well... I got some good presents and gave some good presents, but Christmas isn't really about presents. I went to mass last night, and I was listening to the one priest's sermon about Christmas and friends and stuff. And Christmas really is about friends. It's a time of joy and happiness, and personally, I have a much better time hanging out with my friends than being alone with a material item of mine. I feel like I've been neglecting my friends for the past five months, and that's quite "shady" if you ask me. Hell, it's shady even if you don't ask me. I feel like I've lost touch with some of the things I used to hold most dear... kinda like I've been slowly and surely forging my own character. Nonetheless, back to Christmas talk. I think the memory that comes to mind most when I think about Christmas is from back when I was a child. Until I was about nine or ten, whenever I would get a present, I would act like that item was the most glorious item in the world when I opened it. I have on film a Christmas morning, where I open up a gift and say "Just what I always needed!!!!!!!.......what is it?" I've always been a rather enthusiastic person, even about things that may just seem interesting when I don't really know what they are. And I'm not really sure where I'm going with all of this, but MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! And hell, how's this for awesome, like twenty minutes before midnight last night, it starts snowing like crazy, just in time to ensure a White Christmas... you just gotta love snow at a time like this. That's all for now; if you want to hear more, Yule just have to check back tomorrow.
Image of the Day

What would be more appropriate for a Christmas IOTD than a drawing of Santa's Sleigh being pulled by ferrets? (This image was originally created in 1994 by Eric Shefferman to promote the launch of the upcoming Modern Ferret Magazine.)

Christmas Joke of the Day

Q: What's the most popular wine at Christmas?
A: "Do I have to eat my Brussel sprouts?"
December 26, 2002 - twas the night after christmas
Well, Christmas is over... our furnace stopped working at 1:30 AM, but luckily, a friend of my parents came over at 8 and figured out the problem. Then my family came over at 3 and stayed until 10. But I spent most of the time watching movies... Three very good fantasy movies actually: The Fellowship of the Ring, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, and Legally Blonde. Not much else went on, actually. But speaking of three's... tomorrow will mark a reunion for the Battlefield Rumpelstiltskin crew...Yes, it's true, therosser, Randy, and 3 all in the same place at the same time! How glorious is that! That's all for now. Stay tuned for more news right here on therosser.com.
Image of the Day

This is a shot of my grandpa from several years ago... My aunt had me scan this yesterday, and since I hadn't put one up previously, I thought I'd do so now.

Guestbook Quote of the Day - "Just Me"

"But I guess people aren't who we think they are."
December 27, 2002 - and i didn't even know it
My night with Steve-o and Larrold was pretty good last night... I talked once again about my interpersonal realizations and stuff. In the past couple days, I have figured out so many things. And for once in my life, I actually feel like I know myself, if that makes any sense. I have just been feeling so positive as of late, and I'm ready for the start of the New Year, because it will be a whole new beginning of sorts for me. I think Betsy and I did the right thing by cutting our romantic ties, and I am grateful for all the times we spent together. Because of her, I have learned so much about myself... and I feel as though life will be better for the both of us after all of this. We'll still be friends without a doubt. But friends it is, and friends it will stay.

Speaking of friends, Happy Birthday Renee!

(wow, that kinda rhymed)
Image of the Day

And a light shined down from the sky, and a great booming voice yelled, "Hey, can you guys turn that radio down, I'm trying to sleep."

(Actually, this is just a picture of the sky in Indiana... via Matthew's Realm.)

Quote of the Day - Saul P. Orsos

"No one should ever run away from anything in life. But walking away...
Walking away is a completely different story."
December 28, 2002 - i don't know what to call this
Well, I just got back from my driving test... I passed maneuverability fine, but I failed the road test. To start off, the lady goes "just pull out right," and I went left, since I can't think of directions that quickly. But anyways, I failed because I went through this one intersection, and three seconds later, some guys went over and put up a stop sign there. Those city workers can be tricky, you know. But no big deal, I'm scheduled to re-take it next Saturday, and the way I see it, it's better that I go past a stop sign now and don't pass the test than if I did pass the test and I go through a stop sign when I'm actually driving. Just like school, I don't think the point of learning something should be to pass the test; I think the point should be to learn it and know it. So I actually feel like I learned something by making a mistake, and therefore it was worthwhile. But just you wait... a week from now, I'll be tearing up the roads, and there ain't no one that's gonna stop me!!! (except maybe the Highway Patrol Driving Test guy.) 
Image of the Day

Amen to that!

Quote of the Day - Philip Adams

It seems to me that people have vast potential. Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks. Yet most people don't. They sit in front of the television and treat life as if it goes on forever.